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Chapter 69 Summon The Lord Of Dreams, Tiezi, For Identification

The big guys looked at Ye Ren and gave them a thumbs up.

Ye Ren: "..."

Someone Ye said that Zhen Ji pulled the mullet.

Since he became familiar with the big guys, the quality of these big guys has been declining in his eyes, especially Wang Ping'an, who used to be a bit like an immortal cultivator.

Now it seems that he is just a middle-class uncle.

And you! The one-armed hero Liu Gao!

Can you please stop making some weird jingles? Damn it?

You are so educated, are you preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination? !

Ye Ren expressed that he was very tired. It was really a blessing that the Dragon Kingdom had such a group of Zhenguo-level bosses.

At this moment, Lin Jinyu was leaning against the wall, her breathing was still a little rapid, and her tears had not yet dried up. She tried her best to prevent herself from collapsing to the ground.


She could no longer speak.

Ye Ren grinned at Lin Jinyu and leaned back:

"Do you understand what concept level is?"

Lin Jinyu's pupils shrank: "About... concept level?!"

Seeing this, Yu Linglong coughed quickly: "Ah? Is this allowed to be said?"

Lin Jinyu is also a smart person. She instantly raised her right hand:

"I didn't hear anything."

But there was already a storm in her heart.

Old swan, concept level?

Isn't that a level that only exists in theory? A level beyond the Abyss Lord that is completely impossible to prove actually exists!

When Lin Jinyu looked at Ye Ren again, her eyes became extremely complicated.

She suddenly understood now why even a Zhenguo-level boss like Mr. Wang served as bodyguards for Ye Ren, and there were still six of them.

At first, Lin Jinyu thought that so many big bosses were here to curb the pollution of forgetfulness.

Now it seems that they came simply to protect Ye Ren.

Not long after, everyone had arrived at the storage point of A-64.

On the ground in front of the isolation safe, the metal floor reflected cold white light.

Lin Jinyu stepped forward from Ye Ren. She came to the front of A-64, slowed down her breathing, and then carefully opened the safe.

The cold light on the ceiling shines through, illuminating the broken wing lying quietly inside the box.

Broken Wing seemed unusually peaceful at the moment, and the disturbing aura of pollution that originally emitted had disappeared, leaving only silence.

Just when Lin Jinyu was about to remind everyone to be more vigilant, Ye Ren walked straight forward.

He grabbed Broken Wing, and then gave Broken Wing a loud, loud mouth without hesitation. The crisp sound echoed in the empty containment room, shocking everyone.

Lin Jinyu: "(ΩДΩ)?!"

Lin Jinyu's beautiful eyes widened so wide that they almost popped out of their sockets.

If not, buddy, what are you doing! ?

Those are part of the body of the Lord of the Abyss!

Lin Jinyu felt like her head was buzzing now. She stammered and turned to look for safety, with a hint of trembling in her voice:

" is he like this really okay?"

Seeing this, Wang Pingping shrugged expressionlessly and responded in a relaxed tone:

"He has always been so brave."

The other big guys nodded subconsciously.

A grunt.

Lin Jinyu swallowed dryly, and then focused her eyes on the broken wing in Ye Ren's hand again.

Ye Ren stood there, holding the root of the broken wing with his left hand, and raising his other hand high!

"Pah! I'll tell you to do some sex work!"

"Pah! I asked you to cause trouble for me!"

"Pah! I told you to pretend to be dead!"

One big mouth after another caused severe shock to Broken Wing's young mind.

Faced with Ye Ren's fierce fight, Broken Wings did not release the pollution of oblivion as before, but instead seemed unusually docile, even a little shrinking.

Lin Jinyu opened her mouth, and she could clearly see the broken wings trembling slightly under Ye Ren's blow.

how to say?

It feels like a child who has been severely scolded, feeling wronged and scared, but not daring to resist.

Lin Jinyu rubbed her temples and murmured:

"Am I rewarding myself for hallucinating too many times..."

It is obvious that the Broken Wing is a doomsday starter that can destroy the world, but at this moment, it was slapped hard by Ye Ren, and it did not dare to resist at all, so it could only pretend to be a dead thing.

Ye Ren waved his hand, suddenly turned to Lin Jinyu and asked:

"Director Lin, may I ask, do you know what this thing is?"

Lin Jinyu was stunned for a moment, then shook her head:

"Originally, the headquarters planned to send a research team to conduct a comprehensive study and analysis of it, but before action could be taken, the oblivion pollution suddenly broke out, and everything fell into chaos."

Ye Ren looked at Broken Wings thoughtfully.

After a moment, he suddenly said in a calm and steady voice:

"I have a bold idea..."

"Why don't I just call Tie Tie over and ask? After all, he and these wings are both products of the other world. Maybe he can provide some clues?"

Lin Jinyu said blankly: "What are you talking about?"

What iron iron?

At this time, Wang Ping'an explained for Ye Ren:

"Xiaoye is going to summon the Lord of Dreams."


After a brief three seconds of dead silence.

Lin Jinyu's eyes widened suddenly, her mouth opened slightly, but she couldn't make any sound for the moment.

After a long while, she stuttered in confusion:

"Wait, is this the Lord of Dreams that I understand? You want to summon him to the surface world?!"

Ye Ren grinned happily: "Yes."

Lin Jinyu: "(ΩДΩ)..."

Is this what people say?

Do you want to listen to what you are talking about, bastard!

Summon the Lord of the Abyss to represent the world?

Wouldn't that be tantamount to directly announcing that the end is coming!

Under Lin Jinyu's stunned gaze, Ye Ren took out the bloody blade from behind.

Extreme and pure fear once again emerged from the hearts of everyone as the scarlet blood mist filled the air.

Ye Ren's wrist shook slightly, and the blood blade drew complicated and mysterious trajectories in the air.

These tracks left clear red scars, condensed into entities, and intertwined, rotated, and merged in the air.

Eventually it gradually converged into a complex targeting spell.

"Done~" Ye Ren bared his teeth happily.

The moment the targeting spell was completed, the sky across the capital underwent a suffocating change.

The originally bright sunlight seemed to be blocked by an invisible giant hand, disappearing without a trace in an instant, and the entire city was shrouded in thick darkness.

People who didn't know why looked up in horror and saw stars in the night sky.

"No, why is it dark?!"

"It's only a little before noon!"

"what's the situation?"

An indescribable strange atmosphere permeated the city.

The boundaries between dreams and reality begin to blur and merge, forming bizarre and bizarre pictures.

On the zebra crossing, someone saw a butterfly as huge as an elephant flapping its wings in mid-air.

Others witnessed ancient temples rising from the distance, replacing steel buildings.

The road suddenly turned into a sparkling lake, but people standing on the lake would not fall, only the slightest ripples would appear.

this moment.

The boundary between reality and dreams is completely broken, and everything becomes illogical.

In the dark night, an exaggerated huge gap was torn open in the inner and outer world.

The projection of the Lord of Dreams, Noxtus...

He has come.

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