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Chapter 71 Wei's Mother Jumped Off The Building, The First Life On Lin Xuan's Body!

Magic City, Xingyue Community.

The people who live here are all the rich and powerful.

If you don't have billions of dollars, you can't afford a house here.

Because, the price of any house here is more than 200-300 million yuan!

Among them, the most expensive set is as high as 600 million!

Pei Youwei, chairman of Yuanhang Investment, lives here.

"Husband, what are you looking at?"

Pei Youwei's wife, Zhan Xiaofei, came to him and asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just came across a very interesting project.

"So, I plan to find out."

Pei Youwei looked at the phone carefully while talking.

At this time, if Lin Xuan was here, he would definitely find out.

On Pei Youwei's mobile phone, the content of shared bicycles is being displayed.

As the chairman of an investment company, what I am watching at this time is sharing bicycles.

In addition, what Pei Youwei said is very interesting.

No need to think about it, Pei Youwei has already paid attention to this shared bicycle.

"Why, is this another target you're looking at and ready to invest in?"

As a wife, Zhan Xiaofei knows her husband very well.

Being able to be called interesting by one's own husband.

Then this project is probably good.



"If this project is done well, it should be able to make a lot of money."

I have to say that Pei Youwei's vision is still very good.

After knowing the business model of shared bicycles and the purpose of serving them.

He immediately thought of a lot.

Such as bus stops, such as subway stations!

If all the bus stations and subway stations in the whole magic have such shared bicycles.

What kind of prospect will it be?

Just thinking about it, Pei Youwei felt very promising.

"So, are you planning to invest?"

When Zhan Xiaofei heard this, she immediately knew what Pei Youwei was thinking.

"Hehe, there is this way.",

"I think this project has a lot of potential."

"Of course, before that, I still need to ask the people in the company to investigate carefully."

"See how this project is doing."

"If it's doing well, it's worth my investment.

"If it doesn't work, I'll see if I can get one myself."

Pei Youwei said slowly.

He is really optimistic about this project.

But as the chairman of the investment company.

If he can invest directly, he naturally wants to invest directly.

Instead of making one yourself.

After all, he doesn't have that much time.

"Well, you can figure it out."

"I don't know anything about the company."

When Zhan Xiaofei heard this, she nodded slightly, so she didn't bother her husband anymore.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back."

But at this time, their daughter came back.

If you take a closer look, you will find that their daughter is Pei Jiajia who met Lin Xuan and them at Yunyue Private Kitchen before.

After a simple greeting at Yunyue's private kitchen before.

She and Xie Wanting did not continue to chat.

After all, their high school relationship wasn't that great.

No way, who made both of them come from beauties.

Of course, it's not great, but it's not bad enough to say bad things behind your back.

It's the kind of mutual dissatisfaction.

For example, making Jiajia unconvinced that Xie Wanting is more popular in school than she is.

"Jiajia is back."

"It's really rare."

Seeing her daughter came back, Zhan Xiaofei immediately greeted her with a smile.

"Hey, isn't tomorrow the weekend?

"Thinking that I haven't been home for a long time, let's go home and have a look!"

"Anyway, my school is close to home."

Pei Jiajia said with a smile.

"Dad, what are you looking at?"

"Your daughter finally went home and ignored me.

At this time, Pei Jiajia came to Pei Youwei's side and muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Hehe, my fault."

"I was fascinated by this shared bicycle just now."

"So I forgot to say hello to you."

Pei Youwei smiled embarrassedly.

"Bike sharing!"

"Why does this thing sound so familiar?

"Let me see what it is."

When Pei Jiajia heard it, it sounded familiar.

Immediately, they moved their heads to Pei Youwei's side and looked at the phone together.


"Isn't this the one posted by Xie Wanting's circle of friends?"

"No wonder it sounds familiar to me."

When Pei Jiajia glanced at Pei Youwei's cell phone, she suddenly said in surprise.

Although the relationship with Xie Wanting is not particularly good.

However, there are still WeChat friends between the two of them.

Are you classmates after all?

And some time ago, in order to promote shared bicycles.

Xie Wanting also posted some photos and information related to shared bicycles in Moments to help Lin Xuan promote it.

Pei Jiajia also saw it back then.

Therefore, when Pei Youwei mentioned shared bicycles, she felt familiar.

"Good girl, do you know this shared bicycle?"

Pei Youwei was very surprised.

"um, yes!"

"I saw this thing in the circle of friends of my high school classmates before."

"This thing should have been made by her boyfriend."

As Pei Jiajia said, she took out her mobile phone and opened Xie Wanting's Moments.

Soon I found the circle of friends that Xie Wanting had posted.

"You mean, this shared bicycle was founded by your high school classmate's boyfriend?"

"How old is his boyfriend?"

After Pei Youwei heard what his daughter said, he was suddenly amazed.

Daughter's high school classmate?

That's my sophomore year!

Even if your boyfriend is a few years older, he should be very young.

"emmm...seems to be one year younger than her."

"Should be a freshman this year!"

Pei Jiajia thought for a while, then said.

After learning that Xie Wanting had a boyfriend, Pei Jiajia deliberately went to the forum of Shanghai University of Technology.

I also have a good understanding of Lin Xuan's information.


"You mean, the founder of this shared bike is a freshman in college?"

After hearing this, Pei Youwei said in surprise.

"Well, if my high school classmates didn't lie, it should be true.

"But from what I know of her, she is a very proud person."

"Shouldn't lie."

"So, the founder of this shared bike should be her boyfriend."

Pei Jiajia nodded.

Although the relationship between her and Xie Wanting is not particularly good.

But Xie Wanting's character, she is still very clear.

That's a man who doesn't bother to lie.

"I see."

"Daughter, Dad has given you a task.

"Go talk to your high school classmates."

"Help me get more information about shared bikes."

Although it is possible to ask the company's people to investigate the operation of this shared bicycle.

However, Pei Youwei felt that if his daughter asked.

Maybe you will get some different information.

"Dad, you are asking me to spy on information.

When Pei Jiajia heard this, she immediately knew what her father wanted to do.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

"My daughter is just smart."

Pei Youwei nodded with a smile.

"Then spying on the intelligence, there must be some travel expenses.

"My pocket money for this month is almost gone again.

"Tonight, I treated my roommate to a meal and spent almost 30,000."

Pei Jiajia stretched out her hand and stuck out her tongue playfully.

"Haha, that's no problem. 17

"I'll give you one hundred thousand first."

"If you can get any useful information."

"Father will reward you another 200,000, what do you think?"

Pei Youwei said with a smile.

For him, a hundred or two hundred thousand and so on are all small money.

It's about the same as a dollar or two in Common.

Common people don't care much about giving their children a pocket money of one or two dollars, right?

"Hee hee, got a problem."

"Just wait for my good news.

When Pei Jiajia heard that there were a total of 300,000 rewards, she was overjoyed.

Hee hee, with this 300,000, she can pocket the bag she fancy some time ago.

That bag is worth tens of thousands.

"Jingle Bell……"

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan was still sleeping in the dormitory.

Was woken up by a phone ringing.

The call was from the head of the department, Yang Xin.

"Lin Xuan, it's not good!"

"Wei Feng's mother is about to jump off the building."

I just picked up the phone and was taken aback.

Wei Feng's mother is going to jump off the building?

real or fake?


"Director, today is not April Fool's Day, are you sure you are not kidding me?"

Xuan took a deep breath.

Said with a serious face.

"Do you think I still have time to joke with you?"

"Wei Feng's mother doesn't know what kind of madness she has."

"Come to school to find me early in the morning."

"Then left a bunch of inexplicable words and ran directly to the rooftop.

"And still standing on the edge of the roof."

Ready to dance anytime. "

"Right now, me and some people are persuading.

"Come here and take a look."

Yang Xin said impatiently.

"Okay, I'm going to get up now.

Lin Xuan heard the words and knew the seriousness of the matter.

Immediately got up from the bed, washed his face with water casually, took a mouthful of cold water to rinse his mouth, and left the bedroom directly.

Two or three minutes later, Lin Xuan's BMW stopped at the downstairs of the department head's office building.

At this time, the downstairs of the department head's office building was already surrounded by a bunch of people.

On the roof, Lin Xuan immediately saw Wei Feng's mother sitting on the edge of the roof.

With just a slight movement, she can fall from the roof of the building.

"It seems that this time it's going to be real."

Seeing this situation, Lin Xuan immediately frowned.

He knew that it was different from pretending to die last time.

This time Wei Feng's mother may really be looking for death.

If I don't agree to forgive Wei Feng.

Maybe, she will really jump off.

"This is to force me to submit."

Lin Xuan looked up at the roof and muttered silently in his heart.

Afterwards, he took a deep breath, walked directly into the office building and walked towards the roof.

He will never compromise on this matter.

If Wei Feng's mother really wants to dance.

Lin Xuan will definitely not block it.

As for the issue of public opinion, he doesn't care.

Because, he is the party of reason.

So, fear nothing.

Soon, Lin Xuan came to the top of the building.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xuan turned on the camera function of the phone, and then held it in his hand.

In any case, Lin Xuan will keep a hole card for himself.

He wasn't sure if there was surveillance upstairs.

Even if there is, in case it is just silent surveillance.

That didn't help either.

So, it's better to prepare yourself.

Make sure the recording is turned on.

Lin Xuan climbed to the last floor and came to the rooftop.

"You all get away from me."

"Let that Lin Xuan come to see me."

"If I don't see him, I'm not leaving."

"Don't come over, if you dare to come over, I'll jump off."

As soon as he came to the rooftop, Lin Xuan heard the hoarse roar of Wei Feng's mother.

It seems that the mood is very excited.

Lin Xuan glanced at it.

The firefighters hadn't come yet, and the leaders of some schools were on the roof at this time.

The head of the department, Yang Xin, is also here.

"Director, here I come!"

After arriving on the rooftop, Lin Xuan said hastily.

"Lin Xuan, you're here."

"Hurry up and persuade Wei Feng's mother.

"Tell her not to do something stupid."

Upon hearing this, Yang Xin immediately pulled Lin Xuan over.

"Wei Feng's mother, Lin Xuan, is here.

"If you have anything to say, talk to Lin Xuan about it.

"But don't be overthinking it."

Afterwards, Yang Xin turned his head and said to Wei Feng's mother.

"have nothing to say."

"Just one word."

"Lin Xuan, are you willing to withdraw the lawsuit against my son?"

"If you won't, I'll jump from here."

"From now on, wherever you go, you will carry a life on your back.

"Let you feel guilty forever."

After seeing Lin Xuan, Wei Feng's mother said excitedly.

"Aunt, as I said, your son has broken the law and should be punished by the law."

"If everyone is like you, if your son breaks the law, you must restrain him and forgive him. 770

"If you don't forgive and go to death, isn't this society in chaos?"

Lin Xuan said slowly.

I sneered in my heart.

Want to use public opinion to intimidate me?

go dream!

I want to see, if this video gets out, will those netizens be on my side or yours.

The masses, indeed, tend to be on the side of the underdog.

But the premise is that your son has not broken the law, and he must be reasonable.

Now your son has broken the law and wants to win sympathy.

That is unless it is a person with a problem with the three views.

Otherwise, no one with normal views will support you.

"I don't care that much."

"I just want my son not to go to jail."

"Others have nothing to do with me."

Wei Feng's mother said unreasonably.

"Since that's the case, then I won't say anything more to you."

"Because of jealousy, Wei Feng shared his private affairs with others and spread rumors in the whole school to slander me.

"Even mobilized the power of the student union to deliberately guide other students to expose me online."

"Now he is caught in prison, he deserves what he deserves."

"We are all adults, and since we have done something wrong, we have to bear the burden that we should have.

"So, I will not withdraw the prosecution."

"As for whether you want to jump off the building, that's your business."

"That's all for now."

"What to do next is up to you.

"I am leaving."

After Lin Xuan finished speaking, he left.

This matter, he has said very clearly.

As for whether someone will use this incident to attack yourself in the future?

Lin Xuan didn't expect that much.

Anyway, I recorded the video myself.

The cause and effect have been explained clearly.

Even if someone makes a fuss about this, it is useless.

"Don't go!"

"If you dare to take a step, I will jump."

Seeing that Lin Xuan was completely unmoved by the matter of jumping off the building.

Wei Feng's mother also became emotional.

"You can do whatever you want!"

"I still say that."

"I'll pay your respects with a wreath at your funeral."

"I'm not afraid of taking a life."

"Because I have a clear conscience!"

Lin Xuan stopped in his tracks, and after saying a few more words, he chose to leave directly.

This time, no matter what Wei Feng's mother said, he would not stop.

"Lin Xuan, stop and go!"

"I beg you to forgive my son, and give my son a chance to reform himself.

"Lin Xuan, if you don't stop, don't blame me for jumping off the building."

"Lin Xuan, you forced me to do this."

"You forced me!!!"

Wei Feng's mother saw that Lin Xuan kept walking.

There was a look of hatred below.

In the next second, take a leap!

Jumped directly.

"don't want!!!"

Seeing this, Yang Xin immediately cried out.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The moment he yelled out.

Wei Feng's mother had already jumped down.

The second more!!!

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