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Chapter 26 Immortal body list? Shock the divine body! (1/5, find the data)

With the protection of the Eternal Holy Lord, after the Wanlong Dojo was destroyed, the return to the Eternal Sanctuary naturally happened without incident.

"The Youlan Saintess of the Yin and Yang Holy Land, she has some talents and chances."

"But for Hao Er, you don't have to worry about it."

"The most urgent task now is for Haosheng to absorb this harvest after the return, break through the real body as soon as possible, and awaken the special Immortal body."

"This is the Immortal body chart."

"Let's take a look, and see that you are suitable for the Immortal body, and then invest resources to deliberately cultivate."

"Once the special Immortal body is condensed, you can begin to practice the Jiuyou Town Prison Method."

After returning to the Holy Land, the Immortal Lord threw a jade slip to Yang Hao, and then said to Yang Hao.

She naturally saw that Yang Hao had already sublimated into an Immortal body at this time, and she was more satisfied with Yang Hao in her heart.


Yang Hao naturally didn't take Fang Lie's fiancee and saint to heart.

The protagonist was slaughtered by him, even if the saint was the heroine, he would not care.

Dare to trouble him and suppress her on the spot!

Even if he doesn't bother him, when he is free, he will take action personally to cut the grass and root.

As a villain, he wouldn't have any thoughts of pitying and cherishing jade.

But at this moment Yang Hao's mind is not here. After bidding farewell to the Immortal Lord, he returns to his Shaking Light Immortal peak.

"Immortal body list."

Yang Hao sinks his mind into the jade slip given to him by the eternal holy lord.

"The Immortal body list is No. 1, the road Immortal body..."

"The Immortal body is second on the list, the chaotic Immortal body..."

"The Immortal body is third, the Taiyin/Sun Immortal body..."


"The 100th Immortal Body List, Wood Spirit Immortal Body..."

Suddenly, he absorbed and understood the messages.

"The true physical realm sublimates the physical body, which can make the physical body grow infinitely."

"When you break through the real physical realm, the physical body will be permanently frozen. After that, with the strength, it is difficult to make the physical body sublimate and grow again."

"This is also the reason why the real body state is the second state of the foundation."

"If I break through at this moment, I will most likely be able to condense the Tyrannosaurus Immortal body, which is seventh on the Immortal body list."

Yang Hao sensed the information in the Immortal body list. The jade slip given to him by the Immortal Lord was not as simple as a list.

Inside, it also recorded many Immortal body condensed paths in detail.

This is the profound background of Eternal Sanctuary for countless years. Although the method in the jade slip may not be condensed and successful, it can greatly increase the probability.

The jade slips of this Immortal body list alone are invaluable and inestimable.


"My sister might not have thought of it."

"Immortal body is not my limit."

Yang Hao chuckled lightly at this moment, closed the Immortal body list, and sacrificed the scales of the holy dragon with his backhand.

Immortal body is not his goal.

With the holy dragon scales, it is only a matter of time before the Immortal body is sublimated to the divine body!


"The god body is natural, unlike the Immortal body, there are still traces to follow."

"Otherwise, you can ask my aunt."

Yang Hao shook his head, he had no idea of ​​hiding clumsy, but once the physical body was sublimated into a divine body, it was impermanent and no ranking.

What kind of divine body can be condensed in the final breakthrough, not to mention the eternal holy master, even the emperor can't predict.

"I don't know what kind of divine body I will condense in the end."

Yang Hao's eyes were like gods, and he began to concentrate on absorbing the scales of the holy dragon again.

Within the holy dragon scale, there are millions of dragon qi, and the body is the dragon's inverse scale, which contains endless energy, and it naturally takes a long time to absorb it.

In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

During this period of time, both the Kaiyang Holy Son and the Heavenly Jade Saints, who also returned from the Wanlong Dojo, broke through their boundaries, condensing incomparably powerful and special Immortal bodies, proving their talents.

This day.

Go to Immortal Building.

A middle-aged man in a black robe appeared.

He seemed unremarkable, but his breath was as vast as an abyss.

Climbing to Immortal Building as the place of the Immortal Lord's cave mansion is a great place.

The middle-aged black-robed man fell directly into the Immortal Building, looked at the back of the Immortal Lord, and slowly said, "Holy Lord, how did the old man's proposal be considered?"

"Chong'er has risen against the sky, and will surely become another sage of my Eternal Sanctuary in the future."

"Even... there is a chance to become a great emperor."

"The great world is coming. Although the old knows that the Holy Lord prefers Shaking Light, Chong'er is obviously more worthy of the position of Holy Son."

"I heard that Shaking Light made a lot of achievements in the Wanlong Dojo a few days ago. It is not far from coming to enter the Divine Power Realm."

"If the Holy Lord agrees, the old man is willing to give Shaking Light a strand of amber soul as compensation."*

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