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Chapter 49 Try Touching My Son, I Will Kill You With A Knife!

After drinking and eating, we talked about many other topics.

Lin Xuan and the others just came out of the hotel.

This meal cost almost another 100,000 yuan.

In addition to the vegetable money of tens of thousands of dollars.

The money for red wine is also worth twenty to thirty thousand.

Although it cost a lot, it didn't matter whether it was Lin Zihao or not.

After all, one has just received tens of millions of demolition compensation.

One just made 21 million.

A meal of 100,000 yuan, even if it is eaten every day, for three to five months, will not be enough for them.

After making an appointment to see you tomorrow.

Lin Xuan and Xie Wanting went home with their parents.

Because we had so much fun talking tonight.

By the time Lin Xuan and the others got home, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

After taking a shower, it was almost 10 o'clock.

"Ding dong..."

Lin Xuan had just finished taking a shower when his cell phone rang.

Xie Wanting was the only one who would send him a message at this time.

Picking up the phone, it turned out that it was from Ting Baobao.

Xie Wanting: "I'm home, and I just took a shower, how about you, my dear?"

Lin Xuan: "I just took a shower too, baby, I miss you."

Xie Wanting: "Hee hee, I miss you too. (Shy.jpg)"

Xie Wanting: "Let's start the video."

As soon as I received the message from my Ting baby, her video request was sent in the next second.

After connecting to the video, a young and beautiful girl appeared on the screen of his mobile phone.

"Hee hee, dear Xuan baby."

"Your future mother-in-law and old man are very satisfied with you."

On the way back, Xie Zhimiao and Hu Qingqing kept praising how good Lin Xuan was.

Xie Wanting was on the side, her ears could hear the cocoon.

Of course, in her heart, she was still very happy.

Being able to be praised by my parents like this also shows that there will not be so many detours between me and Lin Xuan in the future.

I am afraid that after graduating, they will be able to get a marriage certificate directly.

"Really, then can I prepare the dowry in advance?"

Lin Xuan burst out laughing when he heard this.

"Hee hee, then do I have to prepare a dowry too?"

Xie Wanting also laughed.

"That is required."

Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

I have to say that the two really dare to speak.

It wasn't long before the relationship was confirmed, and they were about to talk about marriage.

Return the betrothal gift, return the marriage rank!

I don't know, I thought they would get married soon.

Who would have thought that one of them was eighteen years old and the other was nineteen years old.

Still just a college student.

"Honey, where are you going to play tomorrow?"

"Do you want to travel somewhere?"

After laughing, Lin Xuan asked.

There are seven days of vacation in the future, and they have to think about where to go to play.

"Tomorrow... I don't want to go out.

"Holidays, especially holidays like National Day, are full of people outside."

"It's not so much about traveling as it is about seeing people.

"If you really want to travel, go after three days."

"Three days before the National Day, that is the peak time for tourism."

Xie Wanting has a deep understanding of going out for fun during the National Day.

There are people everywhere, huge crowds.

That is called suffering.

She would rather stay at home than go out.

Sometimes, to go to the toilet, you have to wait in line for an hour!

That feeling of suffocation, don't mention how uncomfortable it is.

After suffering such a crime.

Kill her, she won't travel on vacation.


"That's what you said!"

"Then we won't travel."

"Why don't you just go to a nearby shopping mall."

Lin Xuan thinks it makes sense.

The National Day holiday is really the peak time for people to travel.

Traffic jams are deadly, let alone fun.

Even if you are going to the mall, it is best not to drive.

If the distance is not too far.

Going by bike is faster than driving.

"Okay, let's go to the mall then."

"Then tomorrow morning, I will go to your house to find you."

Xie Wanting thought about it and agreed.

She didn't forget that she still wanted to buy a watch as a gift for her boyfriend.

I was so busy with Lin Xuan that I forgot to buy a watch.

Now is just right, you can take advantage of the National Day to choose and choose.

And, Lin Xuan happened to be there too.

Then you can let him try it.

If it fits, just buy it.

Then give it to your favorite boyfriend.

"You came to my house to find me?"

"Are you sure it's not me looking for you?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help being happy when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, my baby Ting has become so active now.

Not at all reserved.

Perhaps this is what girls look like after falling in love.

"um, yes!"

"You already know where my home is."

"I don't know your family yet.

"So, tomorrow I will go to your house to check the door.

"I won't be able to find the location of your home in the future."

"Your girlfriend, me, treat you well."

"Hee hee hee!"

At the end, Xie Wanting couldn't help laughing.

"That is required."

"Okay, then I'll send you a location, and I'll wait for you at home tomorrow morning.

"You're almost here, I'll pick you up."

Lin Xuan nodded affirmatively.

Then, he sent the location of his home to Xie Wanting.

"OK, all right!"

The next two people cooked video porridge for more than an hour.

It wasn't until early in the morning that the video was hung up.

Then, with a beautiful smile, he entered the dream.

"No, I will never agree to this condition."

"Don't even think about it."

"It's impossible for me to agree to this matter even if it breaks the sky."

Early the next morning, when Lin Xuan got up and opened the door, he heard his father's angry growl in the living room.

This made Lin Xuan startled, a little confused.

Early in the morning, it will make Dad so angry?

At that moment, he came to the living room curiously.

In the next second, Lin Xuan's face darkened, and he became very unhappy.

Because, he saw people he didn't want to see.

Lin Ziwei's family!

Of course, besides Lin Ziwei's family, there are also his own grandparents.

Unexpectedly, the two old men also rushed over from Hangzhou.

"It seems that the reason why Dad is angry should be related to Lin Ziwei's family and grandma.

"Lin Ziwei's family came here probably because of compensation for demolition."

"It's really greedy."

"To get a piece of meat off our family.

"They even pulled the two old men here not far away."

"Lin Ziwei, Lin Ziwei, you really are doing whatever you can to achieve your goals.

"However, if you want something from my house, don't dream."

Lin Xuan sneered inwardly.

Then went straight to the living room.

"Xiaoxuan is up."

"What do you want for breakfast?"

Seeing Lin Xuan came out, Xue Caining forced a smile on his originally angry face.

"Tingting and I will have breakfast together."

"I won't bother you, mom."

"Dad, I heard your roar just as I came out of the room."

"Which person with a brain that has a hole in his head made you angry?"

Lin Xuan asked a question pretending not to know.

He even directly mocked Lin Ziwei in front of him.

Although Lin Ziwei is his elder, young people should respect the old and love the young.

But that also depends on who.

He wants to respect, and respect people like Zhang Wenbin and Liu Changqing.

Elders like Lin Ziwei don't deserve my respect at all.

"Lin Xuan, how do you talk?":

"You did it on purpose."

Lin Ziwei himself is a face-saving person.

In front of so many people, being ridiculed face to face by a junior, he couldn't help scolding him immediately.

"Yo, you're not stupid, I can hear that I'm mocking you."

Lin Xuan directly admitted it.

Yes, I did it on purpose.

What can you bear with me?

"Lin Zihao, take care of your son."

"It's simply disrespectful, not only that, but even dare to mock me here, beating around the bush and calling me stupid.

"How did you teach your son?"

"Do you read all the books in the dog's stomach?"

"I'm his third uncle!"

Lin Ziwei clenched his fist, if not for asking Lin Zihao today.

He couldn't say it, and he was about to beat Lin Xuan up.

But in order to get what you want.

He could only endure it for a while.

I really want to hit Lin Xuan.

The purpose of coming today is absolutely impossible to achieve.

"Tsk tsk, Lin Ziwei, Lin Ziwei."

"I just admire your shameless spirit."

"I am an ungrateful white-eyed wolf."

"I still have the face to preach to others here."

"Before you preach, could you please look in the mirror and see what virtue you have?"

"A wolf-hearted thing, how dare you talk to me here about disrespecting elders?"

"Are you worthy?"

Lin Xuan is not used to Lin Ziwei's bad habits at all.

What happened to Uncle San?

Third Uncle can bully my family at will?

The bullying has come to my house, can't I fight back?

"you you.....…"

"You little bastard, believe it or not, I'll beat you to death."

It can be said that Lin Ziwei was so angry that he was so chaotic by Lin Xuan.

The violent temper in my heart could no longer be contained.

Lin Xuan must be dealt with severely.

"Lin Ziwei, I'll give you a hundred guts, try touching my son.

"Believe it or not, I'll chop you up with a knife."

However, just when Lin Ziwei was about to make a move.

Xue Caining on the side walked out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife.

He stared at Lin Ziwei with a covetous face.

There is a big one, if you dare to make a move, I will dare to break your will.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth when facing his mother's tough scene.

f**k, it turns out that my Comrade Xue Caining still has such a tough scene.

Tsk tsk, I have learned a lot.

But what followed was deep emotion.

Women are inherently weak, but mothers are strong!

This sentence seems to be not wrong at all.

The usually gentle and virtuous mother, when she saw that she was about to be bullied, would dare to stab someone with a kitchen knife.

...asking for flowers...

It can be seen how protective she is.


"When a family fights with swords, how decent is it?"

However, at this moment, the old lady who had been sitting silently on the sofa spoke.

The old lady, Lin Xuan's grandma.

Besides the old lady, there was also the old man present.


With the old lady's words, Xue Caining also put away the kitchen knife.

But before walking into the kitchen, he still snorted at Lin Ziwei and raised the kitchen knife.

The meaning is obvious, don't try to bully my Xiaoxuan.

Otherwise, even if the old lady is here, I will dare to chop you.

This made Lin Ziwei couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and his face turned into a liver color.

This pair of mother and child is simply poisonous!

Young people don't know how to respect their elders.

The big ones dare to raise a knife to criticize people.

This is too tiger.

"Second brother, since your dad and I are here today.

"Just give us face."

"Either give 5 million to the third child."

"Either share a house with the third child."

"Anyway, you got so much compensation this time."

"Give it to the third child, and it won't hurt your bones.

"A family should share the blessings."

The old lady ignored Xue Caining's actions.

Instead, he turned his head and said to Lin Zihao.


Hearing what the old lady said, Lin Zihao didn't say anything, Lin Xuan couldn't hold back.

He sneered directly.

Others may not know what kind of person the old lady is.

Can Lin Xuan still not know?

In the previous life, the old lady also came over after her family received compensation for demolition.

It was for Lin Ziwei.

It is said that a family should share blessings and difficulties together.

That is because the old lady came forward.

Only then did Lin Zihao lend one of the houses to Lin Ziwei to live in.

Not only that, but also lent him 1 million.

As a result, Lin Zihao failed in his business.

He went to ask Lin Ziwei for money, but when Lin Ziwei refused to give it, Lin Zihao also asked the old lady to come out to uphold justice.

And how did the old lady answer?

"As a big brother, how dare you ask your younger brother for money.

"Since you gave him the 1 million at the beginning, it belongs to him.

"What is it like to come back!"

This is what the old lady said.

It can be seen how much the old lady prefers Lin Ziwei.

However, Lin Xuan could understand this matter.

Because Lin Ziwei is the youngest son.

Since he was born, the old lady has favored Lin Ziwei's family.

Even the grandchildren and old ladies prefer Lin Hao.

Lin Xuan remembers that when he was in his hometown in Hangzhou, the old lady would buy whatever Lin Hao wanted.

And what I, my cousin and my cousin want.

The old lady didn't even care about it.

When Lin Xuan was still young, Lin Xuan would complain.

Say grandma is eccentric.

Later, when he grew up, he didn't care anymore.

If you are eccentric, you are eccentric.

Anyway, there is not much relationship between him and the old lady.

Just do your duty and be filial.

For the rest, forget it.

Of course, Lin Xuan cares more about the old man than the old lady!

That is his grandfather.

Grandpa Lin Weiguo also loves Lin Hao.

However, unlike the old lady, he only favors Lin Hao.

But all grandchildren hurt.

Therefore, Lin Xuan still respects his grandfather very much.

In my previous life, after I graduated from college and made money.

He bought a lot of things for his grandfather.

During festivals and the like, a 1,000 red envelope will be given to grandpa as lucky money.

On the other hand, Lin Hao?

I have been favored by my grandma since I was a child, and I will buy something for the two old people during the holidays.

He also reached out to the old man for money.

It has to be said that Lin Hao has fully inherited the lazy character of his elder brother Lin Ziwei.

A man in his 20s still asks his grandparents for money.

He was the only one who could do such a shameful thing.

"Lin Xuan, what are you laughing at?"

"Is what grandma said funny?"

Lin Xuan's sneer made the old lady dissatisfied immediately.


"I just think you have double standards, grandma."

"You asked my father to share the blessings with Lin Ziwei."

"But, when Lin Ziwei is blessed, why don't you let him share it with my father?"

Lin Xuan looked at the old lady and said bluntly.

Although this is a bit impolite.

However, for a stable life in the future.

Some things are broken when they are broken.

Otherwise, if you keep compromising, there will be countless troubles in the future.

Now it is only tens of millions of demolition compensation.

Lin Ziwei dared to ask for a house.

In the future, if you earn billions, or even tens of billions.

I'm afraid Lin Ziwei will ask for more.

And will Lin Xuan give it?

Of course it's impossible!

Instead of making noise at that time, it is better to solve Lin Ziwei's future troubles as soon as possible.

In case this guy keeps causing trouble for their family.

Some things are not convenient for my father to say, but that doesn't mean it's not convenient for him to say them!

The third one!!!

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