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Chapter 92 Publish A Task

When Locke returned to the Marvel world, he rubbed his head and felt a little drunk. Those Vera and Willie were so enthusiastic.

Spreading his hands, a ball of light filled with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants appeared in his hands. Locke burst out laughing when he saw this thing.

How could I not recognize Gandalf Locke in Dual-wielding Battle? The guy wanted to give a gift, but unfortunately he was knocked unconscious by a group of Maiar intruders without even meeting him. It was really dumbfounding.

Locke put the things away casually and fell into deep thought.

If Ilúvatar wants to come and follow him, there is no big problem.

After all, it is the superior heavenly father who has extraordinary combat power.

Well, Ilúvatar is not considered the Almighty Heavenly Father.

After all, the Almighty Heavenly Father is a superior heavenly father with extraordinary combat power.

Even though Ilúvatar is older than most superior heavenly fathers, he is still an indigenous god and his growth in strength is limited.

However, as long as you come to the Marvel world and come into contact with many advanced mysteries, it is only a matter of time before you become the Almighty Heavenly Father.

The most important thing is that it was only now that Locke discovered that Ilúvatar is actually the father of the life system.

As the God of Creation, Ilúvatar has created the world for endless years.

There are too many things to practice and it is too complicated.

It's really not easy to understand if you look carefully.

The Heavenly Father of the Life system can also attack the life system in the future. This is a very exciting existence. It is no wonder that there are so many strange flowers and plants in the world of the Lord of the Rings. These are created by the life god nourishing the world. of gifts.

With the addition of Ilúvatar, perhaps the branches of the World Tree previously obtained from Odin may also be fed. Ilúvatar is equivalent to a double holy tree that is countless times more powerful.

"The current floating island is already somewhat inadequate."

In fact, floating islands can be used as space, and it is not a big problem to carry hundreds of thousands of people. However, Ilúvatar is a star god, and it is a waste to place it on a few floating islands. She can even completely turn a planet into a super life form. planet.

The most important thing is that it is still Iluvatar. Who knows how many large individuals will appear in the future, so expansion is necessary.

Fortunately, this is not difficult. After thinking for a while, Locke had an 810 idea: "Someone, go and call the White Queen.

After a while, White Queen's perfect golden proportions figure appeared in Locke's sight. Locke casually circled White Queen in his arms.

"Emma, ​​post a task."

"What mission?"

Avengers headquarters, as Iron Man and other superheroes take more and more actions in the outside world, the reputation of this superhero team is getting bigger and bigger, and their headquarters is also becoming more and more luxurious.

At this time, Iron Man Tony Stark and Captain Steve had gradually begun to have differences, and their respective small teams representing the two Avengers giants had begun to take shape.

Now, the two sides are having a heated discussion over an issue.

Especially Tony Stark and Steve, their views are particularly different, and they are about to get into a face-to-face conflict!

Suddenly, Natasha Romanoff, who had been sitting there watching the show, couldn't stand it anymore: "Okay, it's over here. If the argument continues, you should fight!"

Theoretically speaking, Natasha Romanoff should not have such a high reputation, but what is interesting is that a proud playboy and a rigid warrior actually actually listened to the advice.

Although she still wanted to say something, she suppressed the impulse and gave It's enough for Natasha Romanoff.

When Natasha Romanoff saw this scene, she was very calm. Ever since Natasha Romanoff revealed that she had a "very good" relationship with a high-ranking member of Hellfire, she felt like she had eaten the fruit of face, and people would give her some face wherever she went.

Not only in Avengers, but even in S.H.I.E.L.D, her level has been quietly raised to the level of a tenth-level agent.

Luo Dantou, who has always had a dark heart, dare not treat her like a donkey and arrange tasks everywhere like before, watching everything.

Natasha Romanoff's mood, she has a task, she can do it if she wants to do it, if she doesn't want to do it, she can take a paid vacation, that's how cool it is.

Suddenly, Natasha Romanoff seemed to have gotten some information and suddenly exclaimed.

"We have a mission~(bjbf)"

"There's a mission!"

The two sounds sounded almost at the same time. Natasha Romanoff turned her eyes and suddenly looked at the other person who spoke, Spider-Woman, with interest.

Isn't this very interesting? She was able to receive the mission because the scumbag gave her a special badge with an unserialized number.

This badge enjoys the normal benefits of Hellfire, but it does not belong to the normal sequence.

It is considered to be a special person who opens the back door. made.

So the question is, why does Spider-Woman exist? I seem to be looking down on my "best friend" a little bit.

Spider-Woman suddenly blushed and was a little at a loss.

She was not as domineering as Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha Romanoff got the thing and almost used it as a 'Sword of Shang Fang'.

She slapped the other person's face to see who was unhappy.

After all, it was her own man who gave it to her.

Yes, why not use it?

Spider-Woman is different. She has been hiding secretly without telling anyone. She doesn't know why. Maybe it's because she has an inexplicable feeling of "the mistress meets the real one"?

As a result, I usually hide it well, but I didn't expect that this time I was in a hurry and accidentally exposed it.

Natasha Romanoff gave Spider-Woman a thoughtful look: "I'll do it.

Spider-Woman obviously understood the meaning, and sat back covering her face, fearing that she would be specially 'interrogated' by her best friend later.

Natasha Romanoff looked at Braised Dantou, well, this SHIELD Director doesn't do anything serious all day long and hangs out in Avengers.

"Nick, is there a 048 item in S.H.I.E.L.D. It's a boulder?"

Braised Eggman frowned, but he didn't ask Natasha Romanoff how he knew it. He could tell with his toes that the reason for his frown was another thing: "Natasha Romanoff, it does exist, but in fact S.H.I.E.L.D is more than one boulder. "

"I want the biggest one, and it's black."

Braised Dantou nodded: "I know that one."

"Okay, then give it to me."

The braised egg head suddenly smiled. It was a dark braised egg head, but it was strange but inexplicably made people feel like a little fox: "Natasha Romanoff, if you want it, that's no problem."

But you probably don’t want that 048 item now.

"I don't know what it is, and I don't want to know, but if Hellfire wants such a thing, I think that piece should have a value that I don't know, and then we should have a good chat."

Inexplicably thinking of such good things as hellfire, Luo Dantou felt his throat go dry and his eyes became eager.

Almost all the good things obtained during the previous ceremony were hidden like treasures by that damn guy Tony Stark. There was nothing we could do about it, because those things were all paid for by Tony Stark.

Now he finally has the opportunity to get some for himself. If he doesn't make a fortune, how can he still be worthy of his title as the most greedy person in S.H.I.E.L.D?

Natasha Romanoff rolled her eyes: "Don't worry, Hellfire is not a robber, and he won't take your things for free. I will give you a list later, and you can choose items with ten points from it."

Luodantou's eyes suddenly brightened. Hellfire Points are a good thing. Not only can they purchase various extraordinary items, they can even "buy a house" at the Hellfire headquarters.

You know, in order to "buy a house" in Hellfire, those big capitalists and politicians are going crazy, and the black market even offers a sky-high price of 10 million US dollars per point!

Ten points, this is definitely not a small number, it is worth 100 million US dollars on the black market. Luodantou definitely does not lack this 100 million US dollars. He values ​​​​the good things that ten points can buy.

It's just that ten points is good, but if it could be more...

"Nick, take back your damn greedy thoughts. I can guess what you are thinking with my eyes closed! At worst, I will go find it myself. You know that I am a level 10 agent and am qualified to take away 048 items. What are you doing at that time? Can’t even get it!”

Lu Dantou curled his lips. He was unhappy about having someone on his side. He wanted to do something shady, but was immediately exposed by his own people.

"Okay, ten will be ten, I will suffer a big loss."

Suddenly, several pairs of contemptuous eyes fell on Lu Dantou's dark face at the same time. He really didn't want a bit of Bilian.

If you really want to know the specific value of that thing, according to Lu Dantou's personality, you will definitely have to jump up, bang the table and talk to Natasha Romanoff about the price.

Now it's unclear what the use is, and it's almost useless to exchange for something.

Ten points, and Bilian is here to complain!

Tony Stark suddenly came closer, licking his face and said: "Natasha Romanoff, are there any other tasks? You name the task and I will complete it. We can divide the reward in half. No, leave one third for me." That’s okay, I don’t mind.”

Natasha Romanoff rolled her eyes: "There are so many missions. Usually when a mission comes up, the guys from Hellfire rush to grab it like crazy. This time, the goal is unique because no one is grabbing it so I can take advantage of it."

"Do you think I don't want to get more points? Hellfire has a new kind of scale armor.

It is said to be made from the dragon scales dropped by Dragon.

It can withstand all physical attacks below the nuclear level, as well as most magic attacks. , only three hundred points are enough, I’ve always wanted that.”


The scene suddenly erupted with gasping sounds.

It can withstand all attacks below the nuclear level. If you wear this thing on your body, you will feel extremely safe!

Especially Lu Dantou, whose eyes are so hot that they are about to burn. As a person in the advanced stage of persecution paranoia, he naturally has the late stage of insecurity and sequelae. This kind of thing is what he dreams of.

Unfortunately, three hundred points is an astronomical figure that is impossible to reach for outsiders without Hellfire authority.

"This is unreasonable!" Dr. Banner suddenly frowned and said: "If a piece of scale can create such a treasure, then the defense of the entire dragon must be so ridiculously strong! More importantly, why is the defense so powerful? Will a strong dragon shed its scales?"

Spider-Woman stretched out her hand cautiously: "Is there a possibility that the dragon scratched it on its own when it scratched it?"

Everyone was speechless. This answer was even more outrageous than the question Dr. Banner asked. You might as well have said it fell during a fight.

Only, Natasha Romanoff looked at Spider-Woman with more and more fun. In fact, the scale armor in the Hellfire Store really came from this.

If it was just speculation before, it is now certain.

While Braised Eggman went to get the boulder, Natasha Romanoff half-armed Spider-Woman with a smile and turned her into a deserted corner.

"Now, it's time for us to have a good chat."

Spider-Woman's face turned red with embarrassment: "What is chatting about?"

Natasha Romanoff stretched out a hand, touched Spider-Woman's little face, and then said all the way down: "This delicate little face, these plump breasts, these..."

"Hiss!" Natasha Romanoff suddenly took a breath: "I just realized now that you actually have such a perfect butt!"

Natasha Romanoff rarely has body anxiety. After all, she was ready to undergo reduction surgery, but she gave up because a man liked her. But now, she is a bit shocked. How did she practice this? She also practices a lot. , why is it not so perfect? ​​Is it ability?

"No wonder, no wonder that guy would be interested in you. He's so round and straight, I already have an idea."

"Would you like to go there together tonight? We two best friends can get intimate."

Looking at Natasha Romanoff looking like an ISP, Spider-Woman was a little panicked and couldn't stand it. She couldn't stand it at all.

But, what’s with that strange feeling of expectation?

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