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Chapter 50 Wildfire's Dual Blade Style, Defeat Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee

"Such a fast speed, such a high temperature, the Konoha Blazing Sword is worthy of its reputation!"

"But Uncle Killer Bee is the only Seven Swordsman in the Ninja World, don't underestimate me!"

Only the sharp sound of swords was heard, but it was Killer Bee's Short Sword and Huang Huo's samurai sword slashing against each other.

Killer Bee suddenly turned around, and the Short Swords at each joint of his body rotated, and the sharp sword light swept Huang Huo's body.

Uchiha Huang Huo immediately opened the Sharingan, and with the insight of the Three Tomoe Sharingan, he easily saw the traces of these Short Swords.

He moved and dodged lightly, and found the weak point of defense in a few breaths.

"Fire Breathing, full concentration, Phantom Sun Rainbow, Train!"

"Well, is this an afterimage? Where is the enemy? Turn for me, don't be too presumptuous if you want to kill me!"

Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee killed Huang Huo's afterimage in one second. Even if he didn't know from which direction Huang Huo would attack, he only needed to defend in all directions.

The blade was spinning at high speed, and with a clang, it successfully intercepted the katana of the wildfire again.

"Wow, the Fiery Sword is pretty good, it actually made me bleed and get hurt, but that's it."

"Take it, Lightning Style!"

At this moment, Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee burst out with all his strength, and the seven knives at the joints of his body flashed with lightning, rotating along his body in an unpredictable manner, and the endless lightning blades slashed at Uchiha Wildfire.

"Sharingan can indeed see the swordsmanship of this Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee, but this hedgehog-like blade is difficult to use."

"We must first break Killer Bee's sword momentum. If one knife is not enough, then another one!"

Uchiha Wildfire's Sharingan observed the katana next to Cloud Shinobi's body, and his left index finger ejected a chakra line to grab the katana.

Now he has two knives in his hand, which is a double-sword style!

You should know that the way Uchiha Wildfire trains Chakra control every day is not just to exercise Chakra control.

Fire dragon in the left hand, phoenix in the right hand, two different chakra forms, two minds at the same time, is to fight with both hands!

This is the predecessor of the double sword style. At this moment, Uchiha Huanghuo held a katana in each hand.

"Fire Breathing, full concentration, Fire God Kagura, Hiten Miken Style!"

The left-hand katana used the Fire God Kagura, and the right-hand katana used the Hiten Miken Style.

Countless sword lights swept Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee.

"Double sword style? You actually hide a hand? But I have seven sword styles, five more swords than you."

"Just look at the number of weapons, the advantage in this battle is mine!"

Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee's moves are more dangerous, as if he saw the dawn of victory.

I thought: I can kill Konoha Liehuojian in this battle, and my merit book has added another record.

However, Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee didn't feel happy for long, and was knocked away by Uchiha Huanghuo's double sword style three Short Swords in a row.

"Good opportunity! 1000 degrees Celsius, the Demonic Wind Kick!"

Uchiha saw that Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee's chest had lost its defense, and decisively kicked it with a powerful high-temperature kick.

Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee's chest was deformed, and his whole face immediately became hideous, and his sunglasses were thrown away.

With such a terrifying force, Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee had no way to resist, and flew backwards with the force of the kick.

There was a loud explosion, but it was Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee that hit a stone a hundred meters away.

The hard big stone immediately broke into countless small stones.

Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee spat out a large mouthful of blood on the spot.

"Damn it, it was clearly a swordsmanship competition, why did you suddenly use kicking?"


Cloud Shinobi, who was fighting against Namikaze Minato, immediately panicked and shouted when he saw his brother was seriously injured.

The sharp Namikaze Minato seized the opportunity, and the Flying Thunder God Technique flashed to the side of Cloud Shinobi, and an instant Rasengan hit his head.

If this Rasengan hit the head, then Cloud Shinobi would not survive.

You have to know that Cloud Shinobi is not the Fourth Raikage in the future, and the Lightning Style physical training has not reached the future level.

But Cloud Shinobi is a guy known for physical training after all, and his left arm successfully intercepted the limit moment.

But Cloud Shinobi's left arm was broken on the spot. If it weren't for the defense of Cloud Shinobi's Lightning Style armor, the whole left arm might be gone.

Even at this moment, Cloud Shinobi Ai's fighting power has been greatly reduced.

Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee was seriously injured, and Uchiha Huanghuo was about to make further efforts. The samurai sword picked up in his left hand suddenly reversed and swung it towards Killer Bee who was still struggling.

The high-temperature flame sword rotated, and the flame blade turned into a flame windmill, and was about to hit Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee. Good brother Cloud Shinobi Ai was extremely anxious, but was entangled by Namikaze Minato and couldn't get away.

At this moment, the Third Raikage appeared in an instant, and slapped the samurai sword away with a slap, saving Cloud Shinobi Killer Bee.

Following closely behind was Eight Tails Jinchūriki Bulubi.

"Cloud Shinobi reinforcements? Third Raikage and Eight Tails Jinchūriki, this is a little troublesome."

Uchiha Huanghuo thought so, and there was a rustling sound around him.

He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw Jiraiya and Orochimaru entering. "Ai, stop fighting and come back quickly, Cloud Shinobi retreat!"

The Third Raikage gave the order to retreat, and Cloud Shinobi Ai successfully jumped away.

Namikaze Minato did not continue to chase him.

With this, the Cloud Shinobi soldiers retreated smoothly back to Sifang City. "What is Cloud Shinobi doing? He retreated after fighting for less than an hour after leaving Sifang City?" "Is he here to show off his strength? Or is he here to test the quality of Konoha Shinobi?"

Not only Uchiha Huanghuo did not understand Cloud Shinobi's actions, many Konoha Shinobi also did not understand.

Is Cloud Shinobi hiding something else? The battle was over, and Cloud Shinobi retreated in a whimper.

Commander Jiraiya and deputy commander Orochimaru took a group of Jōnin to the tent meeting room to discuss something.

Anko and Hyuga Fuyuko exchanged their understanding of breathing methods.

Seeing this, Uchiha Huanghuo also gave a lot of good suggestions, which made the two teammates suddenly realize that they all felt that the full concentration breathing mode was almost mastered.

We also saw Namikaze Minato's seventh team ninja, Uchiha Obito happily telling his achievements and showing off the power of Fire Style Ninjutsu under Fire Breathing.

As a member of the Uchiha clan, Obito also learned Fire Breathing, but his talent was not that good. After more than two years, he could only barely use this secret technique in actual combat.

Hatake Kakashi saw the power of Fire Breathing and wanted to develop Thunder Breathing.

The predecessor of the Hatake clan was a famous samurai family in the ninja world, and was particularly familiar with the samurai breathing method.

With Hatake Kakashi's Penultimate talent, he was able to reach the edge of Thunder Breathing without anyone teaching him the knowledge.

But as a ninja, he was limited by his knowledge and could not break through this critical point.

So he came to ask Uchiha Arakashi, the developer of Fire Breathing, for advice.

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