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Chapter 19 Suppress the dragon and be one step ahead (4/5, ask for data)


"How can a similar giant gate appear in front of me."

This terrifying giant gate exudes terrifying coercion.

The most striking thing is that the pillars of this giant gate are covered with dragon scales, so hideous.

Yang Hao's eyes were surprised, and Fang Lie's figure in the line of sight had already stepped into the giant gate in front of him.

He wanted to keep up, but found that he couldn't move, and terrifying coercion flooded him from all directions.

There is only one place, there is no coercion, it is the giant gate that also appeared in front of him.

Obviously, this was trying to press him into the door.

"Is it a test?" Yang Hao asked inwardly.

He knows very well that even the protagonist has to go through many tests before he gets the chance to be able to gain a lot.

This huge gate of horror that suddenly appeared in front of you was the only way.

When Yang Hao came here, naturally he would not retreat easily.

Of course, he is not foolish.

The immortal Dao seal left by the eternal holy lord in his body is his confidence.

Yang Hao is also a decisive character. Since he can't leave, he walks into the terrifying giant door slowly without thinking.


"Forbidden area."

"Intruder, die!"

As soon as Fang stepped into the giant gate, Yang Hao's eyes suddenly changed, and a golden dragon exuding a terrifying aura appeared in front of him.

After that, it was a paw shot involuntarily!


When Yang Hao saw this golden dragon, he couldn't help but change his color.

Although the ancient dragon clan has disappeared in Ziwei Daxing for many years, the legend of the ancient dragon clan still circulates.

A grown-up ancient dragon, terrifying in strength, able to easily suppress the king.

But when Yang Hao sensed that the golden dragon that appeared suddenly was doing him well, the immortal Dao Yin in his body did not move, and he couldn't help but move his heart.

"It's a phantom."

"There is no fatal threat to me."

"At most, there is only the Ninth Stage strength."

"It seems that it is indeed a test."

Yang Hao's eyes condensed, and the power of Dao Wen in his body surged!

Facing the attack of the golden dragon, he made an impressive move!

And point it into a sword!

"Extreme Killing Sword!"

Holy Son of Shaking Light originally mastered the cultivation technique!

It is also the first time that Yang Hao has performed a terrifying killing cultivation technique after coming to this world!

This supreme killing sword is one of the powerful backgrounds of Eternal Sanctuary!

Even in the Wanlong Dojo, weapons cannot be used because of the erosion of dragon energy.

But there is still a soaring sword qi coming!

With a stroke of Yang Hao's finger, the sword of 10,000 Zhang directly cut off the giant claws of the golden dragon on the spot!


The golden dragon was extremely angry and was about to attack Yang Hao again.

But a shocking scene happened!

As the golden dragon moved, its extremely behemoth body was broken into pieces by the violent sword energy!

Seeing this scene, Yang Hao was not surprised.

Although he is only in the real state at the moment, his combat power has long surpassed the real state.

Unprecedented supreme supreme level Dao pattern, the world's top cultivation technique, coupled with his terrifying physical strength.

Fighting across the border is really nothing unusual!

It's just... beheading the golden dragon in front of you so quickly, if it is seen by others, I am afraid it will be shocked inexplicably!

"It turned out to be just a phantom, no wonder the strength is only in the supernatural power state."

"If they are all at this level, then Fang Lie should be able to kill."

Yang Hao secretly said in his heart, seeing that the broken golden dragon didn't have the slightest flesh and blood. After being beheaded by him, it turned into phantoms and rushed towards him.

"this is……"

The broken golden dragon phantom poured into his body, Yang Hao only felt warmth rising.

The phantom of this golden dragon actually contains more pure energy than dragon energy, and it does not require refining at all, and it directly nourishes the flesh!

The flesh is transformed again!

Infinitely close to the real world. Fourth Stage day!

"Any reward after beheading?"

"Sure enough it is a test of the protagonist's treatment."

Yang Hao's heart shook, but his feet kept resting, a road appeared in front of him, and he continued to walk forward.

After walking hundreds of meters forward, another dark blue dragon appeared in front of Yang Hao.

This dark blue dragon also roared and shot Yang Hao involuntarily!

The result speaks for itself.

Although the strength of this deep blue dragon was much stronger than Yang Hao, it was still beheaded by Yang Hao very quickly and easily!

After the beheading, the same scene appeared again.

The broken shadows of the deep blue dragon poured into Yang Hao's body.

Yang Hao immediately broke through the third stage of the physical realm!

Just like this, all the way forward.

The speed of advance is extremely fast.

at the same time.

In the world of another door, Fang Lie, who encountered various ancient dragon ghost shadows like Yang Hao, had the ability to kill these dragons, but the speed at which he killed the dragons was far inferior to Yang Hao.

Before he knew it, Yang Hao was already far behind.

"The treasure body has advanced into a king body."

After beheading a giant dragon again, Yang Hao's body was crystal clear, with golden light flowing from time to time, but disappeared in a flash.

After slaying many dragons in the world of the door, he accidentally advanced his physical body to the king body that countless practitioners dream of!

"The flesh is sublimated to become the king's body, and I can finally use the Jiuyou Town Prison Method with peace of mind."

Yang Hao's eyes flickered, and the king's body formed an extremely strong prison in his body, which was completely capable of suppressing the hundreds of millions of Demon heads in his body.

"It's time to exit."

While sensing the changes in the flesh, Yang Hao is sensing the front.

At this time, Qian Lu was bright, and he finally came to the exit. *

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