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Chapter 70 Set foot on Huangquan, Fang Zhi Yongsheng (5/5, ask for data)

"Go in quickly, don't delay."

"With your talent in Shaking Light, you will definitely get a lot of money this time."

"Walking out of the mausoleum this time, you can consider letting this seat be your protector."


The voices of the old monsters spoke one after another.

They escorted Yang Hao to Fenglingdu all the way from where the Wuya Pagoda was.

The great elders, three elders, and other extremely powerful men who were in charge of opening the tomb and were unable to leave were completely shocked to see this scene.




These extreme powers looked at the old monsters that appeared, and they were all dumbfounded.

Although they sensed the movement of Wuya Pagoda, because the mausoleum in this place was opened and everything was covered, they didn't know that Yang Hao was inherited by the great emperor and personally let a piece of Ji Dao imperial soldier be born.

Therefore, they were shocked at the moment.

The reason why Eternal Sanctuary is so powerful is that the strong life of Eternal Sanctuary is extremely long, and many old monsters are still alive.

But even so, these old monsters have long ignored the affairs of the world, unless there is a big change in the holy place, they are cultivating on weekdays.

Now they suddenly appeared, and praised the Holy Son of Shaking Light, who came a little late in a very kind tone, which really made them a little confused.

"Could it be that the foundation cast by Shaking Light is abnormal, or is there another vision?"

Regardless of how the great elder, third elder and others guess, Yang Hao will naturally not know.

Under the escort of a group of old monsters, he walked confidently into the entrance of the tomb of the great emperor.

"First obtain the opportunity of the Great Emperor's Tomb, and then study the Wuya Pagoda."

As Yang Hao stepped in, he sensed that his body had entered the sea of ​​aura and turned into a small tower of the Wuya Pagoda.

The Jidao Emperor Soldier is extremely complicated, even if he inherits it through the Wuya Pagoda, let this Jidao Emperor Soldier blend with his blood.

But because of this, Yang Hao understands how mysterious the Wuya Pagoda is.

He has stepped into the tomb of the great emperor at this moment.

In front of me, there was an extremely long road, and there was a mysterious and yellowish aura entwined between the roads.

The road can't see the end, as if there is no anger.

"Huangquan Road."

"According to my aunt, the tomb of Emperor Yongsheng is a long and narrow Huangquan road."

"Emperor Eternal Life once left a famous saying."

"Set foot on the Yellow Spring, and you will live forever."

"It's this Huangquan Road."

"The emperor's remnant soul is at the end of Huangquan Road."

"Under the erosion of this terrifying yellow spring aura, the farther you can go, the clearer and more the emperor's principles will be heard."

Yang Hao's eyes flickered, and he stepped on it without hesitation.

"Although I am a step late, I still have one day to go. With my current strength, I should be able to go far."


Yang Hao paused, and was surprised to find that he could not set foot on this Huangquan Road.

A terrible force is blocking him, and if it weren't for the aura of the sea of ​​aura to block him, maybe he would be swallowed by this terrifying force on the spot.


"Huangquan Road needs to have a foundation to set foot on it."

"Only spiritual energy can resist this terrifying yellow spring aura."

Yang Hao suddenly said: "I was interrupted by those old monsters, and I forgot to break through."

He just remembered at this moment that he had deliberately failed to take the last step in the supernatural power realm in order to climb the Wuya Pagoda.

At this time, he still couldn't build the foundation.

Naturally, it is impossible to set foot on Huangquan Road.

"Then, break through."

There was a lot of brilliance in his eyes.

In the next instant, the sea of ​​spiritual energy in his body slowly turned.

The stars of the Supreme Immortal's ossification form a halo after another, constantly purging the aura and sweeping everything.

The ten immortal Dao patterns spread all over the sea of ​​spiritual energy, Wang Yang recklessly, full of the regular flow of time Dao patterns.


Eighty-one magical powers turned into the most terrifying flame stars.

Countless tiny stars slowly appeared...

These stars are all the terrifying power that Yang Hao runs the Jiuyou Town Prison Law, oppresses the heads of hundreds of millions of Demon in his body, and shoots out the terrifying force.

What surprised Yang Hao most was that Wuya Pagoda also appeared at the same time, helping him suppress the surging Linghai at the moment.


Falling softly.

But like a thunder!

Not only Yang Hao's body, but the entire Huangquan Road in front of him began to tremble!

"what happened?"

On Huangquan Road, far away in front, the Saintess of Tianxuan was shocked and sensed that Huangquan Road under her feet suddenly began to tremble!

"Did the emperor's remnant appear? No, the time hasn't arrived yet."

At the forefront, Tian Quan's eyes widened in purple clothes, and finally seemed to have opened his eyes slightly. He didn't understand!

I don't understand why Huangquan Road will produce changes!

"Hahaha, Huangquan Road has changed. Although it hasn't gone too far, Shaking Light has missed this opportunity!"

Very far behind Tianquan, Yuheng Holy Son felt the abnormal movement of Huangquan Road, but after some thoughts, he chuckled.

What he worries most is that Holy Son of Shaking Light can catch up.

Now that Huangquan Road has changed and the emperor's remains have appeared, Shaking Light is doomed to miss this opportunity.

The other Holy Son saints who entered the tomb of the emperor also reacted differently and were confused.

At this moment, at the intersection of Huangquan, Yang Hao's body is as bright as the sun, dazzling.

At this moment, he successfully forged the foundation and stepped into the formation, which is the princely rank among the ordinary population.

"Now, you can take the Huangquan Road."

Yang Hao chuckled, just about to set foot on Huangquan Road again.

Something unexpected happened to him.

"That is……"

"The Last Soul of the Great Emperor?!"

All the Holy Son saints on Huangquan Road saw a phantom slowly appearing at the end of the road.

Although it was just a phantom, the breath that it exudes made everyone's creeps horrified.

Such a frightening aura, even the strongest Eternal Sanctuary they have ever seen does not possess!

There is no doubt that this can only be the remnant of the emperor!

He really appeared one day in advance!

"The emperor, how can you move?"

Tianquan Holy Son at this moment looked at the end of Huangquan Road with puzzled eyes, that phantom, unexpectedly began to move, getting closer and closer to him!

"It is said that the emperor will only teach the Fa at the end of the road, why does he move now?!"

"He is walking towards me..."

Yuheng Holy Son, swallowed subconsciously, watching the figure of the emperor walking towards him.

All the Holy Son, the saint woman, thought that the emperor's remnant soul would approach them, and their hearts were extremely excited.





On Huangquan Road, the emperor's ghost made obscure sounds when it moved.

Under everyone's expectation, in the end, the emperor's remnant soul passed through them indifferently and walked towards the intersection of Huangquan.

After that, he stopped in front of Yang Hao who was about to set foot on the intersection of Huangquan and was a little surprised.

"Now, start teaching the Fa."

The sound is like a huge bell, but also a vain voice.

Resounds in everyone's ears.

ps: After the five changes, please ask for flowers and comments. Your support is very important to this book, and I am grateful for it. *

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