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Chapter 63 Break history! Inheritance of the Great! (3/5, ask for data)

"Five hundred and eighty-six floors."

"Five hundred and eighty-seven floors."

"I'm about to break Yi's record..."

Outside the Wuya Pagoda, there was no sound.

Everyone held their breath, waiting to witness history.

At this moment, a figure under the Wuya Pagoda held up its head and walked out with joy.

"One hundred and forty floors!"

"This time, not only did it break the Shaking Light record, it also surpassed several floors."

"In this way, not only will I be able to receive the Holy Land award, but I can also prepare to break through the real state."

Ying Wuqiu is in a great mood at this moment.

In order to break the record of the Holy Son of Shaking Light, he could have broken through to the Divine Power Realm long ago, but he has been suppressing himself, constantly hitting the record left by the Holy Son of Shaking Light in the Dao Pattern Realm.

When a long-awaited obsession is completed, even if it is a calm character, it will become excited and unable to extricate itself.

"This is... how come there are so many people?"

"That's the Great Elder, the Third Elder... and the Holy Lord!"

"They, are they all here to see me ascend the Wuya Pagoda?"

The people who walked out had no demand, and at this moment, there were many people gathering outside the Wuya Pagoda.

He just took a look and found that these figures are the supreme existence of Eternal Sanctuary!

For a time, Ying Wuqiu became more excited in his heart.

"If it can be favored by that elder, or even the Holy Master, and accepted as a direct disciple."

"I can also rise against the sky just like Shaking Light and Xiao Chong, and get the attention of everyone."

In his opinion, the reason Shaking Light was able to cast the divine body is inseparable from the Holy Lord who loves him so much.

If he was given the same opportunity, he could also rise all the way and become a peerless arrogant.

Should not ask for a mind to turn, show more confidence and calmness, stepping out of the Wuya Pagoda, endless expectations born in his heart.


"As expected of Holy Son of Shaking Light, it broke history and became the most enchanting genius in Eternal Sanctuary for so many years."

"Five hundred and eighty-nine floors... terrifying results!"


Go out without asking, fantasizing about praise and worship.

But when he heard a series of exclamations, the smile he was still wearing suddenly stagnated.

"Holy Son of Shaking Light?"

"Five hundred and eighty-nine floors?"

What else do they say?

Ying Wuqiu was a little dazed, and continued to move forward.

But he found that at this moment, don't talk about the supreme beings of those Eternal Sanctuary.

Even the disciples who originally worshipped and feared him, none of them were looking at him.

Their sights... still converge on No Endless Tower!

"what happened?"

Ying Wuqiu's head was a little heavy, and he followed these gazes towards Wuya Tower.

Subsequently, his pupils gradually dilated.

Like being struck by lightning, it spread from the limbs of the back to the top of the forehead, and the numbness exploded from the center of the scalp, spreading to the head like dense ripples.

"Holy Son of Shaking Light, during my rush to the Wuya Pagoda... I climbed the 589th floor and broke the historical record of the Holy Land?!"

Ying Wuqiu was originally a genius, he almost just listened a little attentively, and then looked up at the shining light on the Wuya Pagoda, and already understood the ins and outs.

Because of this, I feel even more desperate if I can't ask for it.

He originally thought that he was constantly chasing the footsteps of a Holy Son, and seeing that he had narrowed the distance, some fighting spirit was born in his heart.

But now...

He just walked out of the Wuya Pagoda, and he knew exactly what the 589th floor was like!

"He, how could he..."

"Is this the god body..."

There was endless bitterness in Ying Wuqiu's mouth. He knew that from today onwards, he would never be able to catch up with the Holy Son of Shaking Light. The two had been separated forever in two worlds.

Before he knew it, Holy Son of Shaking Light had surpassed the distance he didn't know how far, and had become the most enchanting genius since the establishment of the Holy Land.


At this time, no one is paying attention to what should be thought of.

Everyone's eyes were on the exit of Wuya Tower.

There, a figure was walking slowly, not hurriedly.


"The supernatural powers have been exhausted, and the divine body has been unable to support it."

"At the same time, my combat experience is not enough."

"If I can gain one more supreme supernatural power, whether it is killing or defensive, I will definitely be able to step into the 600th floor."

Yang Hao was a little absent-minded at the moment, his mind was resuming the last battle fiercely.

He was summing up his gains and losses. He understood that there could be a chance to come back in the Wuya Pagoda, but if he encountered a life and death crisis in the future, he would not be given such a chance to come back.

"Holy Son is invincible!"

"Shaking Light Xeon!"

"The strongest evildoer, the peerless Tianjiao!"


At this moment, a burst of cheers came.

Yang Hao followed the voice and looked at him, and at a glance he saw the Holy Lord who was smiling at him.

"Shaking Light, you broke the historical record of Wuya Tower, what reward do you want?"

"As long as there is something in the Holy Land, you can choose as much as you like."


One after another, the supreme existence of Eternal Sanctuary appeared in front of Yang Hao one after another, as if looking at a treasure, staring at Yang Hao with gleaming eyes, and promising many rewards in his mouth.

"no need."

"I want the Great Emperor's inheritance."

Yang Hao chuckles when he hears the words, but points to the Wuya Pagoda behind him.

If he wants the divine objects and opportunities in the Holy Land, why does he need these promises of existence?

As long as he wants, as long as she has, the aunt will give it to him.

He was originally just to test his supernatural powers, and he didn't expect to be able to climb such a high level.

The only thing that attracts Yang Hao at the moment is the inheritance in the Wuya Pagoda.

"Do you want the Great Emperor's inheritance?"

"Even if you break through to the 600th floor of Shaking Light, there is still a long way to go from the 1,000th floor."

"The reason why Wuya Pagoda provides inner disciples for cultivation is because the inheritance left by the emperor is like a castle in the sky, which is impossible to obtain."

"Wuya Pagoda is just a big pie deliberately drawn by the emperor to encourage his disciples."


The supreme beings of these holy places heard Yang Hao's words, but after a moment, they persuaded them.

It's one thing to break historical records.

Being able to climb to the top is another thing.

No one believes that Yang Hao can reach the top of the Wuya Pagoda, not Yang Hao can't.

But because this Wuya Pagoda was clearly made by the emperor deliberately, even if other emperors reincarnated, they would not be able to reach the top.

"I believe in Shaking Light."

At this time, an extremely indifferent, high voice appeared, breaking all persuasion. *

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