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Chapter 94: New Trading World, Doomsday!

Antarctic icebergs and snow are the eternal sights here. The extremely low temperature makes it possible to survive and walk in this land only by wearing a complete set of protective clothing.

Climatologist Jack Hall works here, mainly observing, recording, and predicting.

The increasingly cold wind blew over, and even Jack Hall, who had been wearing a full protective suit for a long time, felt a biting coldness at the moment, but he no longer cared about it, or he was already used to it.

He began to organize the tools, and today's data collection was almost completed.

Suddenly, an inexplicable earthquake occurred, and with a roar, a terrifying crack suddenly opened behind Jack Hall. The crack spread to the end of the line of sight, as if the entire Antarctic was cracked.

Jack Hall was horrified. What shocked him was not the sudden appearance of the rift, but the information and data he collected. At the moment, he was on the other side of the rift. Even as time went by, as the rift became wider and wider, The data is getting further and further away.

That was the final result of countless days and nights for him and all of them.

Jack Hall gritted his teeth, took a few steps back, then jumped suddenly and jumped directly to the other side of the crack, quickly gathering important information and other things.

Behind him, two colleagues looked horrified when they saw this scene.

"Jack, come back quickly, it's dangerous!"

"Put down those damn information. You can't jump back with the information!"

No matter what Jack Hall does, he is a stubborn person and will never let everyone's hard work go to waste.

Using the fastest speed of "zero two three", he collected all the most important things and held them in his arms. Jack Hall looked at the crack that was wider than before, with a hint of fear deep in his eyes. He gritted his teeth. Just be prepared to take the risk and rush over.

Suddenly, a strange sound suddenly sounded from Jack Hall's ears.

The sound was so sudden that Jack Hall couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and just by this moment, the crack had grown to more than three meters wide. It was no longer a width that normal people could jump across. If he took the risk again, he would definitely die. .

The two colleagues of the other party went crazy when they saw this scene, and began to look around for tools that could save Jack Hall.

On the contrary, Jack Hall himself calmed down at this moment. Talents with high IQs often have curiosity that far exceeds that of ordinary people. It is precisely because of curiosity that it is easy to create all kinds of great inventions.

At this moment, Jack Hall was curious about what the sound was all about.

It was at this time that the sudden sound sounded again.

"A suitable plane has been detected and plane trading can be started. Do you want to start the transaction?"

Suitable plane!

As a climatologist, even if some knowledge is not very broad, it is impossible not to understand the word plane!

Plane trading!

In an instant, Jack Hall's breathing became rapid.

Obviously, this is an opportunity to trade with other worlds.

Jack Hall didn't know what the principle was, nor what the transaction was. However, at this moment, the scholar's curiosity reached the extreme. No scholar or doctor could suppress the curiosity of other worlds. Jack ·Hall is certain of this.

"How do I turn it on?"

"Turn it on?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Jack Hall said yes several times.

In an instant, a curtain of light appeared in Jack Hall's sight out of thin air. After a moment of snowflakes, the image of a person appeared in his sight.

This is a very handsome man. Jack Hall thinks that his son is already a rare handsome man. But compared with the man opposite, even with the natural blessing of the close relationship between father and son, Jack Hall feels that, This man is far more handsome than his own son.

The strange thing is that although the other person is obviously very handsome, Jack Hall does not pay too much attention to this aspect. In other words, the other side that covers up the other person's handsome face is his temperament, which Jack Hall has never seen before. Passionate temperament.

Some are like those high-ranking government officials, and some are like the nobility cultivated by those ancient nobles. If you look closely, it seems to be higher than both of them [Jack Hall felt that his words were a little lacking.

If he had to choose a word to describe it, at this moment he thought of the legendary words "God" and "Holy Spirit".

"Oh, a new trader~" Locke looked at the other party with interest.

"If you don't mind, please tell me your name first."

Somehow, Jack Hall subconsciously answered without even thinking.

"My name is Jack Hall and I'm a climatologist working in Antarctica.'

Locke was a little confused. Traders who connect planes are usually the protagonists of their respective worlds, or at least important supporting roles, but this name really didn't impress him.

Most importantly, climatologists? Or Antarctica? A common technological world?

Jack Hall, who was on the opposite side, couldn't help but frowned.

He was wondering why he couldn't think of not answering the other party's question.

It was like he had to answer, and this was not even mandatory.

It feels like, how should I put it, when an ordinary person sees a big official or a big capitalist who is usually difficult to reach, he will unconsciously answer all the other person's questions.

This is a reverence for the other person's power and capital.

But the problem is that he is not an ordinary person. He is not only a climatologist, but also a famous doctor. He has the ability to call the Vice President directly. Even the Vice President has never given him such a strange feeling.

"Damn it, Jack, why are you still in a daze? The crack is almost at your feet!"

"Fake, look under your feet!"

Jack Hall looked down subconsciously. At this moment, his eyes widened with fear.

There was a click, and the ice block under Jack Hall's feet shattered instantly.

Jack Hall quickly turned around and grabbed hard.

He was able to catch the edge of the ice block and did not fall immediately.

However, the ice block was not very hard.

He could hold on to the edge of the ice block at any time.

It's possible for them to slide down.

"Damn it, damn it!" Jack Hall cursed in his heart. He was not scolding others, but scolding himself. He should not have lost his vigilance because of curiosity.

At this time, Luo Ke's voice sounded again.

"You seem to be in a little trouble."

Jack Hall was speechless. This shouldn't be a small trouble. He was almost dead!

In addition, why can he continue to hear sounds now? He is quite far away from where he was before.

"Let's do this. You can just take out something. It doesn't matter whether it's valuable or not. I can save you."

As the hand holding on to the edge of the ice continued to slide, Jack Hall became anxious. Who would want to die if he could not die?

"Trade, trade now, but I don't have any items!"

"Anything is fine~" Still the same indifferent tone.

Jack Hall gritted his teeth, suddenly let go of one hand, grabbed a handful of ice, and yelled: "Is this okay?"


At this moment, because he lost one hand, Jack Hall could no longer hold on to the edge of the ice. In an instant, his whole body began to fall downwards.

Above the edge of the ice, two colleagues were beating the ground hard.

"Damn, is that guy crazy?"

"First he was in an inexplicable daze, and then he took the initiative to let go. Is that bastard seeking death?"

"Shit, if he wants to die so much, I should just kill him!"

Colleagues who have been together for such a long time can be said to be closer than real brothers. The death of Jack Hall made the two of them lose their minds.

Suddenly, a strange red individual floated out from the crack. The two people moved in sync. They rubbed their eyes together and took a closer look.

Now they could see clearly that Jack Hall, who was supposed to fall down, was actually wrapped in a strange scarlet light at the moment and floated up from below!!

That’s outrageous!

Being able to work as a colleague with Jack Hall naturally has a high level of academic qualifications and he is also a good scholar. At this moment, the two people's scientific views collapsed.

This horse riding is unscientific!

"This horse riding is unscientific!!" The two colleagues just roared in their hearts, and Jack Hall, who was wrapped in red light and landed, roared and shouted.

"Science? It's just a kind of knowledge, it doesn't mean everything." An inexplicable voice sounded, and scarlet energy surged out of Jack Hall's body. After a moment, a phantom formed in mid-air, which was Locke's body. Phantom……………………

Jack Hall suddenly had a question mark on his face when he saw this scene.

His two colleagues were all dumbfounded. Not only did they see God, their expressions at least showed that they had seen Angel coming.

Locke raised his head with interest and glanced at the sky. His vast mental power spread instantly, extracting and analyzing specific information about the world.

After a moment, Locke withdrew his gaze and glanced at his trader Jack Hall again.

"Interesting, it was originally this world - "Later"."

As a disaster movie that is enough to become a god, Locke has naturally seen it in his previous life, but he watched it for a long time and was not very impressed, so he did not recognize Jack Hall.

In fact, no matter how impressed you are, you may not recognize it. This is a disaster movie. What you are watching is special effects. Who will pay attention to the protagonist?

Locke touched his chin. Needless to say, this world has zero benefit to him. Connecting such a trading world seems to have no other gains besides allowing him to experience the so-called doomsday disaster immersively.

However, after taking a look at Jack Hall, a strange luster suddenly appeared in Locke's eyes.

"Jack Hall, do you have a computer or cell phone?"

"Yes, it's embarrassing!"

Jack Hall took out an ordinary-looking mobile phone and was about to hand it to Locke.

No matter who Locke is, just looking at the other party's extremely mysterious methods, his not stupid brain is warning Jack Hall that he should listen to the other party now, not to mention that the other party saved his life.

With a little care, that unknown brand of mobile phone was turned into dozens of parts, and the next moment, it was reassembled.

"????" Jack Hall looked at this scene dumbfounded: "You, what did you do?"

Locke said calmly and indifferently: "Nothing, I just reorganized your mobile phone. According to the speed of technological development in your world, this is probably equivalent to a product that lasts 150 years."

"Gudong..." He obviously understands every word the other party says, but why can't he understand it after joining forces? What does reorganization mean, and what does it mean to be the equivalent of a hundred and fifty-year-old Lin??

Locke ignored the other party and just cast a glance. The reorganized mobile phone turned on instantly, and then complex codes began to appear and refreshed rapidly.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just want to take over the satellite in the sky. Don't worry, it will be quick."

Jack Hall:????

4.4 What does it mean to take over a satellite? Also, what does it mean soon!!

The next moment, he knew what it meant soon.



"Gudong..." Jack Hall swallowed hard again.

Locke's hand was swiping at any time on the surface of the reorganized mobile phone, and suddenly, a curtain of light appeared in mid-air.

Jack Hall was stunned: "Is this... a projection?"

“Or is it the projector that comes with the phone??”

He suddenly believed that this mobile phone might be a product produced 150 years later. He would not believe that today's mobile phones have developed to this extent! The most important thing is that this is his product.

mobile phone!!

Soon, Jack Hall had no time to pay attention to anything on his phone. He looked at the image projected on the screen of his phone, and his expression quickly became solemn.

Various chaotic and shocking air currents are taking shape all over the world.

The sea shook violently, as if a terrifying wave was about to set off and destroy everything at any time.

There was a terrible tornado that started to form in the center of the city.

All kinds of terrible changes seem to be happening in the whole world.

"Sir, please, what exactly is this..." Jack Hall asked with a trembling tone.

A strange smile appeared at the corner of Locke's mouth: "You are not a climate expert, you should have expected it."

"As you can imagine, the end is coming~ Jack Hall."

Jack Hall's body suddenly froze, and a heart-piercing chill ran through his whole body.

The end of the world is coming!!.

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