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Chapter 64 This Family Is Completely Broken Up, Too Much Retribution For Death!

"Come on, keep drinking!"

"Old Lin, you are drunk, let's drink here today."

"Oh no, I'm not drunk."

"I can't pour a thousand cups.

"I am Dionysus!"

"Yes yes yes, you are the god of wine, you are the god of wine.

"We can't do it, please forgive us."

"Cut, real dish."

"Yeah, we are small pickles, let's stop here today~ let's go.

"Okay, then - let you go today."

"We'll continue drinking tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, continue to drink tomorrow."

"Go home first today."

When Lin Xuan returned to the Hilton Hotel.

Seeing a scene that made him dumbfounded.

"Hee hee, it's so funny that Uncle is drunk.

"And the wine is also very good, and it's not too noisy when I'm drunk."

Xie Wanting couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.



This is not the first time Lin Xuan sees his dad drunk.

In the previous life, Dad also got drunk many times.

After all, those annoying things always come one after another.

"Xiaoxuan, are you back?"

"Well, you didn't meet Lin Ziwei's family in the police station, did you?"

At this time, Lin Zixin and Cai Ning who came back earlier hurriedly came over and asked.

They were also in the police station before.

However, after receiving a call from Xie Zhimiao saying that Lin Zihao was drunk.

Just come back one step ahead.

"I touched it."

"Originally, the old lady wanted to embarrass us."

"However, I was overwhelmed by my few words."

Lin Xuan briefly talked about what happened after meeting Lin Ziwei before.

Of course, he automatically omitted the part where he said he wanted Lin Ziwei to send white-haired people to black people.

There is no need to tell my aunt and mother about this.

To keep them from thinking wildly.

Think you'll really get your hands on it.

In fact, if Lin Ziwei and the others can calm down.

He doesn't take it too far either.

It depends on whether their family can understand each other a little bit.

"Oh, it's me

"Let Lin Ziwei's family and the old lady bully us again.

"It's all right now, grandson is in prison."

"Hmph, I feel that Lin Hao's arrest is the retribution for their hard work."

Xue Caining said happily.

In my heart, that is called a relief.

Although she didn't speak much before.

But I was full of anger in my heart.

It's just that, as a daughter-in-law, it's not easy for her to fight against the old lady.

Therefore, I can only give it to my husband and son.


"After today's trouble."

"Our family is completely broken."

"In the future, during the holidays, I probably won't be able to see each other."

Lin Zixin couldn't help sighing.

Although the old lady's attitude towards her was very bad.

But in the final analysis, the old lady is still her own mother.

All of a sudden, the relationship was completely severed.

She was still a little sad.

Of course, what was even more sad was the old lady's heart-pounding words: 'You are an outsider'.

The biological daughter became an outsider.

There is nothing more hurtful than this sentence.

"If you can't see it, you can't see it."

"I sort of see it through."

"The old lady didn't treat our two families as children at all."

"In her heart, there is only Zhe Sanri's family."

"As for the third child's family, they didn't treat you and Lao Lin as a big brother or sister.

"Just want to lie on us and suck blood."

Compared to Lin Zixin's sadness, Xue Caining felt that she was more relaxed than ever before.

Finally, they can get rid of the scourge of these two lying on their house and sucking blood.

Lin Zixin just shook her head helplessly when she heard the words.

Didn't say much.

"Mom, aunt.

"Since you are here."

"Then Tingting and I will leave first.

"It's getting late."

"We're going back to school."

"Here, I leave it to you."

See dad was just drunk and nothing else.

Lin Xuan doesn't intend to stay any longer.

Instead, he planned to go back to school with Xie Wanting.

"Okay, you guys go back first."

"There are me and your aunt here."

Xue Caining nodded slightly.

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed.

These days, Lin Ziwei's family is busy with Lin Hao's sentencing.

Therefore, there is no time to trouble Lin Xuan's family.

It was a rare few days for Lin Xuan's family to be quiet.

Modu University, Motor Corporation.

"Junior Lin Xuan, after waiting for you for so many days, I finally let me wait for you.

When Lin Xuan got off the 730 from his parents.

A girl jumped up and down in front of him.


Seeing the girl appearing in front of him, Lin Xuan was taken aback.

Who is this, I don't know.

But let alone, this girl looks quite good-looking.

Although it is not as good as my baby Ting.

But, it's just a little bit worse.

However, this kid is too milky.

There is no way to compare it with our baby Ting.

"My name is Xu Yajing."

"It's a third-year student in the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at Modu University."

"Student, nice to meet you."

Xu Yajing stretched out her hand and looked at Lin Xuan with a smile.

The more she looked, the brighter her eyes became.

It's really handsome, and it has a lot of temperament.

Tsk tsk, as expected of the man I like.


"Hello, sister Xu."

"I don't know why you are looking for me?"

Lin Xuan reached out and shook Xu Yajing's hand.

Surprisingly, Xu Yajing's hands were quite soft.

Well, very delicate too.

However, as a man with a girlfriend.

Lin Xuan separated with just a light grip.

Afterwards, he was very curious about what this Senior Xu Yajing wanted to do with him.

"Is such that."

"As for me, I am the head of the Propaganda Department of the Student Union."

"The higher-ups gave me a task, saying that it is to help you promote shared bicycles."

"No, I was ordered to come to you.

Xu Yajing said with a smile.

When she got the task given by the school leader, she was very happy for a long time.

As a color control.

Lin Xuan's appearance is too much for her taste.

You know, when Lin Xuan first entered school, she offered a huge reward, wanting to get all the information about Lin Xuan.

I also imagined that I could have a sister-brother relationship with Lin Xuan.

However, the reality is cruel.

She hadn't even started to act yet, but she heard that Lin Xuan took down the school belle Xie Wanting on the first day.

This frustrated her for a long time.

Later, when he learned that he was going to cooperate with Lin Xuan, he came to the calendar again.

I want to chase Lin Xuan.

As for Lin Xuan having a girlfriend?

She automatically ignored it.

Just a girlfriend, not a wife.

Besides, getting married doesn't mean you can't get divorced.

As long as the hoe is swung well, there is no corner that cannot be dug.

It can also be seen from this that Xu Yajing is the flower of the Department of Foreign Languages.

Moreover, she was also the rich lady who spent a huge amount of money to reward Lin Xuan's information on the forum.

"oh oh!"

"I see."

"Then I will trouble you, Senior Sister, for the next promotion."

The 5,000 shared bicycles ordered by Lin Xuan were officially delivered to the school this morning.

As for the production of Modeng APP, the research and development has been completed yesterday.

He came to the company today just to check the APP and see if there are any problems.

If that's all right.

It is planned that in two or three days, the shared bicycles will be officially promoted throughout the University of Shanghai.

Of course, besides that.

Lin Xuan ordered another 150,000 shared bicycles from bicycle manufacturers.

Delivery in three stages.

For the first time, 50,000 vehicles need to be delivered, and the time is one month later.

The remaining 100,000 vehicles will be delivered every two weeks.

Lin Xuan is confident that in a month's time, the shared bicycles will be promoted to the entire Magic City.

After all, this thing doesn't need any technical content at all.

The only thing that needs to be cleared up.

That's the official side.

However, there is the backing of Shanghai University.

Lin Xuan believes that the government will definitely support such a social project.

Therefore, he is not worried at all that the 150,000 bicycles he agreed will be put on hold.

"You're welcome."

"This is what I should do."

"Student, do you have any good publicity plans?"

"If not, do you need us to help you think about it?"

Xu Yajing blinked her big eyes and said expectantly.

Just work with Lin Xuan.

Then there will be opportunities to contact him next.

"In terms of publicity, I have a general idea."

"Well, I'll go to the company to do something first."

"After the matter is finished, I will contact my senior sister."

"At that time, I will tell you about the publicity plan in detail."

Now, Lin Xuan has to check whether there is any problem with the APP.

time is limited.

But if you wait, it will be free.

Just in time, discuss the propaganda with Xu Yajing.

"Okay, then let's add WeChat to each other."

"When you are free, send me a WeChat message directly."

As Xu Yajing spoke, she showed the QR code.

Hee hee, you can get Lin Xuan's WeChat account soon.

It is not very convenient to contact him in the future.


"Then I'll sweep you."

Lin Xuan said, and Xu Yajing added WeChat to each other.

After adding WeChat, Xu Yajing left.

Not too much entanglement.

He showed that he only approached Lin Xuan for work.

Not for selfishness.

As for Lin Xuan, he didn't think of it at all.

The reason why Xu Yajing came to her was because she was jealous of her appearance.

Even, I want to take myself as my own.

After waving goodbye to Xu Yajing.

Lin Xuan came to the company department.

Today's motorcycle company does not have many employees.

Except for Lin Xuan, there are only seven or eight employees.

Moreover, they are all junior and senior students of Shanghai University.

Of course, don't look at them as just students.

But in terms of technology, it is quite excellent.

Not necessarily bad for some programmers who have worked for several years.

If it weren't for the relationship between the head of the department, Yang Xin, Lin Xuan would not be able to recruit such a talent at all.

Therefore, Lin Xuan is not stingy at all with regard to the treatment of these people.

...... ask for flowers

Every month, a monthly salary of 10,000!

This is still a trial period.

Once you pass the probationary period, you will be doubled directly, with a monthly salary of 20,000!

This kept everyone happy for a long time.

While in school, you can get a monthly salary of 10,000 or even 20,000.

This is simply a good thing like a pie in the sky.

At the same time, I also understand that as long as I follow Lin Xuan.

The future treatment will definitely not be bad.

The functions of today's Modeng APP are very simple.

After all, it is only for students in Shanghai University.

So, not much functionality is needed at all.

It is precisely because of this that it only took half a month.

A few people completed the production of this APP.

After some testing, Lin Xuan did not find any problems with the app.

Then the next thing to do is to promote shared bicycles in Shanghai University.

In addition, Lin Xuan did not forget to let these people continue to develop the Modeng APP.

After all, one month later, this app is not only aimed at Shanghai University.

It also faces people in the entire magic city.

At that time, this simple APP is not enough to use.

In this regard, several employees naturally have no opinion.

And Lin Xuan left after leaving some comments.


"Sister, I'm done."

"Where are you?"

"I'll go find you!"

After Lin Xuan checked the APP.

Immediately contacted Xu Yajing.

"Student, are you done?"

"You wait for me at the gate of your company."

"I'll be right there."

Ten minutes later, Xu Yajing drove a red Audi to the downstairs of Lin Xuan's company.

"It seems that senior sister Xu is quite rich.


"This Audi A6 costs hundreds of thousands to say the least."

Lin Xuan saw Xu Yajing get off the Audi A6.

Couldn't help muttering.

"Student, are you done with your work?"

After getting off the car, Xu Yajing walked up to Lin Xuan and asked.

"Well, it's over."

"Senior sister, go to your propaganda department now, let's discuss the matter of propaganda.

Lin Xuan nodded slightly.

Then he said to Xu Yajing.

"Well, no problem."

"However, can we ride your shared bicycle?":

"Let me also experience the fun of shared bicycles in advance."

Xu Yajing said expectantly.

As for the specific information about the bicycle sharing project, Xu Yajing already knew it from the school leaders.

She just wants to experience it now.


Just in time, we can take a stroll around the school. "

"In this way, it can also be used as invisible propaganda.

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up when he heard it.

Then agreed to come down.

When Xu Yajing heard this, she also laughed happily.

"Hee hee, I'm riding a bicycle around the campus with my junior."

"I don't know what kind of expression Xie Wanting will have when she finds out about it?"

"Will you be jealous?"

"Should be!"

"Hmph, you stole the position of our school belle."

"I always have to add some trouble to you."

Xu Yajing thought secretly.

That's right, before Xie Wanting entered school, Xu Yajing was the school belle of Shanghai University.

Unfortunately, she only served for one year.

After Xie Wanting entered school in the second year, she was snatched away by Xie Wanting as the school belle.

There is a slight difference between the round appearance and the fine elegance.

However, Xu Yajing didn't admit to the little difference.

After all, radishes and greens have their own preferences.

But there is one thing, even if Xu Yajing doesn't admit it, it's useless.

That's the physical aspect!

Everything else is fine, the same long legs, the same tall figure.

The only difference is that Xu Yajing's kid is too milky.

This is Xu Yajing's flaw, which cannot be changed.

Of course, maybe it can be changed by touching the big way.

It's a pity that Xu Yajing hasn't met the boy she likes in these years.

This method will come to nothing.

Next, under the leadership of Lin Xuan.

They came to an open space next to the teaching building.

There are 5,000 bicycles on the open space.

Today, these 5,000 bicycles are all locked.

It can only be locked by scanning.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan's mobile phone has been installed with the modern APP just now.

It can be unlocked.

other people's words.

It won't work.

"Wow, what a bike."

Seeing 5,000 bicycles, Xu Yajing couldn't help sighing.

How much does it cost.

"Let's go, sister."

For Xu Yajing's amazement, Lin Xuan didn't show off too much.

"Good student."

At the moment, Xu Yajing randomly chose a shared bicycle.

Afterwards, the two rode shared bicycles together and appeared on the road on campus.

But what the two of them didn't know was.

Accompanied by the two of them cycling together on the campus.

The entire school forum exploded in an instant.

girls dorm!

Chen Jiaying opened her bedroom door with her mobile phone:

"Yaoshou, Tingting, your husband is cheating."

The second factory change!.

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