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Chapter 14 Thoroughly Comprehend All Twelve Weights Of Dali Niu Demon Fist!

In the federal registration hall, hundreds of people gathered around the electronic screen, staring at the leaderboard.

"Gu Tianyi and Gu Zishu are really strong, occupying the first and second place respectively!"

Someone stared at the leaderboard and exclaimed.

"It's nothing surprising, it depends on who else can make it into the top ten besides the two of them!"

"Of course those one-star late-stage powerhouses!"

"Yes, there must be more than a dozen one-star late-stage powerhouses competing for the top ten rankings."

A group of people were discussing.

Dad Jiang stood in the crowd, looked at the scoreboard, and exclaimed:

"Xiao Yuan, Gu Tianyi and Gu Zishu are really amazing!

One point is 7 points, one point is 6 points!

Both of these two wiped out a team, right? "

Jiang Yuan's face was serious, and he admired the two of them very much. He nodded and said, "Yes, they all wiped out a team!"

Jiang Yuan said, clenched his fists, "Dad, don't worry! I will definitely become an existence of their level in the future.

At that time, you are still standing here to see how your son will destroy a small team! "

Hearing this, Dad Jiang grinned and said, "Of course I believe my son can do it! Dad can wait for this day!"

When the two were talking, the crowd let out an exclamation!

I saw that on the points leaderboard, a person's ranking suddenly jumped up like a rocket.

Straight into the top ten list!

Ranked third!

"My God~!"

"Who is this Jiang Ping?"

"How did he jump up to the third place all of a sudden?"

"I'll go~! 5 points! A fierce man! This is annihilation of a small team!"

The crowd seemed to explode!

They all discussed.

Father Jiang's eyes widened, pointing at the scoreboard, and said to Jiang Yuan:

"Son, it's unbelievable that this person with the same name as your elder brother has risen to the third place! Amazing!"

Jiang Yuan frowned. For some reason, after seeing this man named Jiang Ping ranked third, he always had an uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

Jiang Yuan said indifferently: "He just has better luck!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man beside him sneered, "Hehe, can this be called good luck? What nonsense are you talking about? They've killed the team!"

"Yes! This young man is too jealous! He actually said that the team destroyer is lucky!"

"Is it so difficult to admit that others are good?"

A group of people around chattered and pointed their finger at Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan's face turned red, and he was speechless for a while.

In the secret realm of trials.

Jiang Ping had no idea how much impact he had caused after he wiped out an entire one-week mid-term team!

After killing five people,

Jiang Ping just sat down cross-legged and didn't go anywhere!

Now Jiang Ping has 5 points, passing the first round is a sure thing!

There is no need to risk life and death anymore!

Just wait for the second round to start.

"If you have the time to run around the world, why not save some time and learn about the 'Strong Bull Demon Fist'!"

Jiang Ping closed his eyes and began to comprehend the ninth level of Dali Niu Moquan!

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Next, no one came to harass Jiang Ping.

as time flows,

The first round is finally over!

After one round, nearly half of the people were eliminated!

It can be seen how fierce the first round of fighting was!

After the first round, the map of the entire Trial Secret Realm shrunk.

From the original twenty kilometers, it suddenly shrunk to ten kilometers.

Although there are not many people left, it is extremely easy to meet on such a small map.

And the rules of the second round,

It is a free fight, and the final ranking is based on points!

More than ten minutes later.

Jiang Ping opened his eyes, and his eyes burst out with light, as if a bull demon was reflected in it!


Jiang Ping punched through the air!

With this punch, the void boiled, and then the endlessly boiling air flow actually condensed into a huge bull demon!

The bull demon is fifteen meters tall and wears heavy armor. Although it is transparent and condensed by air currents, it is as real as it is.

After the bull demon condensed, he slashed horizontally with the huge ax in his hand, and a hill in front of him exploded instantly!

As the hill exploded, the bull demon also dissipated.

"Huh! Happy!"

"The twelve weights of the Great Bull Demon Fist, I have understood all of them!"

Jiang Ping is in a good mood!

Although the Dali Niu Moquan becomes more difficult to understand as it progresses,

But with the blessing of hundreds of millions of times the gift of comprehension, these are obviously not problems.

"At this moment, I can exert 20 times the power!"

Jiang Ping shook his fist.

There are 20 times the powerful blessing!

Even the two 'one-star perfect level' powerhouses I've seen before, I'm afraid they are no match for me!

As for the 'one-star late stage' powerhouses, they are no longer in Jiang Ping's eyes.

Even if the dozen or so one-star late-stage powerhouses go together, I'm afraid it's not enough to kill him with one hand.

In the mountains and forests.

Wang Zhong and Xu Liang are proceeding cautiously.

These four people passed the first round of assessment smoothly, and none of them failed.

Xu Lang proceeded cautiously, while proudly said: "How is it? If I hadn't insisted on leaving that Jiang Ping behind,

Can the four of you and I pass the first round of assessment so easily? "

Wang Zhong was tall and burly, he laughed and said: "Haha, not bad!"

The other two also beamed with joy.

After passing the first round and entering the second round, even if you don't get a good contract this time, you will still get a million bonus!

No loss!

"Stop, there are people ahead!"

Wang Zhong walked in the forefront, suddenly looked solemn, and waved his hand to stop the crowd.

The four of them looked out together, and saw a figure sitting cross-legged in the forest.

"Jiang Ping?!"

After seeing this figure, all four of them were shocked, with incredible expressions on their faces!

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