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Chapter 79: One Palm Across The Sky! Jiang Ping Likes To Cram!

Dongming Valley Mountain Road.

A military Humvee was also robbed.

Before being trampled into a discus by the red-eyed flame horned beast, several bodyguards in the car turned into ten-meter-long titans and rolled out of the car.

One of the two-star guest officials turned into a 30-meter titan, trying to stop the red-eyed flame horned beast for a while.

It's a pity that facing this three-star monster, this two-star Keqing instantly turned into blood mist.

Inside the black luxury off-road vehicle.

As the captain of the bodyguard, Lu Sheng didn't have a trace of blood on his face at the moment, and he drove away by himself.

But the information fed back from the mirror made him despair.

The red-eyed flame horned beast is too fast!

"Master, it seems that we can only abandon the car and run away! Otherwise, none of them will be able to leave." Lu Sheng said.

When Gao Keke heard this, his little face immediately turned pale with fright, "Abandon the car? No, I'm afraid! I can't run!"

Wu Ziyang ignored her and nodded decisively, "Okay, then abandon the car! Run away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slammed open the car door, and jumped out with high cocoa.

After getting out of the car,

Wu Ziyang didn't care about distinguishing the direction, as long as he stayed away from the red-eyed flame horned beast, he chose a direction at random and started to flee.

After Lu Sheng abandoned the car, he directed the others to distract the red-eyed flame horned beast and ensure Wu Ziyang's safety as much as possible.

However, the 477 red-eyed flame horned beast is a three-star monster, how could it be so easy to escape from it?

There were many two-star powerhouses among the bodyguards, but under the obstruction, they also died tragically one after another.

After just a few breaths!

The red-eyed flame horned beast has already caught up with Wu Ziyang, and is less than a hundred meters away from him!

"It's over! My life is over!"

Wu Ziyang simply closed his eyes and accepted his fate!

In the face of this three-star monster, there is no hope of escaping.

"Naughty animal!"

At this time, a cold hum that was neither salty nor weak came from Lai.

Then there was a deafening roar!

A mountain burst!

An amazing battle took place!

Wu Ziyang closed his eyes, feeling a little strange that the red-eyed flame horned beast didn't kill him, as if there was a conflict with someone else.

He immediately opened his eyes and looked!

After seeing this, his eyes widened in an instant!

In his eyes, he saw a figure floating in the sky at an unknown time!

The figure had one hand on its back, and the other hand pressed down with a palm, and a huge giant was condensed in the void!

Press down with the giant palm of Qingtian!

Mountains are bursting, and the air is spinning!

The red-eyed flame-horned beast was caught off guard, almost knelt down by this palm, and let out a deafening roar!

"It's the giant Samsung!"

"It's the three-star giant of our humanity!"

There are bodyguards for the rest of their lives, crying loudly at this moment!

Just now, he was only one step away from dying tragically under the feet of the red-eyed flame horned beast.

At the critical moment, the red-eyed flame horned beast was stopped.

"No, it's him!"

"It's the wild man!"

But some people exclaimed!

I recognized Jiang Ping standing in the air at a glance, it turned out to be the savage I met on the road before!

The image of Jiang Ping is so recognizable!


Ragged clothes!

left a deep impression on everyone.

At this moment, after looking up one by one, they recognized at a glance that it was the savage who asked them for the electronic map before!

Lu Sheng's eyes widened suddenly, and he was trembling when he spoke. His teeth were chattering, and he said in a trembling voice, "He... he is actually a giant in the Samsung field?"

Wu Ziyang raised his head with a look of shock!

Looking at the figure standing in the sky in disbelief.

Although the figure was unkempt, his robes were rustling.

Pressing down with one palm, the mighty red-eyed flame horned beast was crushed to the ground in an instant.

"He's a Samsung giant?! How is that possible?"

After Wu Ziyang was shocked, the expression in his eyes suddenly became extremely complicated.

Big Samsung!

In any group, it is a bottom-level existence.

Unexpectedly, the real identity of a young man he met in the primeval forest was actually a giant in the Samsung field!

No wonder Wu Ziyang always felt that Jiang Ping (bgbb) had a unique temperament!

Standing behind Wu Ziyang, Gao Keke covered his mouth at the moment, looking at the sloppy figure in the sky in disbelief.

That young man, who she regarded as a savage and was covered in dirt, was so powerful!

It's the kind of character that really makes her unattainable!

Fortunately, she still disliked others at the beginning, and she was afraid that she was not even as good as an ant in the eyes of others.


Just when everyone was stunned.

The battle between the red-eyed Salacorn and Jiang Ping broke out!

The red-eyed flame horned beast is also a ferocious beast in the three-star domain, with a terrifying power!

Although Jiang Ping crushed it with one palm, it was a sneak attack, how could he convince it?

A giant scarlet fire horn on the top of the head burst into raging flames, trying to hit Jiang Ping's figure in the air.

"Naughty animal!"

Jiang Ping let out a cold snort, and didn't turn himself in.

Although stepping into the three-star field, don't forget that Jiang Ping's martial arts talent is equally astonishing, and he was once the arrogance of invincibility!

"The 14th round of Liaoyuan Hundred Strikes!"

Jiang Ping stretched out his hand and waved it, and a giant gun tens of meters in length was condensed in the sky!

After the tens of meters giant gun appeared, it fell down the waterfall of infinite stars.

It is condensed by the power of stars in Jiang Ping's body.

Slantingly stab at the red-eyed flame horned beast.

The same Liaoyuan Hundred Strikes 14th stage!

But in the hands of the Samsung giant [the power is more than a hundred times or ten times greater?

The giant gun rumbled and fell from the sky.

Under this shot, the sturdy and immortal scales of the red-eyed flame horned beast were shattered, and its flesh was rolled!

But the red-eyed flame horned beast is also worthy of being a monster in the three-star field, and its fierce power is extremely strong!

A huge red fire horn on the top of the head shot up raging flames, and still threw it at Jiang Ping.

"Star Picker!"

Seeing this, Jiang Ping didn't change his face, and pressed his palm horizontally!

Immediately, the void boiled, and once again a giant palm holding up to the sky was condensed, and it was held towards the huge horn of the red fire.

All of a sudden, the two began to wrestle!

But in the first battle of the Samsung giants, the battle fluctuated so violently.

Many giant trees and mountains in the surrounding area suffered disaster immediately.

Many mountains collapsed, waterfalls intercepted, and the water flowed back into the air.

But Wu Ziyang and his group had already retreated more than ten miles back, standing in the distance and watching the battle between the three giants.

high in the air.

Jiang Ping frowned, "The Star Reacher's realm is not enough, and his strength can't suppress this beast!"

The Star Picking Hand is an ancient god skill.

It is said that there are thirty-six realms.

After cultivating to thirty-six major accomplishments, you can pick up the stars and chase the moon.

What Jiang Ping got was only the first chapter of Reaching for the Stars, but there are also twelve realms!

At the beginning, after Jiang Ping got it, he glanced at it casually, and only learned the first level, so he was in a hurry to practice and did not further study.


With lowered eyebrows, Jiang Ping began to learn and practice now!

Once again, after the battle, he comprehended the exercises and hugged Buddha's feet temporarily. .

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