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Chapter 16 Martial Daoist Monster!

Three one-week mid-term powerhouses stepped forward, fighting each other, not paying attention to Jiang Ping at all.

In the eyes of the three, killing Jiang Ping was just a matter of convenience, the important thing is who can take the first shot.

And the next moment, the three of them were bleeding for it!

This time, Jiang Ping has never turned into a titan, and with three palms, with 20 times the power blessing, a terrifying explosion occurred in the void in front of him in an instant!

Before the three of them had time to react, their bodies exploded!

Then it was wrapped by a mysterious force, and it was sent out of the trial secret realm!

Jiang Ping bombarded and killed the three of them, then closed his hands with a blank expression, and still sat cross-legged on the ground, never moving a bit from the beginning to the end!

This sudden scene also plunged the surrounding air into a deathly silence!

In the jungle.

Wang Zhong and Xu Liang were dumbfounded!

Unbelievable to watch this scene!

That Jiang Ping, whom they regarded as a rookie, made the void in front of him explode with only three palms!

Then he killed three one-week mid-term powerhouses!

Like slaughtering chickens and monkeys, easily detonate the three of them!

So much so that none of the three of them realized what happened, and disappeared into the secret realm of the trial.

"what happened?"

Xu Liang's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he saw.

Wang Zhong's breath became short of breath, and he was also a little dazed!

"You! How is it possible!"

Di Dong was shocked and looked at Jiang Ping sitting cross-legged on the grass in disbelief.

Yi Feng narrowed his gaze severely, the scene just now also shocked him!

Just now there was a big explosion in the void, even he, a one-star late-stage powerhouse, couldn't make such a blow!

But he was dealt such a shocking blow by a one-star early-stage body refiner!

Directly blasted and killed three one-star mid-term powerhouses!

"Damn it! This person is a freak!"

Di Dong suddenly came to his senses, if he still regards Jiang Ping as a novice at this moment, then he is too stupid!

And at this moment,

After Jiang Ping killed the three of them, he got up from the ground and fixed his eyes on the two of them.

"Not good! Rewind! This is an evildoer who specializes in martial arts!"

Di Dong backed up violently and guessed Jiang Ping's identity.

In the world of body refiners, there is a very special group of people.

This kind of people put the realm aside first,

But obsessed with martial arts!

Determined to cultivate a martial arts technique to the realm of supernatural powers!

Although this kind of person's realm is not high, their combat power is ridiculously high!

Even if you encounter a strong person who is higher than three small realms, you can kill with one hand!

This kind of people have a deep understanding of martial arts, and it's okay if they don't break through. Once they break through, they can reach an invincible state in a big realm!

Because they have a deep foundation!

They are all dragons and phoenixes! Also known as pervert!

But such people are extremely demanding!

One must be the kind of person with a savvy to embark on this path.

Doesn't work for everyone!

But I didn't expect to meet such a person here!

It's an early stage of one star, but its combat power is frighteningly high!

Yi Feng was shocked, "What did you say? He is a martial artist?"

Di Dongdao: "Do I need to say that? Can't you see it yourself?"

The two retreated violently, and when they looked at Jiang Ping, they were all terrified!

Don't look at the two of them as one-star late-stage powerhouses, but they will be bombarded and killed when they encounter such a martial arts monster!

There will be no chance of escape!

As Di Dong backed away, the corner of his mouth was bitter, "What's going on with this group trial?

The appearance of Gu Tianyi and Gu Zishu is outrageous enough!

Why is there another monster like this?

This group trial is simply hell-level! unfair! "

While retreating violently, Yi Feng said in embarrassment: "How would I know? Run away!"

Di Dong nodded, "Fighting against this kind of person is better than fighting against Gu Tianyi and Gu Zishu!

There is still a slight chance to fight these two people, but there is no chance to fight this monster! "

However, the two still underestimated Jiang Ping's speed.

The force technique of Dali Niu Moquan can also be used on the legs.

The speed can reach 10 times the normal speed!

Jiang Ping's figure almost turned into a flash of lightning, he caught up with the two of them in the blink of an eye, raised his palm and slashed at one of them!

Yi Feng changed color, "Why did you choose me?"

Yi Feng was paralyzed, Jiang Ping actually chose to attack him first, this luck is enough!

"Want to kill me? It's not that easy!"

Yi Feng's face was ferocious, he was a one-star late-stage powerhouse after all, with the strength in his body mobilized, he was about to receive Jiang Ping's hand knife.

But the next moment, blood rained from the sky!

After all, Yi Feng couldn't stop Jiang Ping's incomparably violent power, and his body immediately burst into pieces!

Before the collapse, his body was wrapped by a mysterious force, and he was directly sent out of the trial secret realm, and was eliminated.

Jiang Ping killed a one-star late stage powerhouse with lightning speed, and fixed his eyes on Di Dong who stayed behind.

Di Dong smiled wryly, and immediately stopped the fleeing figure.

He knew that he had no chance of escaping from this kind of martial arts monster.

Might as well die a quicker death!

Di Dong stood still, sighed, and closed his eyes straight away!

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't see Jiang Ping kill him, so he couldn't help but opened his eyes to look at Jiang Ping.

I saw Jiang Ping looking at him with a half-smile.

Di Dong was puzzled, and said, "Why don't you kill me?"

Jiang Ping said calmly: "It will be useful to keep you!"

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