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Chapter 62 Wuya Tower, the five major ranks (2/5, find the data)

Wuya Tower, the 512th floor, is surrounded by a dense forest.

"Nine heavens and ten earth shattered the sword intent."

The magical power was revealed, a terrifying magical power with a world-destroying atmosphere, appeared out of thin air, condensed the void long knife, burned the black flame, and instantly killed the twelve powerful people exuding the terrible aura on the spot!

Not only that, the terrifying intent of the sword remained, and it was divided into more than nine thousand in an instant, and all the mountains and forests in front of them were also burned!

"It deserves to be the supreme supernatural power."

"If it's just a matter of attack, this nine-day and ten-day destruction of the sword intent is my strongest means of killing at the moment."

"Unexpectedly, even the king can kill him instantly."

Yang Hao's figure flickered, watching a corpse instantly disappear, his body was attracted by a strange attraction, and then disappeared without a shadow, and entered the next layer.

At the moment when he entered the 513th floor, Yang Hao's body just used the supreme magical powers of nine heavens and ten earth smashing sword intent, but the dim magical flames in the divine palace recovered in an instant.

Not only is the magical flame in his body, everything in his body is restored to its original state under the attraction of mysterious power.

Of course, what changed with it was that the surrounding environment turned into heavy snow, and in the distant snow, one after another appeared.

Thirteen figures!

Each one exudes a creepy breath!

These breaths are connected together, if it is an ordinary supernatural power realm, it is impossible to be crushed to death by this breath!

"Thirteen princes against the sky."

Yang Hao's eyes flickered and he grinned.

He is not an ordinary supernatural power realm, and the divine body is fully capable of withstanding strong oppression.

Not only will he not be afraid, but instead treat these princes as prey.

The shrine in the body shook violently at this moment.

"The Dragon God is furious!"

"Seven Star Gods!"

"Heaven's crying gun!"


One after another, the terrifying magical powers are endless, like a torrential rain, and they are the first to kill these opponents.

The reason why he came to Wuya Pagoda was to test the power of his supernatural powers.

Wuya Tower is peculiar in the memory of Holy Son of Shaking Light.

At each level, all the power consumed in the previous level will be restored by the mysterious power.

At each level, there will also be opponents that are more terrifying than the previous level.

The first 100 levels are all opponents of the same realm.

Every time you climb a level, you will encounter one more opponent than the previous level.

For example, Yang Hao, on the 100th floor, has to face a hundred practitioners of the supernatural power realm.

After every one hundred layers, the difficulty will leap, and the opponents that appear will directly exceed a realm.

"The supernatural power state, forged the foundation."

"The more perfect the foundation, the higher the future achievements, and the greater the potential."

"The ordinary foundation breaks through the supernatural power realm, and in the future is destined to only become an ordinary prince, an ordinary power..."

"Broken through the realm of divine power with the foundation of Consummation, you can become a prince of evildoers and great power of evildoers..."

"After the foundation is cast, the foundation is different, and the stage position is naturally completely different."

"Each realm will be divided into five ranks: ordinary, enchanting, invincible, supreme, and heaven-defying."

Yang Hao madly inspires supernatural powers, he did not use supreme supernatural powers at this level, but chose the supreme supernatural powers to oppose the enemy.

Opposite him, thirteen princes of the Heaven-defying rank also erupted with terrorist power. Many supernatural powers were displayed, but only one prince was killed on the spot. The other princes of the Heaven-defying princes, on the contrary, exerted a powerful influence on Yang Hao. threat!

"Stage position means potential and combat power, it is almost impossible to reverse. Unless it is a shocking opportunity, such as taking a medicine of immortality, the emperor inherits..."

"Correspondingly, the gap is naturally huge."

"The evil prince can sweep many ordinary princes like Xia Yuhou alone."

"Invincible princes, you can kill ordinary kings across the border."

"Prince against the sky..."

At this moment, there is a royal family who is against the sky, bullying him and showing his sharp edge at this moment.

A terrifying aura was burning, that was a terrifying realm, shrouded toward Yang Hao.

Yang Hao, who has had experience with these princely-level opponents, knows that if he is shrouded in it, even if he has a reincarnation body, his body is indestructible, he will die forever.


Suddenly, Yang Hao jumped out with a sword.

In an instant, all the time around was completely changed.

The prince against the sky began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his movements were naturally much slower.

"The prince against the sky... to some extent, it is comparable to some ordinary powers, and the strength is extremely powerful."

"The supreme magical powers, even the supreme magical powers, are not the most powerful killing techniques such as the nine heavens and ten earth destroying the sword intent, it is extremely difficult to threaten these heavenly princes."

Yang Hao took a deep breath and said inwardly: "Holy Son of Shaking Light once heard my aunt said that Wuya Pagoda has a thousand floors and it was left by the eternal emperor, the founder of Eternal Sanctuary."

"If you can step through a thousand floors, you can get a legacy left by the emperor."

"Unfortunately, since the establishment of the Eternal Sanctuary, there have been countless amazing talents, and no one can break the shackles of the peerless evildoers who push one side."

"Currently, the strongest record is that of a magical evildoer named Yi in the Holy Land three thousand years ago, on the 589th floor."

"This is also normal."

"After all, Wuya Tower is not as far as the cultivation base is strong."

"On the contrary, if the strength is weaker, it has the advantage."

"According to the experience of the predecessors, it is the best time to break the record of the Wuya Pagoda before entering the princely realm."

Wuya Tower is based on the strength of the tower breaker to generate opponents in the corresponding realm.

If the strength is weak, the generated opponent will be weak.

The strength is strong, and the generated opponents are also strong.

This is the special feature of Wuya Tower.

"If I can get through the 500th floor and reach the 600th floor, then the opponent I will encounter will be an ordinary king, and it will be much easier than it is now."

"It's just... it's probably impossible to step through a thousand floors."

"I can still suppress the ordinary power, and the enchanting power is impossible to defeat with my current strength."

"When my magical powers are perfected and the foundation is laid, I can come back and go again."

"But now it's all here, try to break Yi's record."

Yang Hao stepped onto the five-hundred-story Wuya Pagoda, and had a clear understanding of his current strength and his own understanding of the magical powers he possessed.

His thoughts turned, Yang Hao saw the offensive of some old princes who were against the sky before he was evaded, and several powerful figures attacked him!

"Nine heavens and ten earth shattered the sword intent."

Yang Hao once again used the highest killing magical power.

Suddenly, the knife leached out.

The remaining twelve princes fell on the spot. *

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