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Chapter 84: Find Yourself A Father Across Countless Timelines

Locke was silent, looking at the little one in front of him, his expression was so tangled that he couldn't explain it.

"What did you just call me?"

"Daddy!" the little kid called out sweetly.

Not to mention, the little kid of four or five years old, with big round eyes and tender pink skin, looks like a porcelain doll, quite cute and adorable.

But the problem is…………

Locke searched all his memories, but he just couldn't match the number!!

Not to mention Locke's current woman, the one who has been with Locke the longest is undoubtedly Natasha Romanoff.

However, there is absolutely no way Natasha Romanoff is secretly pregnant.

Even if she is pregnant, she will definitely come directly to her door and call her a scumbag.

While twisting his arm.

Besides Natasha Romanoff, the longest-lasting one is White Queen Emma, ​​but the problem is that even if Emma secretly gets pregnant, she can't give birth to a four or five-year-old kid.

After hesitating for a while, Locke asked: "Do you know your mother's name?"

The little kid nodded quickly: "Yeah, I know.

"Then, is your mother Wanda?"

According to Locke's guess, only Wanda can create such a big son with the help of Chaos force.

The little kid shook his head quickly, his little head shaking like a rattle.

Locke was even more confused and had some headaches.

If it’s not Wanda, then who is it?

It can't be the species before time travel? Then there's no way to travel through time and find him.

As for Locke, does he doubt whether this is his descendant? Does this need to be doubted? With Locke's strength, if he can't figure out whether it is his descendant, then he might as well kill him head-on.

It was only when he was sure that he struggled.

As for where this little brat came from, it’s weird to say that he found this brat by himself. Early in the morning, Locke was preparing to do some sports with Wanda when he heard his subordinates say that a brat was coming. Find your biological father.

Locke was still confused and confused, but Twinkle, Wanda and White Queen Emma couldn't hold it anymore.

A four- or five-year-old kid is at his cutest, especially the pink one in front of him, who is much cuter than the average kid. No matter how you look at it, you can be lovable [Who can withstand this? What woman can endure it? What a cute cub.

Especially Wanda, perhaps because she grew up as an orphan, is the most uncontrollable about children.

"My dear, it doesn't matter what he is doing. Since he found him, we can just keep him. He is really too cute."

With that said, he went up and kneaded the little boy's pink face.

The little kid seemed to be a little confused, but he still endured it with a sweet and sweet smile on his face.

The more she looked at it, the cuter she became. The cute Wanda couldn't resist it and was ready to pick up the little kid and play with it.

However, the little kid made the first move, taking a small step to avoid Wanda's arms, and then said cautiously: "Mom Wanda, you can't hug me, dad will be angry."

"It's okay, it's okay, my dear, you won't be angry."

The little brat was very stubborn and ran away again. It doesn’t matter how you play with his little face, but you can’t hug him, and you can’t hug him until he’s beaten to death!

Not only that, the little kid resolutely resisted even other intimate activities.

Wanda was a little angry.

White Queen Emma chuckled. She was different from Wanda. She did not lack love since she was a child, but she also had a bit of fondness for such a cute little guy, which aroused her motherly nature.

"Wanda, let me do it."

Unexpectedly, the little kid refused even more fiercely.

There is only one attitude, it's okay to play with cheeks, but absolutely not to kiss or hug. As soon as that trend occurs, the little brat will immediately turn around and run away.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something else, but with Wanda and White Queen’s current strength close to Yatian’s father, they didn’t even succeed in grabbing him and forcefully hugging him.

Finally, even Flicker, who had just arrived, joined in, and the three women began to surround the little kid.

Coupled with the flickering space ability, the three girls actually failed to catch the little kid even once, but they were never tired of it, and they seemed to get more and more excited as they played.

But at this time, Locke narrowed his eyes slightly.

First of all, he can still be sure that this is his descendant, and the blood relationship can be confirmed, but there seems to be something unusual about this little kid.

The power of time, the power of space, Chaos force, and Phoenix force were stimulated at the same time, and a rainbow seemed to appear in Sui Ke's eyes.

I can't see through it, I don't see any problems, inside and out, from top to bottom, he is just an ordinary little kid.

But, this is precisely the biggest problem.

Something is wrong, something is wrong with this little brat!

Whether it's his resolute resistance to close contact with Locke women, or the result that he has never been caught even once from the beginning to now [this little brat looks weird no matter how he looks at it.

"For example, if someone can really 'deceive' my fourth level of power, they can even forcibly complete the blood connection with me without my permission..."

Locke's frown deepened.

It's not that there are no such existences.

Such existences, at the very least, need to be at the high-level single-target level.

Even most of the Celestial Gods definitely do not have this kind of ability, and there is even a high probability of it. , is a statue of diversity!

But here comes the question, would Duanyuan be so boring that he would do this just to disgust him? Or to tease him?


The little kid suddenly turned around and said sweetly: "Dad, did you call me?"

"Little guy, what's your name?"

Just as the little kid was about to pronounce a sound, his face suddenly changed. Locke's face also changed slightly. He had a vague feeling that he had just discovered a strange change.

But what exactly is the change? With his strength, he can't find it!

'Roger Payne! Dad, that's my name.'

"Roger Payne..." Locke suddenly looked at the little kid with a half-smile: "Why do I feel that the name Franklin Benjamin Richards is more suitable.

The little kid's face suddenly turned bitter: "Time peepers are the most annoying thing."

"It's actually you!"

The little boy's pink face suddenly bulged into a puffy bun: "I hate it, dad, for leaving me a child."

"Really, how did dad guess it? I should have disrupted the time and space around you so that you can go back at any time."

A brainstorm hit Franklin's little head hard: "Any more guesses? Diversity won't make such a joke with me.

How can any polythesis be insane enough to find a father for themselves? Those top monomers are either crazy or Prepare to fight with me until death, otherwise you won’t be crazy enough to be my son.”

"Use the elimination method, and only a little brat like you will be left."

Franklin rubbed his brows: "Okay, okay, Dad knows too many secrets. I guessed that I might not be able to hide them from you. I didn't expect to be discovered so soon."

Locke frowned: "Why do you keep calling me daddy?"

"Because you are my father!"

"Your dad is Reed Richards."

"Just a little bit, I don't want that idiot rubber man." The little kid's tone was full of disgust.

"You're both good and useless. You just rely on your brain that you think you're smart, and you get into so many troubles that you can't solve them. And you're a super straight guy, you idiot!"

"The most outrageous thing is that we are still going bankrupt, and that idiot is not even willing to give me some good milk powder!"

Disgust, full of disgust, endless disgust, if this little brat was not interrupted, Locke felt like he would keep complaining and make De Richards a bloody mess.

Another bang hit Franklin's little head: "Let's get down to business, what do you want to do?"

"I want daddy!"

……………………Please give me flowers……

Locke was silent: "So, you want me to be your father?"

The little kid nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, that's it!"

Just...I don't know what to say for a moment.

Twinkle, Emma, ​​and Wanda also discovered the problem at the moment. Although they still cannot fully understand Locke's current level, they are much better than ordinary people in accepting Ability.

"Dear, isn't it your child?"

Locke said in a tangled and complicated tone: "How to put it, right now, it doesn't count, but if I nod my head, this little kid should become my child, and it will be from blood to all aspects. The biological kind."

"Hehe, yes, yes, I like daddy the most."

Wanda looked confused: "Dear, can you explain it in simpler terms? I don't understand something."

Locke nodded and pointed at the kid: "This kid is a miraculous being. According to a friend of mine, he should be a born Titan or an unborn Titan!"

"As soon as he is born, he will probably be able to reach my current state."

"No!" The little kid scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "It must be at least ten months old.


Twinkle, Wanda, and Emma were immediately confused.

At ten months old, he already has strength comparable to Locke now! This horse riding is not a fairy tale, it is a horror story!

"Besides, this is just normal. If you want to reach dad's current extreme explosive power, you will have to be at least two years and three months old."

"Dad is the best!" The little boy said with admiration.

The corner of Locke's mouth twitched inexplicably. Although he had a look of admiration on his face, it really made people unhappy!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, kid, let me continue."

"Okay, Dad."

Locke continued: "This little devil is born extraordinary.

You can also see that he is only four or five years old now.

In fact, this is indeed his real age.

It is just his biological age.

At such an old age, this The kid's strength has reached the top of the entire universe.

He can travel through time and space at will, create life, formulate rules, and even create his own pocket universe.

The mouths of the three women grew bigger and bigger.

"This kid is so strong that he can even be called heaven-defying. He has even gone so far as to violate the grandmother's paradox. No matter who his father is, he will be born as long as his mother's identity remains unchanged."

"You have also heard what I said before. This little devil obviously dislikes, and even hates, his real father. Therefore, this little devil directly crossed the timeline and came to this time before he was born, and wanted to find a new one for himself. A father, obviously, his target is me..."

As he spoke, the corners of Locke's mouth twitched, and he raised his head in an outrageous way.

Silence, long silence.

Even Wanda, who possesses Chaos force and can create rules, even Emma, ​​who is the White Queen of Hellfire and can talk to some low-level Mephistas on an equal footing, and Flicker, who was brought back to the present from the future, were all affected by these words at this moment.

I was so shocked that I didn’t know what to say.

All three views have collapsed, and his eyes are confused.

"Dad was wrong." Franklin suddenly shook his head.

"Oh, which point?"

"I didn't travel through one timeline, but traveled through countless timelines and searched for countless time and space, and finally found the most perfect father!"

As he said that, he rushed to Locke and shook Locke's arm with his little hand: "Dad, daddy, just be my daddy.

"Mom is so beautiful. She is beautiful and has a good figure. Dad will definitely like her!"

It highlights one person who has complicated emotions. He is a time traveler, but he is a little unable to withstand such an outrageous experience. .

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