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Chapter 5 Fire Style Chakra Mode Mastery

As a child of the ninja clan, there is no need to complete the entrance examination, but in order to maintain superficial fairness, they complete this examination together with civilian children.

The content of the examination is also very easy, just a physical test, and selection is based on running results.

There is no doubt that Uchiha Huanghuo completed the physical test and deliberately obtained the ninth place.

"Such a result is neither dazzling nor ignored."

The first place is Hatake Kakashi, who Huanghuo is very familiar with.

I don’t know what happened at the moment of the examination, Obito’s fate began to turn, and he met the love of his life, Nohara Lin.

In the Hokage office, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen took a few puffs of his pipe.

"Are there two Uchiha people coming to the ninja school this time?"

"Uchiha Huanghuo and Uchiha Obito, I hope the will of fire can lead these two Uchiha to the right path."

What disappointed Sarutobi Hiruzen a little was that the most talented Uchiha of this class, Uchiha Tiehuo, did not come to the ninja school.

"I am indeed greedy. I heard that Uchiha Arakagi is also very good. Even the worst Uchiha Obito is much better than the civilian ninjas."

The day after completing the assessment, Arakagi came to the ninja school again in his original form.

Thinking that the Third Hokage will definitely come to preach the will of fire when he officially enters the school, it is better to be a little cautious.

After listening to the long-winded will of fire, Uchiha Arakagi frowned and thought:

"What's going on? Why does this Third Hokage always look at me? Is he so concerned about me because of the identity of Uchiha?"

"It seems that I need to be more cautious in the future."

After the Third Hokage finished his speech, Arakagi followed everyone to the elite class.

"Most of the people in this class are people I know well."

When Arakagi observed the people in the class, he sighed in his heart.

Hatake Kakashi, Might Guy, Sarutobi Asuma, Shiranui Genma, Kato Shizune, Nohara Rin, etc.

Except for a few civilian children, all of them are from the Konoha Shinobi clan.

After the self-introduction, the first lesson of the Ninja School was literacy.

Huang Huo was a little surprised, but thought it was normal.

"The Ninja can learn knowledge including Ninjutsu in advance, but the common people can't learn in advance."

"So literacy is to take care of the common students."

However, this is very boring for the Ninja students.

Looking around, most of the class was already drowsy, and the teacher was already accustomed to this, and only focused on those common students.

Huang Huo was not idle either, and he reviewed the future study and exercise plan in his heart.

After school, Obito, who was traveling with Huang Huo, complained:

"I didn't expect that the first day of school would be literacy, which is too boring."

Huang Huo thought to himself: "Don't look at Obito so arrogant now, when those common students learn to read and refine Chakra in the future, Obito will never be able to get rid of the name of the last one."

Then Obito didn't know what he thought of, and he smiled foolishly.

On the second day of formal enrollment, Uchiha Huang Huo went to the Ninja School as Shadow Clone.

Of course, Shadow Clone was not only there to be bored, but also to learn knowledge.

As for Huang Huo's real body, of course he was training at home.

"Heat-Heat Fruit, 1000 degrees Celsius!"

I saw Huang Huo holding the samurai sword in his right hand, the temperature rose, and the temperature of the samurai sword blade rose to 1000 degrees Celsius.

The terrifying high temperature burned everything around.

The blade cut through the air and the ground, with a sharp explosion sound and a terrifying tail flame, as if cutting tofu, it easily cut through the earth.

Formed a terrifying high-temperature fire knife.

Such a temperature, and Huang Huo's strength, is enough to cut off most ninjas.

However, after only 10 seconds, Huang Huo's physical strength was exhausted, and the temperature of his right hand and the blade slowly calmed down.

"1000 degrees Celsius, this is the maximum temperature I can use now."

"Just 10 seconds, this is too short to maintain."

After recovering his physical strength, Huang Huo continued to try various temperatures, heating himself or heating external objects.

After training for a month, he can release various temperatures accurately and quickly.

Shadow Clone in the Ninja School learned the ninjutsu knowledge left by his parents, understood it and memorized it, and waited until he needed it when practicing related ninjutsu in the future.

After initially mastering the power of the Heat-Hot Fruit, Uchiha Arahashi planned to develop this power in depth.

Referring to Raikage's Lightning Style Chakra Mode, Arahashi easily practiced the Fire Chakra Mode.

Compared with the Lightning Chakra, the Fire Chakra is more difficult to control, and the temperature of the flame hurts others and oneself.

In addition, the Fire Chakra does not have the same cell-stimulating use as the Lightning Chakra, so the Fire Chakra Mode is difficult.

Of course, this is only for ordinary ninjas.

The power of the Heat-Hot Fruit can make Uchiha Arahashi not afraid of heat and can ignore the temperature damage of the flame, so he only needs to control the flame.

After completing the Fire Chakra Nature Transformation, he can easily master the flame.

"Heat-Hot Fruit, 300 degrees Celsius, Fire Style Chakra Mode!"

At this moment, Arahashi's body was red, and endless flames suddenly spread all over his body, as if the whole person was burning.

Looking carefully, I found that the skin, hair and clothes were all intact.

It was like wearing a coat of flames.

"A flame of 300 degrees Celsius already has a great burning power. The temperature of ordinary Fire Style is more than 300 degrees Celsius."

"Such a high temperature increases the blood flow rate, increases the strength and speed, and can be compared with the Body Flicker Technique."

Refer to Luffy's second gear power in the Pirate World. Although the principle is slightly different, the power enhancement that can be formed is very similar.

"This mode can be maintained for three minutes. The longer it is heated, the shorter the time it can be maintained."

Huanghuo tried the speed and power of Fire Style Chakra Mode and found that every punch and kick showed terrifying power.

Only the afterimage of the flame was vaguely seen between the actions.

It is easy to kill the small fish like Genin and Chūnin with one punch, even Jōnin has the strength to fight.

Killing the enemy with swordsmanship is more terrifying, but the consumption is also faster.

"This Fire Style Chakra Mode is really terrifying, but the only limitation is the lack of physical strength."

"Then we need to find a way to strengthen our body."

Although Uchiha Huanghuo developed Fire Style Chakra Mode easily, this is also the bonus of the power of the Heat-Heat Fruit.

If ordinary Fire Style ninjas want to learn this technique, how to control the temperature of the flame is a problem, and how to avoid the high temperature of the flame is another problem.

After practicing Fire Style Chakra Mode for eight days, he perfected the corresponding details of this technique.

He also developed many moves of Fire Style Chakra Mode.

How to strengthen the body, Uchiha Huanghuo has thought of a way in his heart.

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