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Chapter 61 Holy Son record will be broken? The air volume is too small (1/5, find the data)

Bustling and crowded.

A tall tower exuding endless majesty reaches the sky, towering into the clouds, knowing where the end is.

Endless Tower.

In Eternal Sanctuary, here is a rare and extremely popular place.

Because this place is the evaluation place for Eternal Sanctuary's outer disciples to be promoted to inner disciples.

Similarly, it is also a place of cultivation for inner disciples.

Therefore, the human population is naturally much larger than the ordinary boundary of the Eternal Sanctuary.

"Brother Ying is here again!"

"I heard that he has ascended to the 130th floor of the Wuya Tower, and is about to break the record of the Holy Son of Shaking Light! This is a record of the Holy Son level, which is really impressive."

"If you break it, you will break it. This record was only left by the Holy Son of Shaking Light a year ago. The Holy Son of Shaking Light has now cast a divine body. If you want, you can easily break the record."

"Even so, that's a Holy Son record! According to the rules of the Holy Land, breaking the Holy Son record can be rewarded."


Many disciples gathered their gazes under the Wuya Pagoda one after another. There was a tall figure walking slowly towards the Wuya Pagoda, with a calm posture and extremely confident.

Everyone present knows this figure.

Inner disciple, there is nothing to ask for.

A very talented evildoer.

If it were not for Fang Lie and Xiao Chong to rise against the sky, Ying Wuqiu was originally the evildoer who should compete with Yang Hao for the seat of Holy Son of Shaking Light.

Now, he once again stepped into the Wuya Pagoda.

"You have created a divine body, I am not as good as you."

"But I can break your record."

Ying Wuqiu's eyes were like a knife, and he resolutely stepped into the Wuya Pagoda.

Every enchanting genius has obsession in his heart.

Because of obsession, it becomes stronger.


The second floor.


Eighty-nine floors.

Ying Wuqiu has climbed this Wuya Pagoda how many times, and his climbing speed is reaching the extreme.

Every time it climbed up one floor, Wuya Pagoda flashed out with a gleaming divine light.

"However, only seven hours have passed. Senior Brother Ying has already reached the 100th floor. This speed has surpassed the original Holy Son of Shaking Light."

"In this way, this time Brother Ying is over 135 floors, and the problem is not big."

"It's too strong! This is Wuya Pagoda. Every time you climb a level, an enemy of the same realm will appear."

"It's over a hundred floors! Next, Senior Brother Ying will face an opponent who has crossed a realm."

"Senior Brother Ying is now in the Dao Rune Realm, and has already begun to defeat the real body realm strong."


Eternal Sanctuary's many inner disciples and outer disciples have their eyes shining, watching Ying Wuqi challenge the record of Holy Son of Shaking Light.

Even some elders from the outer door appeared onlookers.

An hour later, a meteor came from far and near.

"Holy Son of Shaking Light!"

"Holy Son of Shaking Light is here!"

"I have seen Holy Son of Shaking Light!"

"Holy Son came to see Yingwuqiu breaking his record?"

Exclamation after another, one after another!

Naturally, the meteor that came so fast was Yang Hao.

He smiled and nodded in response, but without a trace, he flew directly into the Wuya Pagoda.

"Holy Son of Shaking Light is here... to re-create records and prevent Senior Brother Ying from succeeding?"

"I have long heard that Holy Son of Shaking Light is not strong, but I didn't expect it to be the same after being cast into a divine body."

"Even so, I lost my tolerance."


Many disciples watched Yang Hao enter the Wuya Pagoda in a "hurried" at this moment. Although they still respect on the surface, they can't help but contempt in their hearts.

Eternal Sanctuary, there has never been a time when the Holy Son disciple of the Holy Son Church was about to break the previous record, and he hurried to keep the record.

Holy Son and the inner disciple are not in the same world.

On weekdays, these disciples will naturally look up to Holy Son.

But now, these disciples are all standing on the side of the 132nd floor.

While all the disciples were talking about it, suddenly Wuya Tower began to flicker crazily!

"Holy Son of Shaking Light has begun to break the tower?"

"He casts a divine body, fought across borders, and rebelled against the princes, all of which should be taken for granted, and there is no surprise."

"Indeed, Holy Son of Shaking Light is too careful."


Seeing the light and shadow of Wuya Pagoda flickering, everyone knew that Yang Hao was climbing frantically.

For any moment.

Yang Hao will welcome the worship and look up.

But now, the faster he climbs, the more these disciples look down upon him.

"Brother Ying! Hurry! Hurry!"

"Holy Son of Shaking Light has one hundred floors!"

"The one hundred and thirty-fourth floor! Just one floor short!"


All the disciples looked at Wuya Tower very nervously, secretly cheering for the request.

But the speed at which Yang Hao climbs the tower... is too fast...

Before Ying Wuqiu stepped through the 134th floor, I saw the shining light of Wuya Pagoda!

"One hundred and fifty floors!"

"Two hundred floors...Kaiyang Holy Son's record was broken..."

"Two hundred and fifty floors...The record of the Saintess of the Sky Jade has also been broken..."

"The record of Tianji Holy Son has also been broken!"


Something that shocked everyone happened!

I originally thought that the speed of the Holy Son of Shaking Light's ascent of the tower would become slower and slower as it should be, but in everyone's eyes, Yang Hao's speed is getting faster and faster!

in a blink!

He has reached the third hundredth floor!

The speed still doesn't mean any slowing down!

In the same generation, all the records of the Holy Son and the saint have been broken at this moment!

With the 300th floor of Wuya Tower lit up.

A stalwart figure appeared.

These figures are all the mighties of Eternal Sanctuary.

"This is Shaking Light? He has already broken through the 350th floor?"

"Hi...The record of Long Song's great ability was broken by him."

"The record of King Pluto is also broken."

"Is this the power of the divine body?"

More and more figures appeared, as the heights of the Wuya Pagoda flickered brighter and brighter.

In a blink of an eye, Yang Hao has already set foot on the fifth hundredth floor of the Wuya Pagoda!

"Did we... blame Holy Son?"

"Maybe he just happened to be coming to the Wuya Pagoda, Brother Ying is not even worthy of lifting shoes for Holy Son..."

"Five hundred floors, what concept is this... Holy Son is no more than a supernatural power realm now, is this even the princes who are against the sky have been pushed away..."


All the disciples who thought that Yang Hao was here to save face began to doubt life.

A peerless evildoer who can easily step through the five-hundred floors of the Wuya Pagoda, the pattern will come down deliberately to target an inner disciple who can't reach even the one hundred and fifty floors?

They looked at Ying Wuqi, who was struggling to break through the 136th floor at this moment, and took another look at the Holy Son of Shaking Light, which had already broken through another ten floors at this moment, and climbed to the 510th floor of Holy Son of Shaking Light.

All the disciples who have just slandered the Holy Son of Shaking Light have no place to show themselves!

"This kid really doesn't give face, even my record dare to break."

At this moment, a figure of Immortal in white clothes came barefoot in the void.

With a slight smile, she watched the five hundred and twentieth floor of Wuya Tower light up at this time. She didn't expect to see such interesting things just after returning. *

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