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Chapter 21 Knight’S Apprentice

At night, a large number of delicacies were placed on the long table. Locke sat at the head. On his left sat the White Queen, on his right sat Frank, and further down, there was the rat man, the pig man, and the fake tool man Baron Strucker.

These people sitting here are the core personnel in Locke's hands.

The delicious meal ended with everyone enjoying it happily. They waved to the waiters to clean up the leftovers on the table, and then looked at everyone.

"Thanks to your efforts, our power is getting stronger and stronger now. This is the result of your joint efforts."

"Now that I've got some good stuff, it's time to share it with you."

"Papa!" Locke clapped his hands, and the attendants who had been prepared long ago would carry trays and deliver them to everyone except the White Queen.

Frank was the first to pick up a book and flipped it through curiously: "What is this?"

Frank and Locke are close friends, so he doesn't respect Locke as much as others.

"The Knight's Breathing Technique originates from an ancient and mysterious inheritance, which allows people to continuously become stronger through practice."

"How strong can you become?" Frank's eyes lit up instantly.

Frank is a warlike person, and he is far more eager to become stronger than the average person!

"What you have in your hands is the first volume of breathing techniques. After you practice it, you can become a knight's apprentice. And the so-called knight's apprentice..."

Locke picked up a metal fork and twisted the whole fork into a twist with a slight exertion.

"Strength that is twice that of ordinary people, a speed of 100 meters in less than five seconds, and good defense."

Locke picked up a steak knife again and slashed his palm hard. There was only a white mark on the surface of his palm.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Frank, even the Rat Man and the Pig Man couldn't help but their eyes widened.

Although Ratmen and Pigmen are Mutants, they are only low-level Mutants. Pigmen are better. Ratmen's Ability is purely auxiliary. Their own strength is no different from ordinary people. Even Pigmen only have stronger strength and defense. Speed ​​is his biggest weakness.

"Not only that, the characteristic of the knight's apprentice is to condense the life seeds.

After each knight's apprentice condenses the life seeds, he will naturally obtain a special ability, which can be called the life explosion.

It is the explosion of the power in the life seeds, allowing himself to It can explode with multiple times of explosive power in an instant!”

"Comprehensive evaluation shows that the strength of a knight apprentice can reach the upper level of the third-rate on the surface."

The classification of third-rate and second-rate people on the surface was something Locke had mentioned before, and everyone present was familiar with it.

Even the Pig Man, who was the most powerful on the surface among everyone present, was only at the mid-level third-rate level in Locke's evaluation.

At this moment, almost everyone present could not help but breathe hotly, and looked at the person in front of him eagerly.

Knight's Breathing Technique.

"Ratman, Pigman, Baron Strucker, you three can leave and practice the Knight's Breathing Technique. When you complete your practice, higher-level breathing techniques will not be given to you."

"Yes, sir!"

The three people left excitedly and enthusiastically, as if they couldn't wait for a second longer. Who didn't look forward to becoming stronger, and who didn't desire to become stronger!

Now only Frank, the White Queen, and Locke, who is sitting at the top, are left on the scene.

Locke looked at Frank: "Frank, my good friend, aren't you curious why I left you here?"

Frank shrugged: "I'm not very curious. If there's anything you say, I'll handle it."

Locke smiled. As the punisher that Braised Eggman wants to conquer even if he wants to break his head, Frank can be called perfect under certain circumstances.

He threw a book to Frank, who caught it and took a curious look at "Knight's Breathing Technique - Knight Chapter".

"Frank, you and I are both at the limit of human beings. We have reached the critical point of condensing life seeds. It is not difficult to become a knight apprentice, so I also give you this knight chapter. I hope you can complete it as quickly as possible."

"You should also know that we only lack top-level combat power here."

Frank just held the Knight Breathing Technique in his hand. He was always indifferent. At this moment, his mood couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Don't worry, I will fulfill your request as quickly as possible!"

Armed with two breathing techniques, Frank left firmly.

Locke looked at the last remaining White Queen: "Are you a little disappointed? Everyone else can become stronger, but you can't."

White Queen pursed her red lips slightly: "I believe you won't let me down, right?"

Locke chuckled, took out a book again, and placed it in front of the White Queen.

White Queen flipped through "Spiritual Meditation - Elementary level" with some curiosity.

"The cat also created this?"

The White Queen knows that Tom has been creating these, but she doesn't know the progress and results.

Locke nodded.

"What's the use of this?"

"It can make your spiritual power stronger."

White Queen's hand while turning the book trembled slightly, and Mu Ran raised his head and looked at Locke with burning eyes.

"Can I surpass Professor X?"

Locke said two words calmly: "Far beyond!"

"There are three meditation books in total. Each time you practice one, your mind will double. As long as you practice the first one, you will not be much weaker than Professor X. If you successfully practice all three books, , that would complete another level!”

The latest version of meditation improved by Tom can be regarded as a secret technique specially provided for Mutant to use, constantly copying and integrating his own power, constantly improving Mutant's ability.

With the help of meditation, no matter how rubbish the mutant Ability is, it will undergo earth-shaking changes after undergoing metamorphosis again and again.

And for a high-level Mutant like White Queen who already has powerful mutant Ability, once she completes three promotions, there is a high probability that she will Able to break limits and reach a higher level!

Above the surface of the earth, there is the realm called Sub-Heavenly Father!

A sweet kiss blocked Locke's mouth, followed by a hot French wet kiss.

After leaving after a moment, Locke shook his head: "It's delicious, but I'm looking forward to the passionate kiss brought by your body."

"Then hurry up and rescue my body, my dear boss."

Watching the White Queen twist her charming waist and leave.

"As for the main body, it's fast~"

As he murmured, Locke took out a book again. This book was different from any previous one. This was the original version of meditation created by Tom, and it was also named "Forbidden Meditation" by Locke.

Locke is the ultimate human being, and his qualities in all aspects have reached the extreme level of ordinary people. In addition, as a time traveler, his spiritual power is far stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Knight's Breathing Technique - Apprentice Chapter", it only took him three days to completely complete the practice, and this "Forbidden Breathing Technique", the first chapter was actually completed faster!

In other words, Locke can now copy a variant Ability as his first Ability at any time.

But Locke was in hesitation, always in hesitation.

Wanda, the holder of Chaos force, has always been by her side. It is impossible for Locke to choose other abilities, but if he chooses Chaos force...

Originating from the power of Dark Mephista Sithorn, no one knows what he will encounter when transforming Chaos force into his first Ability, and Locke himself cannot predict it.

Danger and crisis, at this moment, almost reached a balance in Locke's heart!

So he was waiting for an opportunity.

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