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Chapter 9 Hundreds Of Millions Of Times The Talent Of Understanding!

The group trial preparation room is a dimly lit corridor.

At the moment, there were more than seventy figures sitting cross-legged in the corridor.

The more than seventy figures all had thick breaths!

Looking at the past, they are all 'one-star body refiners'!

Sitting cross-legged in a corner, Jiang Ping glanced over these people, feeling a little heavy.

"There are only a few 'one-star early stage' body refiners like me!

Most of them are 'one-week mid-term' powerhouses!

There are more than a dozen strong players in the 'one-star late stage'! "

Jiang Ping took a deep breath, feeling that he still underestimated this group of trials.

I thought it would be an extremely simple matter to pass the first round and get a bonus of 1 million.

Now it seems that thinking is somewhat simple.

"There are also two 'one-star perfection level' powerhouses!"

Jiang Ping looked at the two people sitting cross-legged in the front of the corridor!

These two are two young people!

At this moment, everyone closed their eyes and meditated while adjusting their breath, preparing for the next assessment.

The aura that overflowed from the two of them was extremely powerful, exuding a sense of completeness!

Jiang Ping knew that this was the aura that could only escape after one star titan had been cultivated to the extreme and reached the perfect state.

If the two of them take another step forward and condense a second planet in the inner universe, it will be a two-star titan!

"These two are probably here for the super contract!"

Jiang Ping muttered to himself, feeling the strong pressure!

My own shortcomings are too obvious, and it is only the initial stage of one star.

"Don't think about it, let's see luck!"

Jiang Ping closed his eyes, and also began to adjust his breath and meditate, so as to keep himself in the strongest state possible.

Three bottles of energy liquid Jiang Ping has been taken.

Alleviating the hunger of a part of the body, it should be more than enough to support the next battle without causing any impact.

After Jiang Ping withdrew his attention, he put his thoughts on a martial art.

Vigorous Bull Magic Fist!

This boxing method is not worth much, because the mental method has been announced by the Federation, and everyone can learn it!

Ordinary people can learn to exercise.

Body refiners can be used against the enemy.

But there is a problem with this boxing method, that is, it is difficult to understand, and there are not many people who have really practiced it to a high level!

Most of them are stuck in the introductory stage!

But some martial arts masters once said that everyone underestimated this boxing technique!

If one can comprehend more than the fifth level, its power will be astonishing!

More than ten weights!

It has the power to alarm ghosts and gods!

"The Dali Niu Demon Fist has twelve realms. Now that I have comprehended the fourth realm, I am only one step away from the fifth realm!"

Jiang Ping closed his eyes, and the mentality of Dali Niu Moquan flowed through his heart.

Jiang Ping has long been familiar with the heart of this boxing method, and he can recite it backwards and forwards!

But even so, every time I comprehend this boxing technique, it feels obscure!

Can't accurately comprehend the true essence of it!

But even so, Jiang Ping has cultivated to the fourth level extremely against the sky!

It is only one step away from the fifth stage!

It can be seen how amazing Jiang Ping's talent in understanding is!

"The fourth level of the Great Bull Demon Fist!

Through special power-generating skills, you can hit 3 times your own power!

That is, with a fist force of 100 kilograms, you can hit 300 kilograms!

I just don't know how many times the fifth weight can hit? !

If you can break through the fifth stage, you may be able to fight against the mid-week powerhouse!

Increase your chances of passing the first round and get that one million Federal Coins reward! "

Jiang Ping muttered to himself.

Then he closed his eyes, and the dharma flowed through his heart again.

This time, the content of the exercises was also extremely obscure.

This made Jiang Ping frown, and felt that breaking through the fifth stage was unrealistic at all!

I haven't been able to break through for so long before, how can I break through in this hour?

At this time, a prompt sounded in Jiang Ping's mind.

【Ding! Has the host turned on the 'hundreds of billions of savvy talent'? 】

Jiang Ping was taken aback!

Hundreds of millions of times the savvy talent?

What was opened before was the "hundreds of billions of potential talents",

I didn't expect there to be a 'hundreds of billions of savvy talent'!

Jiang Ping had a happy look on his face, and immediately said: "Open!"


The moment when the billion-fold savvy talent was activated, Jiang Ping only felt that his savvy was infinitely enhanced!

All of a sudden, I feel that my thoughts are clear, and each thought is like materialization, crystal clear!

Every thought and thought is extremely smooth!

No matter how difficult the problem is, it can be solved in an instant!

This feeling is too wonderful!

It's as if the calculation speed of the brain has been accelerated countless times, even quantum computers can't match it!

"This... is amazing!"

Jiang Ping is amazing!

Unconsciously, the [Fifth Heart Technique of Vigorous Bull Demon Fist] that had been giving him a headache flowed through his heart!

And the next moment, the fifth-fold heart method that has troubled Jiang Ping for a long time is no longer obscure,

And like a beauty who has been stripped naked, she is instantly seen through!

"Is this the fifth layer? It turns out to be that simple!"

"I understand!"

Jiang Ping suddenly opened his eyes.

The palm stirs in the void with a special force technique!

The originally calm air was stirred by the palms, causing faint ripples.

In the end, Jiang Ping punched out a punch, and there was a faint tremor in the void!

This sound made many one-star body refiners around them open their eyes and look around suspiciously.

But after finding nothing in the end, they all closed their eyes again.

"The fifth level was practiced in an instant!"

Jiang Ping looked shocked!

Just now, the strength of his punch reached 5 times the normal strength!

That's right!

That's 5 times!

In the fourth round before, I was able to hit 3 times the power!

But breaking through the fifth level, just one level higher, has become 5 times stronger!

That martial arts master was right!

After breaking through the fifth level, the power will indeed skyrocket!

"5 times the power!"

"Even if I fight against the 'one-star mid-stage' body refiner, I'm pretty confident!"

Jiang Ping was excited, but he didn't stop.

Start to continue to break through the "sixth weight" of the Great Bull Demon Fist!

If outsiders find out, they will be shocked.

There are very few people who have achieved the fifth level of the Great Bull Demon Fist, and even fewer people have achieved the sixth level!

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