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Chapter 47 Lin Shuang: Is Red Bean Paste Fake?

"Even an Apex Level abnormality like Mr. Wang is as small as an ant when faced with the Lord of flesh and blood, and as vulnerable as a grain of sand against the tide."

Lu You sighed as he spoke, with a little gloom in his eyes.

Hope they are the most Apex Level existences in the human camp, but they are still ridiculous compared to the abyss lords.

This made him feel powerless.

Just like when humans see an ant nest on the roadside, even the strongest individual among the ants will be crushed to death by humans with one finger.

It's also thanks to the fact that the Lord of the Abyss cannot stay in the surface world for long.

Otherwise, just soaking in urine can destroy the ant nest.

"But fortunately, Mr. Ye, as a conceptual-level abnormality, can effectively suppress the flesh and blood pollution passively released by the Lord of Flesh and Blood just by standing beside us."

Lin Shuang was surprised when she heard this frown.

A look of doubt flashed in her eyes, and then quickly turned into deep thinking: "So, Ye Ren not only has the concept-level skills to kill residual blood, but also has a passive purification aura to fight against abnormal pollution?"

Lu You nodded and explained in detail:

"Yes, Mr. Ye can act like a barrier to protect the people around him from the distortion caused by flesh and blood pollution. It is precisely because of this that we can maintain our sanity after facing the Lord of flesh and blood."

Lin Shuang took a deep breath, trying to digest the shocking news.

She knew what this meant -

There are many anomalies who can withstand the contamination, but there are only a handful of anomalies who can withstand the abyss lord's contamination.

The only one who can not only resist pollution by himself, but also passively protect his companions from the impact of pollution, is Ye Ren so far.

She realized how correct the country's policy of cultivating and protecting Ye Ren was, because it was obvious that Ye Ren was an important part of the country's fight against the abyss!

"I understand, Investigator Lu, this matter is not trivial. I will change his file later and apply for higher level protection measures to ensure his safety."

Lin Shuang said decisively.

Lu You hummed and continued to report:

"The situation at that time was extremely critical. The entire Haigang City was turned into a purgatory-like sea of ​​flesh and blood by the Lord of Flesh. Mr. Wang moved us to the rooftop of the tallest building in the city, but we had no way to retreat and no way to escape. ”

"But Jiang Sui found a glimmer of hope with the blood sacrifice - destroying the summoning altar located in the underground waterway."

When Lu You mentioned that Ye Ren took the initiative to go deep into the underground sewers and risked his life to carry out this arduous task, Lin Shuang stood up suddenly and clenched his fists.

She stared at Lu You closely and said anxiously:

"You said you let that child take risks alone? Why let him go? His safety is the first priority!"

Lin Shuang's voice was slightly trembling, and her heartbeat could not help but accelerate.

"At that time, we had no better way," Lu You explained helplessly.

He smiled bitterly and continued:

"Only Mr. Ye is completely immune to flesh and blood contamination. No one else is. Including Mr. Wang, even a trace of the flesh and blood Lord's minced meat will be corrupted. Only Mr. Ye can consistently maintain his sanity."

Lin Shuang's face became more complicated when she heard this. She frowned and her eyes wandered between Lu You and the corner of the office.

She couldn't help but murmur to herself:

"Conceptual this a conceptual level abnormality?"

She rubbed her head, feeling mixed emotions in her heart.

Lin Shuang recalled how many of the lamp-bearers who had fought alongside her were corrupted due to long-term battles with abyssal creatures or staying in the abyss to save people for too long.

But Ye Ren was completely unaffected by it.

"This child... is so outrageous..." she murmured.

Lu You's voice echoed in Lin Shuang's office as he continued to describe the almost desperate battle.

He described in detail how the horrific effects of the blood and flesh pollution quickly eroded everyone's body after Ye Ren was teleported away by Liu Gao.

"It was an extremely painful and terrifying process, and everyone's body was undergoing strange deformations!"

"Muscles bulged, and various textures and organs that did not belong to humans emerged on the skin. I even saw that someone had several thick octopus tentacles growing on his head, and the tentacles were waving in the air like spasms..."

When Lu You said this with lingering fear, Lin Shuang's fingers unconsciously grasped the armrests of the chair, and her knuckles turned slightly white because of the force.

She could imagine that scene!

"Ten minutes, we could only hold on for ten minutes at most. If Mr. Ye did not come back within ten minutes, we would..."

Although he did not finish, he understood.

Lu You noticed Lin Shuang's reaction, and he continued to narrate:

"But fortunately, Mr. Ye soon succeeded in destroying the altar and rushed back. At that time, we were almost completely corrupted, but Mr. Ye used his abnormal ability to reset the blood and flesh deformation in our bodies."

When Lin Shuang heard this, she couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes, with shock and confusion written on her face.

"Wait a minute?!"

She murmured subconsciously, with a tremor in her voice:

"You were already in the process of deformation, and your body had changed, right, but he reversed the deformation?"

Lu You nodded.

Lin Shuang was stunned in disbelief:

"But this is impossible... According to the information we obtained abroad, blood and flesh deformation is considered irreversible, that is, once contaminated, the individual will be permanently changed."

Lu You was stunned when he heard this.

He recalled the scene at that time in his mind, and felt more and more incredible about the characteristics displayed by Ye Ren.

"Yes... He actually reversed our blood and flesh deformation..."

He hadn't thought deeply before, but now after hearing what Lin Shuang said, Lu You realized how incredible this was.

The distortion that should have been irreversible was reset when Ye Ren drew his sword.

Fear pollution > flesh pollution.

Lu You and Lin Shuang looked at each other, and their eyes changed.

"Huh..." Lin Shuang took a deep breath, she needed to slow down a little.

After taking a glass of cold water, Lin Shuang took a sip and continued to ask Lu You: "Then what? What happened next."

Lu You: "Mr. Ye summoned the Lord of Dreams."

Lin Shuang: "Puff (ΩДΩ)!"

Lu You dodged quickly, and he turned sideways to avoid being sprayed in the face by Lin Shuang, who turned into a fountain, and he pulled out two tissues from the side and handed them to the other party.

"Cough cough cough!"

Lin Shuang choked and coughed, and her little face was red and coughed for a long time.

After a long while, she barely recovered. Her throat was still a little hoarse. She asked with a twisted expression:

"What did you say? Repeat it again?"

Lu You shrugged: "Mr. Ye, he wants to summon the Lord of Dreams, who is also the Lord of the Abyss, to the surface world, because only the Lord of Dreams can compete with the Lord of Flesh and Blood."

Lin Shuang felt a buzzing in her head.

She rubbed her temple with one hand and supported herself on the table with the other hand, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart:

"Although Xing Zhi said that he might have the power to summon the Lord of Dreams, this kind of thing is too incredible..."

Lu You said in silence:

"Who said it's not? That's the Lord of Dreams..."

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