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Chapter 55 It's Only One Step Away From Becoming A Billionaire!

Mihayou Technology Co., Ltd.

Lin Xuan drove a BMW 730 here.

This morning, President Cai sent a message to Lin Xuan.

After more than half a month, "Honkai 2" has finally been officially developed.

Originally, "Honkai 2" was almost finished.

With the addition of Lin Xuan's funds, the development of "Honkai 2" is very fast.

The reason why it took half a month was because of some comments made by Lin Xuan before.

Mr. Cai found it very useful.

Therefore, after some modifications, the research and development was completed last night.

"Boss Lin!"

"You are here."

When Lin Xuan came to the company.

Mr. Cai immediately came out to greet him.

As the savior of the company.

Whether it's Mr. Cai, Director Liu or Director Luo.

Many thanks to Lin Xuan.

If he hadn't invested 15 million at the critical moment!

Revitalized the entire company.

Then their company may have gone bankrupt.

"Lao Cai, take me to see "Honkai 2"."

"Whether our company can make money or not depends on it.

Lin Xuan said impatiently.

In the previous life.

Without Lin Xuan's point, "Honkai 2" can become so popular.

Now, after Lin Xuan's suggestion, "Honkai 2" may become even better.

In addition, at this time in the previous life, Mihayou reluctantly launched "Honkai 2" because of lack of funds.

There is simply no extra funds to go publicity.

Rely on the promotion among players.

Even so, "Honkai 2" has brought Mihayou an annual income of 100 million.

So now, after Lin Xuan's suggestion, plus enough funds to promote it.

How much income can "Honkai 2" bring to Mihayou?

Is it two hundred million?

or more!

This point, Lin Xuan has no way of knowing.

Everything, "373" has to wait until "Honkai 2" is online.

Anyway, Lin Xuan believed it.

No matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than the previous life, right?

After all, in his previous life, he had earned an income of 100 million a year.

"Alright Mr. Lin, please follow me."

After Lin Xuan became a shareholder of the company.

Mr. Cai's name for Lin Xuan has also changed.

From the previous Mr. Lin to the current Mr. Lin.

Of course, the most unbelievable thing for Mr. Cai is that Lin Xuan is only eighteen years old now.

Still a freshman in college!

God knows how unbelievable Mr. Cai was when he learned about Lin Xuan.

If it weren't for the time of signing the contract that day, after repeated confirmation.

Mr. Cai can tell that Lin Xuan is joking with him.

Soon, two people came to the research and development room.

In the R&D room, the other two founders of Mihayou are waiting for the arrival of Lin Xuan.

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

"Boss Lin, long time no see!"

Seeing Lin Xuan coming, the two immediately greeted each other.

Except for the two founders of Lin Wai.

The other programmers also greeted each other.

"Hi there."

"During this time, I have worked hard for you."

Lin Xuan didn't rely on his status to support him.

Instead, he greeted everyone warmly.

Of the people present, he is probably the only one who knows,

How brilliant this group of seemingly insignificant people will be in the future.

"Hehe, thank you Mr. Lin for your concern.

"Mr. Lin, come and experience the latest masterpiece of Mihayou."

Mr. Cai thanked everyone on behalf of everyone.

Let Lin Xuan start to experience the game "Honkai 2".

"Okay, let me try!"

Without further ado, Lin Xuan began to experience it.

Start the experience with Lin Xuan.

Everyone present held their breath.

I was afraid of disturbing Lin Xuan.

Ten minutes passed.... half an hour passed.... an hour passed..

Soon, two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

After playing for two hours, Lin Xuan finally ended the experience.

"very nice.

"Better than I expected."

"I think this game definitely has the potential to explode."

Lin Xuan showed a happy smile after scanning for a week.

Today's "Honkai 2" has gone through some of his points.

Playability has increased a lot.

It is undoubtedly much stronger than when it was first released in the previous life.

Plus enough publicity.

Lin Xuan believes that the current "Honkai 2" is more accurate than the previous life.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your compliment."

"Then next, we are going to launch "Honkai 2" to the market?"

After getting Lin Xuan's affirmation, Mr. Cai was overjoyed.

"Well, go to market.

"Old Cai, I will leave it to you to handle the matter of cooperating with the operator."

"As for publicity."

"We can find some big anchors in the field of e-sports and ask them to help with advertising."

"In terms of advertising budget, I decided to spend 10 million for advertising."

"We must make "Honkai 2" popular all over the country in the shortest possible time."

"Only in this way can we make big money."

"Therefore, there is no need to save too much on promotional expenses."

"I believe that no matter how much we spend, we will earn back in multiples."

Lin Xuan said confidently.

"Honkai 2" is a game that has passed the appraisal of the previous life.

Therefore, he is not worried at all that "Honkai" will have a mediocre response.

"Alright Mr. Lin."

"Leave these to me."

As the CEO of Mihayou, Mr. Cai is duty-bound to do these things.

"Well, that's what's decided."

"I hope that within a month, we can see our games on major operators."

Lin Xuan said expectantly.

As your first investment company.

Lin Xuan also hopes that Mihayou can achieve results quickly.

Wait until Mihayou has results.

I can also show off to my parents.

Look, this is the company your son invested in.

In just the first year, I made so much money.

Compared to the 21 million earned from Bitcoin.

Lin Xuan believes that Mihayou will bring him more income.

"No problem, Mr. Lin."

Mr. Cai said full of fighting spirit.

"Honkai 2" can be said to place great hopes on Mr. Cai.

The failure of "Honkai 1" has always made him brood.

Now that "Honkai 2" is about to be released, he must fight a beautiful turnaround.

Then, let those investors and investment companies who refuse to invest in themselves take a good look.

How wrong your original decision was.

"That's such a happy decision."

"Is there anything else?"

"If there is nothing else, I will go back to school first.

"After all, I'm just a college student."

Now that business is done, Lin Xuan plans to go back to school.

He still has class this afternoon.

"Boss Lin, wait, there are two more things I want to tell you."

Just as Lin Xuan was about to leave, he was stopped by Mr. Suo.

"What's the matter, tell me!"

Lin Xuan stopped in his tracks, turned his head and looked at Mr. Cai.

"Is such that."

"Honkai 2 has now been completed."

"Are we going to think about the next game early?"

Mr. Cai said with a little trepidation.

To be honest, he was still very embarrassed when he said these words.

After all, "Honkai 2" hasn't been launched yet, so I don't know what the game is like.

Talking about the production of the next game now is indeed a bit too anxious.

"Preparing for the next game?"

"It's not impossible."

"Do you have any ideas for the next game?"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but feel his heart move when he heard this.

According to the route of the previous life, the next game should be "Honkai 3".

Compared with "Honkai 2", "Honkai 3" is undoubtedly more devastating.

It is undoubtedly a good thing if "Honkai 3" can be made as soon as possible.

Lin Xuan knows how much income "Honkai 3" can bring to Mihayou.

That's one billion a year in revenue.

With this one billion.

Then the development of "Original God" can also start as soon as possible.

You know, the development of "Original God" is very expensive.

Complete research and development alone requires a cost of 100 million U.S. dollars.

One hundred million U.S. dollars, that's 650 million!

If there is no bottom line of 1 billion profits from "Honkai 3".

Then it is absolutely impossible for Mihayou to have the funds to develop "Yuan Shen".

Mihayou reached its pinnacle thanks to the appearance of "Yuan Shen".

"Is such that."

"For the next game, we already have a rough idea."

"This idea is based on "Honkai 2"."

"It's also a broken worldview."

"So, for the next game, I plan to name it "Honkai 3".

"Of course the names are similar."

"But there's not much relationship between the two."

"Not only that, I plan to make "Honkai 3" into a 3D model.

"I think there should be a bigger market for the 3D model."

"As for the settings, it's......"

Lin Xuan is now Mihayou's largest shareholder.

Therefore, regarding the design of Mihayou's next game, Mr. Cai did not hide it from him.

It's about telling the whole story in detail.

At the same time, Lin Xuan gave him a lot of inspiration in "Honkai 2".

So when he proposed "Honkai 3", he also hoped that Lin Xuan could give him some advice.

Maybe it can make "Honkai 3" even more perfect!

"It really is "Honkai 3"!"

After listening to Mr. Cai's narration, Lin Xuan thought silently.

"Boss Lin, what do you think?"

After Mr. Cai finished speaking, he asked Lin Xuan cautiously.

Although it is indeed a bit early to start developing "Honkai 3" now.

However, Mr. Cai is in a hurry.

As a game developer.

After having the inspiration for the new game, they definitely hope to be able to make the new game as soon as possible.

"I think so."

"Anyway, the company still has money..."

"In addition to the 10 million publicity expenses, plus your previous research and development of "Honkai" expenses."

"There should be a few million left.

"These several million are enough for the initial research and development of "Honkai 3".

"Next, just wait for "Honkai 2" to make money."

"We can use these funds to develop "Honkai 3"."


Lin Xuan agreed with Mr. Cai's proposal with both hands.

The so-called step first, step by step first.

If "Honkai 3" can come out some time earlier than the previous life.

Then there is no doubt that "Original God" can definitely come out earlier.

Once "Original God" comes out.

Then it is only one step away from him becoming a billionaire.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your approval."

"Then I will discuss with Director Liu and Director Luo."

"We're starting to prepare for the development of "Honkai 3"."

With the consent of Lin Xuan, Mr. Cai was very happy.

With the support of Lin Xuan, the largest shareholder.

Then, he can safely develop "Honkai 3".

"You're welcome."

"This is what I should do."

"By the way, didn't you say there are two things?"

"What's the other thing?"

Lin Xuan asked curiously.

Besides "Honkai 3", does Mr. Cai have anything else to ask for himself?

"Boss Lin, the second thing is related to our company's venue."

"The company's venue will expire in about half a month."

"We need to find a new venue."

"Because of the development of "Honkai 3"."

"Then just these few people now is definitely not enough."

"We need to hire."

"Once people are recruited, the area of ​​the venue will be too small."

"It simply cannot accommodate too many people."


At the end of Mr. Cai's speech, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

I dare not say any more.

After all, it is still a question of funds.

The development of "Honkai 3" requires a lot of funds.

And if you want to wait for the income from "Honkai 2" to arrive, it will take at least three or four months.

Once the development of "Honkai 3" starts, it will start to consume funds.

In three or four months, at least a few million will be consumed.

However, the current balance in the company's account is only more than 13 million.

10 million of which was used for publicity.

Then the extra hundreds of thousands will also need to be paid and used for other purposes.

The remaining 3 million!

It is enough to consume three or four months of research and development of "Honkai 3".

It's fine if it's normal.

But the problem now is that the office space they rent is about to expire.

Not only do we need to re-rent the venue, but we also need to rent a larger one.

In addition, new talent needs to be recruited.

After all, "Honkai 3" is a 3D game, and they need more talents who design games.

In this way, the 15 million invested by Lin Xuan before is not enough.

This is also the reason why Mr. Cai couldn't speak in the end.

"I see."

"Well, give me some time to think about it."

"I'll figure it out."

"It's really not possible, I can take out a little money for 3.8 people to advance."

"Wait for "Honkai 2" to make money before returning it to me."

"Of course, if possible, I can also invest some money."

"Then, increase my equity in the company."

These two problems are minor problems.

He can fix it.

Compared with these, he cares more about whether he can improve his shares in MiHoYo.

"Boss Lin, stop staring at the company's shares.

"30 percent is already the limit."

Unfortunately, his idea fell through.

30% of the shares is already the limit of Mr. Cai and the others.

Impossible, no more.


"Well then, I'll take care of the venue.

"As for recruiting talents, you are responsible for solving them.

For this result, Lin Xuan had already expected it.

So not too disappointed.

As for the matter of solving the office space.

He didn't have much resistance.

To put it bluntly, I am now the largest shareholder of Mihayou Company.

Solve a little trouble for your own company.

This is a matter of business.

Of course he won't say no.

"Alright Mr. Lin."

"The matter of that venue will trouble you."

Hearing that Lin Xuan was willing to solve the venue problem, Mr. Cai also breathed a sigh of relief.

At the moment, he laughed happily.

"Okay, if there is nothing else."

"I'm leaving."

"time does not wait."

"In half a month, the venue will expire."

"I'm going to fix this sooner rather than later."

With everything settled, Lin Xuan will not stay any longer.

"Alright Mr. Lin, I'll see you off."

Mr. Cai hurriedly stood up respectfully to see him off.

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