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Chapter 71 The emperor teaches the Fa and makes Hou a king (1/10, customized)

No one thought that the emperor's remnant soul would suddenly appear and start teaching the Fa in advance.

This is totally unreasonable!

All the Holy Son saints on Huangquan Road looked directly at the emperor's remnant in shock.

"Then, who is that?"

As the emperor's dying soul stopped, he gradually discovered that around the emperor's dying soul, a silhouette of a seemingly non-existent figure stood quietly aside.

This figure is very familiar.

Just when Kaiyang Holy Son was puzzled, this figure gradually became clear.

"Shaking Light?"

The sage of Heavenly Jade who was also on Huangquan Road widened her eyes, her pupils shrank sharply, revealing an incredible color.

"Damn it! When did he come in?

"Could it be that the emperor's remnant soul suddenly appeared because of him?"

Many Holy Son saints were shocked, but Yuheng Holy Son had a gloomy face, and the water came out black.

He was also fortunate that Shaking Light missed the great opportunity of the emperor's remnant soul teaching the Fa.

But I never thought that Shaking Light has not only entered the mausoleum, but has also been favored by the emperor's remnant soul, standing next to him to teach him the Fa!

What is going on? How did he do it!

Yuheng Holy Son is puzzled!

"Since the tomb of the emperor eternal life appeared, in the holy land, has any senior encountered such a situation?"

The holy Son, staring at Tianquan, looked deeply at the end of the emperor's remnant soul, his eyes flickered and thought.

Even Yang Hao looked at the emperor's remnant next to him in surprise at this moment.

He is the closest to the emperor's remnant soul, but still can only see the phantom of the emperor's remnant soul, and can't see the truth clearly.

But this cannot obscure Yang Hao's perception.


Too strong.

Before, he had personally seen the horror scene where the Holy Lord erupted with the power of the sage, and the breath of many old monsters was connected together.

However, compared to the emperor's remnant in front of him, he instinctively believed that this emperor's remnant was more threatening.

He even has a hunch that even if he is now, even if he uses all the cards at the bottom of the box, he may not be able to shake the emperor's soul in the slightest.

"Is this the emperor?"

"Just a ray of remnants, there is such a terrifying oppression."

Emperor Wei!

There was a thought in Yang Hao's mind.

He knew that perhaps in terms of strength, this Dao emperor's remnant soul may not necessarily be the opponent of the Holy Master.

However, the majesty of the great emperor that comes with the remnant soul seems to show the horror of the great emperor in the past, and people can only breathe awe!

"Enter the mausoleum and step on the Yellow Spring."

"Er Deng is my offspring Tianjiao, so I gave Er Deng three opportunities."

"Lecture the Fa."


"Gift fate."

"The opportunity is ahead, take it for yourself."

The emperor's remnant soul spoke again, and immediately began to teach the Fa without knowing it.

"The law of eternal life, cultivate long life, cultivate the mind....

"Longevity, you can see the sun and the moon shine together, you can see the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, you can see the ebb and flow of the tide, you can see the magic."

No matter how everyone's thoughts are surging at the moment, with an extremely majestic voice resounding, they are instantly attracted to their hearts and listen intently.

The emperor's remnant soul began to teach the Fa in such an incomparably direct way!

All the holy women of Holy Son know that the truth told by the remnants of the great emperor in the tomb of immortality is one of the biggest opportunities of this time.

Everyone uses the most focused mind in this life to listen carefully.

On the Huangquan Road, not only the voice of the emperor's remnant soul, but also a mysterious rune came!

These magical runes drift farther and farther with the sound.

The farther away, the weaker the effect of the magical rune.

This is why I went to Huangquan Road before!

At this moment, the difference has been revealed!

Although the emperor's remnant soul came to the intersection of Huanghuangquan, Yang Hao's side very rarely.

But for the other Holy Son saints, the distance is still unchanged.

The Holy Son, the farthest Tianquan that I walked before, is the Holy Son that is closest to the emperor’s remnant at this moment, except for Yang Hao.

While listening to the emperor's remnant spirit's teaching, he watched these mysterious runes that appeared with the remnant's teaching trembling.


Appeared before his eyes.

The divine rune swayed to Yuheng's eyes behind the Holy Son of Tianquan, there were already several runes carrying the picture, and when they swayed, they broke and disappeared.

The more the Holy Son and the saint woman are behind, the rarer the picture they can see.

But whether it was Tianquan and Yuheng in the front, or Tianxuan and Kaiyang in the last, they all showed ecstasy at this moment!

Great gain!

The gain is so great!

Everyone knows that the teaching of the Fa by the Last Soul of the Great Emperor is a great opportunity.

But when this opportunity fell on their heads, no matter how steady the enchanting evildoer, the genius, they were all ecstatic!

The other Holy Sons and saints who are quite far away from the emperor's remnant have gained a lot, let alone Yang Hao, who is close at hand?

He possesses the reincarnation Taoist fetal body, and his comprehension is the only one in the world.

When the emperor taught the Fa, he explained it in a simple way, hitting the nail on the nail, and when it reached his ears, he realized it instantly and turned it into his own use.

"so it is."

Yang Hao smiled, sometimes showing intoxication, sometimes showing joy.

The content of the eternal soul of the emperor can be divided into two parts.

The first part is a targeted lecture.

According to Yang Hao's judgment, what everyone heard in this part should be different.

As he heard, it was all the cultivation techniques once practiced by Holy Son of Shaking Light.

The emperor's remnant soul gave instructions on every cultivation technique he practiced.

Even the Jiuyou Town Prison Law, the emperor's remnant soul, mentioned one or two things.

This is also one of the reasons why Yang Hao judges that everyone hears different things.

"Under the emperor's explanation, it is equivalent to thoroughly sorting out for me.,

"Although it seems to have no effect, it is not."

Yang Hao looked at his panel, those cultivation techniques he had mastered did not need to be added by himself, they were all advancing wildly, breaking his upper limit almost instantly!


Yang Hao discovered that the cultivation techniques he mastered on his panel, such as the Supreme Sword Killing, Nine Nether Town Prison Technique, Chaos Immortal Sutra, etc., all reached the upper limit of points following the emperor's teaching, and then the brilliance flashed and reached the realm of Xiaocheng.

At the same time, he has a deeper understanding of these cultivation techniques and has received more blessings.

What surprised Yang Hao was the cultivation technique of Immortal Sutra of Chaos.

It was brought by the Emperor Yongsheng one by one, expounding its principles and exquisite details endlessly.

Although Yang Hao has been busy laying the foundation since he came to this world, it seems that he has never practiced the Chaos Immortal Sutra, but it is not.

This is a holy land left by a great emperor, and naturally there is a mystery that belongs to it.

In the past, even if Yang Hao didn't deliberately practice, this chaotic Immortal sutra would run on its own, continuously enhancing Yang Hao's background and life.

". "It turned out to be so. "

Under the explanation of the emperor, Yang Hao gradually realized that the Chaos Immortal Sutra was not the cultivation technique he needed to practice now.

Even if he lays the foundation now, he still hasn't reached the threshold of cultivating the Chaos Immortal Sutra!

"This cultivation technique requires at least a large energy level to be able to give full play to its advantages."

"It's no wonder that in Shaking Light's original memory, the aunt only taught him the Immortal Sutra of Chaos, and never urged him to practice this cultivation technique."

Yang Hao suddenly enlightened and benefited a lot.

The other part of the emperor's teaching was what everyone heard.

What this part of the content is about is the emperor's perception of the formation state and the formation state.

The array can be entrusted, and the evolving array can become the king.

The so-called array realm and formation realm refer to the prince-level and the king-level.

"After casting the foundation and becoming a sea of ​​spiritual energy, spiritual power is born.

"Countless ancestors of the human race have gone through endless years of specializing in research, and finally realized the most efficient way of using spiritual power."

"It's the spiritual power array system!"

"Countless ancestors of the human race visualized all things, projected them into the sea of ​​spirits in their bodies, and transformed all things into runes with spiritual power.

"Ultimately, the rune that transforms all spiritual power into a kill formation can become the strongest combat power.

"It is precisely by virtue of this terror system that my human race can stand among all races and become one of the strongest races."

"The array state is the process of dually visualizing all things and turning all things into runes."

"The formation of the formation, then (how good) is the process of forming the strongest killing formation."

The experience of a great emperor on these two realms is naturally extremely precious. Every sentence is a good word of the golden king and it takes other monks to spend hundreds of thousands of years to get it.

Originally, Yang Hao was a little confused after he had built the foundation.

time is too short!

He came to this world, robbed the Holy Son of Shaking Light, and rose through practice all the way.

Although the opportunity is against the sky, the understanding of practice is not deep.

When I first entered the formation, naturally there was a lot of confusion in my mind.

Yang Hao listened to the emperor's most in-depth and simple explanation, he gradually realized that many problems were solved easily, and he knew how to go faster and farther in the future.

Of course, the most precious are the mysterious runes that float in the void.

Among these magical runes, there are many creatures, races, and wonders that the Emperor Immortal traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers in the past.

There are many pictures in it, even among the big stars of Ziwei, they are unique, it can be said that they are rare to the extreme.

It is precisely because of these divine runes that opened the gap between the many Holy Sons and saints who entered it!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Today, I Yuheng gathers in the supreme killing formation, breaking through the realm as the supreme king, thank you the emperor!"

At this moment, a voice of ecstasy came. .

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