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Chapter 72: Intrigue, Cannibalism Without Spitting Out Bones!


A figure fell from the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

It was Wei Feng's mother.

Falling from such a high place, you don't need to look to know that you must have died on the spot.

"Dead, dead!!!"

"f**k, who is this? Are you so reckless? You really want to jump if you want to jump."

"This person seems to be the mother of Wei Feng, the president of the student union, why did he come to our school and choose to jump off the building.

"It must be because of Wei Feng. Now it seems that there should be no compromise from the school or Lin Xuan."

"Hehe, if it were me, I wouldn't compromise. After all, Wei Feng's behavior before, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that this was an attempt to completely ruin Lin Xuan's future.

"It is true to say so, but this is a human life after all."

Accompanied by Wei Feng's mother jumping down, the onlookers were startled.

Those timid ones ran out frantically.

He ran away without a trace.

And those brave ones, not only didn't run away, they even got closer and took a closer look.

Looking at it, some well-informed people discovered who the dead person was.

At this time, Lin Xuan and Yang Xin also ran down from upstairs.

Looking at Mother Wei lying on the ground, she didn't know what to say for a while.

A living life just disappeared in front of my eyes.

To be honest, he felt very uncomfortable.

But if he had to choose again, he still wouldn't choose to cancel the lawsuit against Wei Feng.

"Hey... Lin Xuan, why can't you teach and be persuaded?"

"It's a living life anyway."

Yang Xin came to Lin Xuan at this time and said helplessly.

People were killed, and now things are getting serious.

But he also knew that Lin Xuan was not to blame for this matter.

After all, to be honest, Lin Xuan was also a victim.

It can only be said that Wei Feng's mother is too extreme.

He never expected that Wei Feng's mother would dance as she said.

Not at all prepared.

"Director, I don't want to either."

"But who made Wei Feng go too far?"

"As long as he restrained himself a bit, I wouldn't sue him."

"You know, my initial thought was just to remove him from the position of President of the Student Union.

"It's him who intensifies himself, constantly using the power of the student union to target me."

"Even, I will be expelled from Modu University."

"How can I bear this breath!"

"I sued him to protect my own rights and interests.

Lin Xuan said helplessly.

"Director, someone died now."

"Will it have any negative impact on the school?"

Afterwards, Lin Xuan asked again.

"I know you made the right choice.

"So, I didn't say much."

"As for the negative impact, there must be."

"But it's not a big problem."

"After all, as you said, Wei Feng broke the law after all."

"If anyone wants to commit suicide, we have to let those who break the law be spared."

"Wouldn't the whole country be in chaos?"

"So, I also support your decision.

"But after all, a human life died because of you."

"Lin Xuan, you don't have anything to worry about right now?"

Yang Xin waved his hand first, then asked with concern.

"I'm fine."

"I said, I have a clear conscience.

Lin Xuan shook his head slightly.

Today's experience is also an experience for him.

In the future, Lin Xuan's wealth will surely be innumerable.

Once there is more wealth, the people and things he needs to face will also be various.

Even, there will be a lot of things to carry.

Now it's just a human life.

If you can't pass even one level.

Then how can he hang out in the mall.

After all, shopping malls are full of intrigues, and what is even more cruel is the situation of cannibalism.

Now this scene is just an appetizer.

This point, in the previous life, I have experienced the same as myself in the same place.

So Lin Xuan was already prepared.

"Well, you're fine."

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter."

"The school will take care of it."

"Hey, it's a pity that a human life was lost."

Yang Xin sighed.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

"Well, let's go.

"It's not right for you to be here right now."

"What did you say?"

"My mother is dead!"

"How did this happen, how did my mother die?"

"Who did it?"

In the detention center, when Wei Feng learned the news of his mother's death, he suddenly lost his composure.

Immediately, he directly attacked the crime in anger. If it wasn't for the handcuffs, he might have made a move.

"be honest!!!"

Seeing this, the guards outside the door immediately walked in and controlled Wei Feng.

"8157, if you don't talk properly."

"Today's visiting hours ended early."

The guard gave a warning, and after seeing that Wei Feng was no longer emotional, he left his side and stared at him not far away.

"How did my mother die?"

"you tell me!"

After the guards left, Wei Feng stared at his father intently.

The eyes are extremely scarlet.

The whole person is like a wild beast that will devour people at any time.

"I can only tell you that your mother committed suicide by jumping off a building."

"Others, you'd better not know.

"Don't hate others."

"You have to reform yourself inside."

"Come out and start a new life."

"Stop breaking the law."

At this moment, Wei Hai is ten years older!

Who would have thought that he was just going out to buy groceries.

His wife disappeared.

When he received the news and rushed to Shanghai University, all he saw was a cold body.

At that moment, he was directly stunned.

He also didn't expect that his wife was so stupid.

In order to force others to forgive his son, he actually jumped off the building.

The most important point is that even if you jumped off the building, your son's lawsuit has not been revoked.

This is really a waste of a life.

"Wei Hai!"

"I want you to tell me who killed my mother."

"Don't talk about me."

"Did Lin Xuan drive my mother to death?

"Yes and no!"

Wei Feng grabbed the handcuffs tightly, his expression extremely ferocious.


"You have no one to blame for your mother's death."

"No one forced your mother."

Seeing Wei Feng's expression, Wei Hai would not tell him the truth.

Finally chose to hide.

In fact, Wei Hai is also very conflicted. On the one hand, he thinks that Lin Xuan forced his wife to death.

If Lin Xuan softened his heart, he agreed to their request.

His wife will not die.

On the other hand, he felt that Lin Xuan was right.

He is just protecting his rights.

It was precisely because he didn't know what to say, Wei Hai finally chose not to say it.

"Do you think I can't guess if you don't tell me?"

"It must be Lin Xuan, definitely him!"

"Lin Xuan, I, Wei Feng, are at odds with you."

"Wait, wait for me to go out."

"I will absolutely seek revenge on you."

It's a pity that even if Wei Hai didn't say anything, Wei Feng could still make a rough guess.

During this time, he also offended Lin Xuan.

Moreover, my mother also said it when she came to visit the class before.

Even if it is death, let Zhi let him go.

Therefore, he can already be sure that his mother's death is 100% inseparable from Lin Xuan.

"Hey.... Sin!!!"

Looking at Wei Feng's hateful eyes.

He knew that the seeds of hatred in his son's heart had already been planted.

After serving his sentence and being released, he will never let Lin Xuan make peace with him.

But with his meager strength, how can he beat others?

Just hit the stone with the egg.

In a blink of an eye, nearly two weeks passed.

Because he is busy with sharing bicycles every day, Lin Xuan also forgets about Wei Feng's mother's death.

These days, through school matchmaking.

Lin Xuan has reached a cooperation with the officials of Modu.

The initial trial camp of shared bicycles will be carried out in three districts.

After all, the road has to be walked step by step.

The city is so big, it is impossible for Lin Xuan to eat all the market in the city at once.

Three districts is also his limit.

After all, he only has 150,000 shared bicycles in total.

There are only 50,000 shared bicycles in a district.

You know, Lin Xuan can put in 6,000 bicycles for just one Shanghai University.

And a district, if it is really spread out, let alone 50,000 vehicles.

Even if it is doubled, 100,000 vehicles may not be enough!

At present, it can only be launched first in those major locations.

Then slowly extend to the periphery.

In addition, in order to prevent the loss rate from being too high, and to facilitate management.

Lin Xuan also added some prefaces to the PP.

That is, after using the shared bicycle, it can only be returned at the specified place.

It's so easy to manage!

Instead of throwing it away in one place after use.

If it is randomly thrown aside, an additional dispatch fee will be charged.

These operating models and management methods are all copied by Lin Xuan from the bike-sharing companies in his previous life.

I have to say that it is cool to have the experience of the predecessors.

You can avoid many detours.

"What did you say?"

"You want to invite me and my boyfriend to dinner?"

"real or fake?"

This afternoon, Xie Wanting unexpectedly received a call from her high school Jiajia.

Said to treat myself to dinner.

This made Xie Wanting feel baffled.

The relationship between her and Pei Jiajia is not very good.

And it was the first time that Pei Jiajia invited her to dinner.

Subconsciously, Xie Wanting felt that there must be something tricky in it.

"Of course it is true."

"Old classmate, please save face."

Pei Jiajia said with a smile.

But the heart is suffering.

At the beginning, I took 100,000 tolls from my father. I originally wanted to learn about shared bicycles from Xie Wanting.

The results of it?

In the past half a month, she sent a few WeChat messages to Xie Wanting, hoping to get in touch.

However, this Xie Wanting is always perfunctory every time she responds to messages.

While chatting, they suddenly disappeared.

she doesn't even come

And ask about shared bicycles.

She had no choice but to invite the person out in person.

What the hell, if you all come out, you won't just disappear from my face while talking, right?


Xie Wanting was momentarily at a loss for words, not knowing whether to agree or not.

"Aren't you afraid that I will cheat on you?"

Seeing Xie Wanting's faltering, Pei Jiajia immediately said speechlessly.

"." That's impossible. "

"Although the relationship between us is not very good, I also know that with your character, you won't do anything despicable.

"Okay, since you have sincerely invited me."

"Then I will promise you without any trouble."

"You can send me the time and place on WeChat later."

"At that time, I will definitely attend with my boyfriend.

Xie Wanting thought about it, and finally agreed.

Although she didn't know what Pei Jiajia was looking for, Xie Wanting still planned to go there once.

Because, as a high school classmate, Xie Wanting also knows Pei Jiajia's family situation very well.

She knew that Jean Jiajia's father was the chairman of an investment company.

And my boyfriend is currently developing shared bicycles.

And it won't be long before you will choose financing.

Coincidentally, Pei Jiajia's family runs an investment company.

Then maybe it can be of any help.

It was precisely because of this that Xie Wanting agreed to Pei Jiajia's invitation.


"That's such a happy decision."

"See you tonight."

Seeing that Xie Wanting agreed, Pei Jiajia was also relieved.

The task my father gave me has finally progressed.

And my remaining 200,000, there is finally hope that I can get it.


"Then I hang up."

After Xie Wanting finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

"What's the situation, why did Pei Jiajia treat you to dinner?"

Xie Wanting just hung up the phone.

Chen Jiaying couldn't help but came over and asked.

She and Xie Wanting are not just college roommates.

Even junior high school alumni and high school classmates.

It is also because of this that the friendship between Chen Jiaying and Xie Wanting is so good.

If we hadn't known each other for so long.

How could it be possible to cultivate such a deep friendship in just one year of college.

So Chen Jiaying also knew Pei Jiajia.

"have no idea!"

"But I think it should be related to Lin Xuan."

After Xie Wanting thought for a while, she said slowly.

"What the hell?"

"Related to Lin Xuan!"

"Could it be that Pei Jiajia has taken a fancy to your boyfriend, so he is ready to snatch it?"

When Chen Jiaying heard this, she immediately (of good money) said very worriedly.

But she knew that Pei Jiajia was a super rich second generation.

When I was in high school, my shots were very generous.

Often ask the whole class to eat.

And those things are expensive and expensive.

Moreover, her monthly living expenses are much more than the sum of all her classmates.

Back then, her monthly living expenses were only 500 yuan.

Moreover, it is considered to be more of the kind in the class.

But what about Pei Jiajia?

A month's living expenses directly exceed 3 W.

Moreover, sometimes it is used too much, reaching 50,000!

This shows how arrogant this guy's family is.

"Probably not."

"I think there should be something to ask me for."

"During this time, she talked to me a few times.

"Every time I hesitate to speak."

"And, the most interesting thing is, every time she wants to ask me something."

"My family Lin Xuan came to see me."

"When I was with my boyfriend, how could I have time to chat with her, so I just played and disappeared.

"It's probably because of this that you invited me out for dinner.

While talking, Xie Wanting suddenly realized why Pei Jiajia invited her to dinner.

"She begged you to do something?"

"It shouldn't be."

"Her family is so powerful, why would she ask you to do something?"

"I can't figure it out!"

Chen Jiaying scratched her head, wondering what Pei Jiajia's purpose was.

"Never mind her."

"Anyway, it will be clear when the time comes."

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore."

"I'm going to mention this to my family Lin Xuan."

Xie Wanting said nonchalantly.

Later, she sent a message to the Lin Xuan group.

Tell him about dinner tonight.

Lin Xuan immediately replied with an OK thing.

Anyway, he had nothing to do tonight.

Just right, you can go with your girlfriend.

The third one!!!

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