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Chapter 4 Who Said Our Family Was Bankrupt?

In a blink of an eye, two or three days passed.

In the past few days, Lin Zihao has been in a bad mood.

However, it is also understandable that anyone who encounters such a terrible thing will have a hard time.

"Big sister, why are you here?"

On this day, Lin Zihao unexpectedly discovered that his sister Lin Zixin had come to Shanghai.

"Zihao, I know about Ziwei."

"This kid is too insignificant."

"Come on, you go to his house with me, I want to ask, does this kid still care about family affection?"

"If he doesn't care, then I won't be my brother in the future."

As soon as Lin Zixin entered, she pulled Lin Zihao to go out.

"Big sister, it's unnecessary."

Lin Zihao was still angry at this moment.

He didn't want to see Lin Ziwei.

"Why is it unnecessary?"

"That's what I'm here for."

"You can't let me go all the way for nothing, can you?"

Lin Zixin dragged Lin Zihao to go out.

"By the way, Xiaoxuan and his siblings should come together."

Later, Lin Zixin said to Lin Xuan and Lin Xuan's mother Xue Caining again.

"Good big sister!"

Lin Xuan and Xue Caining looked at each other and agreed.

Afterwards, several people went to Lin Ziwei's home.


The place where Lin Ziwei lives is also Shanghai, and it is not very far from Lin Xuan's home.

If you drive, you can get there in about 20 minutes.

However, unlike Lin Xuan's family, Lin Ziwei's place is rented.

Now that the housing prices in Shanghai are so high, with Lin Ziwei's financial resources, he can't afford a house in Shanghai.

Otherwise, in the previous life, Lin Ziwei wouldn't be so shameless that he wanted to ask for a house from Lin Zihao.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Zixin and Lin Xuan's family came downstairs to Lin Ziwei's home.

Coincidentally, downstairs, I ran into Lin Ziwei's son, Lin Xuan's cousin Lin Hao.

At the moment, several people went upstairs together.

It just so happened that Lin Hao had a key that allowed him to open the door.

"God has eyes, that guy Lin Zihao is also today."

"That's right, wife, Lin Zihao's family is over this time, and we will rarely see them in the future."

"What does it mean to seldom meet with them? It should mean not to communicate with them at all."

"Yes, yes, my wife is right, we will not associate with his family in the future."

"Hmph, when Lin Zihao was asked to give us the spare house to live in, he refused. Such a stingy person really got his retribution."

"Speaking of this, I get angry. He owns three houses. What's the matter with giving me one? I'm his younger brother."

"This shows that he doesn't regard you as his own brother at all, otherwise, how could he be reluctant to part with a house."

"That's right, I think so too, this guy doesn't treat me as his own brother at all."

"It's great now. Lin Zihao is bankrupt now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to get back up in the future. When I think about it, I'm very happy."

"Also, Lin Zihao doesn't even have the money to pay the tuition fees for that little bastard Lin Xuan, so that little bastard Lin Xuan won't be able to go to college, and I'm afraid he will be a social trash in the future. This, I am happy."

"He deserves it. Let him show off to me that his son was admitted to Shanghai University. Now it's all right. My family is bankrupt and I can't even pay the tuition."

"This incident is what makes me happiest. In the future, our son will definitely be more promising than that little bastard Lin Xuan."

"That must be. How can a trash who has never been to a university compare with our son."

When Lin Hao just opened the door, Lin Xuan's family and Lin Zixin heard the conversation between Lin Ziwei and his wife in the living room.

Hearing this, Lin Zihao's anger began to soar on the spot.

He never thought that Lin Ziwei would have such vicious thoughts.

You know, he is Lin Ziwei's big brother, and he has helped Lin Ziwei a lot these years.

This is simply a white-eyed wolf.

"Lin Ziwei!!!"

"Are you speaking human language?"

"Zi Hao is also your second brother, and Lin Xuan is also your nephew."

"You're cursing them like that now."

"You are a wolf-hearted dog."

Before Lin Xuan and Lin Zihao made a sound, Lin Zixin, who was their aunt and big sister, couldn't help but get mad.

"Big... big sister?"

"Lin...Lin Zihao?"

When Lin Zixin and Lin Xuan's family appeared in his home, Lin Ziwei was dumbfounded.

He never expected that when he and his wife were speaking ill of others, they would be caught off the hook.

This is embarrassing.

"Haohao, what's the matter with you."

"How to bring some outsiders into the house."

Compared to Lin Ziwei's embarrassment, his wife Xu Caixia was much calmer.


"Xu Caixia, Xu Caixia."

"I know you are usually mean and mean, but I didn't expect you to be so excessive."

"Zihao and I are close relatives of Ziwei."

"You actually said that we are outsiders?"

"Lin Ziwei, do you think so too?"

After Lin Zixin finished speaking, she looked at Lin Ziwei. "


"Yes, it is!!!"

Facing Lin Zixin's questioning, Lin Ziwei couldn't help but glance at Xu Caixia.

Seeing his wife's fierce eyes, he nodded quickly.

"Okay, okay, I can see your face clearly today."

"Lin Ziwei, I won't be your younger brother from now on."

Lin Zixin was so angry.

Now she can't wait to tear Xu Caixia and Lin Ziwei apart.

She felt ashamed to have such a relative.

"So, are you still going away?"

"You poor ghosts are not welcome in our family."

"Hao Hao, remember."

"When these outsiders come over in the future, they can't open the door for them."

"Do you understand?"

Xu Caixia was completely unmoved by Lin Zixin's words.

Instead, he educated his son.

As soon as these words came out, Lin Zihao and Lin Zixin were once again very angry.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan on the side had a sneer on his face.

This time, my father and aunt finally saw the virtues of the third uncle Lin Ziwei's family.

Next, it's time to tell the truth!

"Who said our family went bankrupt!"


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