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Chapter 22 Cruel Orochimaru, Besieges Sand Shinobi

Orochimaru thought so heavily in his heart, and planned not to enter Kikyo Castle first, but to divide his troops to attack and kill a wave of Sand Shinobi.

At this moment, the Konoha Shinobi in Kikyo Castle used their ninjutsu to throw kunai shuriken to intercept the offensive steps of Sand Shinobi as much as possible.

"Fire Style, Great Fireball Technique! Fire Style, Flame Bomb!"

"Shuriken Storm!"

However, the Sand Shinobi below were not panicked. Eighteen Sand Shinobi holding iron fans stood up together.

"Three Stars, Kamaitachi Technique!"

These iron fans blew out eighteen storms to form a more violent storm.

Looking carefully, these storms seemed like countless Vacuum Swords, which immediately blew away the ninjutsu and ninja tool offensives of the Kikyo Castle garrison ninjas.

This storm also blew many garrison ninjas and made them fall down.

Such a scene made the Sand Shinobi laugh.

"It's only a matter of time before the useless Konoha Shinobi is killed."

"Sand Shinobi will win!"

"After entering Kikyo Castle, I seem to see countless resources beckoning."

Many Sand Shinobi thought of the resources of the River Country, which restored the blood of Sand Shinobi Village. Presumably, the more fertile resources of the Fire Country can make Sand Shinobi Village rich immediately.

The Sand Shinobi present immediately became murderous when they thought of this.

The Konoha garrison ninja of Kikyo Castle was disappointed, but he gritted his teeth and said:

"Damn, the ninjutsu was blown out."

"Never allow the Sand Shinobi to break Kikyo Castle!"

"For the Fire Country, for Konoha, I will shed my last drop of blood!"

"In this battle, we will fight to the death!"

At this moment, Orochimaru looked at the fighting Sand Shinobi and Konoha garrison ninjas calmly and coldly. If he took action immediately, he could indeed repel the Sand Shinobi soldiers.

But Orochimaru just didn't give the order, and watched the struggle and death of the Kikyo Castle garrison ninja.

He just ordered the Konoha Shinobi to stay where they were, drink water and eat Bingliang pills to replenish their physical strength.

"Does Orochimaru want to wipe out the Sand Shinobi who attacked Kikyo Castle in one fell swoop?"

"But in this case, the Kikyo Castle garrison ninjas will become bait."

Uchiha Huanghuo immediately deduced Orochimaru's plan.

He lamented Orochimaru's ruthlessness and would do anything to win.

However, it is understandable that Orochimaru, as the commander of the ninjas, did his best to eliminate the enemy ninjas.

In addition, the Konoha Shinobi had to face the siege of a group of ninja villages, and at this moment, they tried their best to reduce the combat power of the Sand Shinobi for the stability of the Land of Fire.

Uchiha Huanghuo didn't eat Bingliang pills, but only drank some water.

Bingliang pills can be used in emergencies, but they are mainly used to restore physical strength and Chakra.

Of course, this is for ordinary ninjas. Uchiha Arakawa still has plenty of chakra and stamina.

The exquisite chakra control and the fully concentrated breathing mode of the fire breath make Arakawa's chakra and stamina consumption very little.

"It's just that in the future, it's inevitable that I will encounter things that consume too much chakra and stamina. It seems that I have to study more efficient and side-effect-free Bingliang pills."

Bingliang pills are a field that Arakawa has completely forgotten. Now I remember it in my heart and try it when I return to the village.

About 10 minutes later, about 800 to 900 Sand Shinobi broke through the gate of Kikyo Castle, and a small number of Sand Shinobi had already entered the city.

"Now, kill all the Sand Shinobi bastards!"

Orochimaru immediately made a seal and slammed the ground.

"Summoning Technique!"

The next second, there was a bang, and a large cloud of smoke spread.

The huge figure of Wanshe appeared.

"There are so many ninjas, Orochimaru. We have to give 500 sacrifices this time!"

"No problem, you can eat as many Sand Shinobi as you want!"

Orochimaru stood at the head of the Ten Thousand Snakes and gave them directions. The Ten Thousand Snakes twisted their bodies and rushed into the Sand Shinobi without paying attention. They swallowed six or seven Sand Shinobi in one gulp and swung their tails to kill many more.

A thousand ninjas threw kunai and shuriken wrapped with detonating tags and other ninja tools, releasing various ninjutsu and rushing to kill the Sand Shinobi.

On the other side, Akamichi Choza transformed into a giant with Expansion Jutsu, and besieged Nara Shikaku and Yamanaka Haiyi, as well as a thousand Konoha Shinobi.

They wanted to keep all the Sand Shinobi before Kikyo Castle.

At this time, various ninjutsu were fired at the same time, kunai and shuriken were flying, and the sound of explosions was endless.

Boom! Boom, boom!

Uchiha Huanghuo also released a huge Great Fireball Technique with a diameter of 10 meters, and drew his samurai sword to kill Sand Shinobi.

"Oh no, Konoha Shinobi reinforcements are coming!"

"Where are they? Where are the Konoha Shinobi? On the left?"

"They are all on the left and right. It's over. We are surrounded!"

"Sand Shinobi compatriots in front, stop attacking the city. Come back and kill the Konoha Shinobi!"

"Why do we hear people calling us from behind? Forget it, don't pay attention. This Kikyo Castle is about to be taken. Kill all the remaining Konoha Shinobi in the city. Sand Shinobi will win this battle!"

So at this moment, the Sand Shinobi soldiers were in chaos.

The Sand Shinobi in the front only knew to attack Kikyo Castle, and the Sand Shinobi in the back were surrounded and killed by Konoha Shinobi from two directions.

Anko of the eighth team ninja used snake-type ninjutsu to kill people indiscriminately, with shadow snake hands, shadow multi-snake hands, and countless big snakes biting Sand Shinobi to death one by one.

"Gentle Fist Eight Trigrams Thirty-Two Palms!"

Such a powerful Gentle Fist, with palm shadows all over the sky, instantly killed a Sand Shinobi Chūnin.

"Want to sneak attack me under the gaze of the Byakugan? So naive!"

Hyuga Touko thought coldly and arrogantly, it seems that these Sand Shinobi don't know all sneak attacks, and they can't hide in front of the power of the Byakugan, and all efforts are useless.

"Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven!"

Chakra leaked out smoothly, forming a spherical defense, bang bang bang, and bounced away the three Sand Shinobi who wanted to sneak attack.

"Fire Breathing, Full Concentration, Fire Instant Body, Round Dance!"

Take a deep breath, suddenly flash to the side of a Sand Shinobi, and a high-temperature flame knife cut off the neck of this Sand Shinobi.

"Flying Wheel Yangyan, Sun Turning, Huanri Hong, Uchiha Style Sword Leaping Flame, Uchiha Style Kuangfeng Sword!"

At this moment, Uchiha Huanghuo was at full power, and one sword killed a small Sand Shinobi.

At such a real combat moment, the swordsmanship became more and more exquisite.

Soon, under the amazing killing efficiency of Uchiha Huanghuo, more than 30 Sand Shinobi had died under the sword.

This naturally attracted the attention of Sand Shinobi Jōnin.

"Looking at his age, is he another Konoha genius? I like to kill geniuses!"

This is a puppet ninja. When the puppet ninja's fingers moved slightly, six puppets rushed from different directions.

Uchiha Huanghuo calmly looked around at the six puppets that came to kill.

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