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Chapter 77 Three chances, growing lotus step by step (7/10, please customize)

"There are so many remnants of the emperor.

Hearing the sound echoing in the void, another remnant of the great emperor appeared, Yang Hao muttered.

Although another remnant of the great emperor appeared, Yang Hao and others were able to see at a glance that this remnant of the great emperor was clearly weaker than the previous remnant that he had collected into the Wuya Pagoda.

Not only the breath, but even the phantom is very light.

Obviously, no matter how many remnants of the great emperor, there are also strong and weak points.


"The chance is still there.

But obviously, as long as the emperor's remains were still there, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that their chance was not lost because of Shaking Light's shocking victory over the emperor.

"Opportunity, Kai."

The reappearing ghost of the emperor became more dull, ignoring everyone's reaction, and he spoke again.

After that, Yang Hao saw a flower in front of him, his figure appeared in other places as if he had been used to move his magical powers.

Yang Hao looked around, but found no other figures.

Right in front, a figure appeared slowly.

Different from the previous lectures and performances, this third gift will isolate everyone and grant them separately.

"Is this the true face of Emperor Yongsheng?"

Yang Hao looked at the figure that appeared in front of him, and found that the face of this figure was no longer as empty as before, but gradually solidified, forming the appearance of a middle-aged scribe with slender beard and hair.


When the middle-aged scribe saw Yang Hao, but he didn't seem to know him, he looked up and down Yang Hao curiously.

"Is this the little guy who inherited my inheritance?"

"What kind of divine body is this?

"Huh? There are eighty-one shrines? Strange, so strange."

"Not bad."

"No wonder you can step through the Wuya Pagoda."

The middle-aged scribe in front of him just glanced at Yang Hao's whole body thoroughly, which surprised Yang Hao's heart.

"I have seen the emperor."

He responded neither humble nor humble.

"Since he is my descendant, there is no need for such courtesy."

"Being here means that you have got the inheritance left by me."

"I don't like to talk nonsense, just tell you."

"Seeing me, it means you have my approval."

"I will give you three chances."

The middle-aged scribes said with a smile, although the tone was polite, but it made Yang Hao feel a sense of majesty without anger and authority.

"Thank you, the emperor."

Yang Hao smiled immediately after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, sifting the wool of the immortal emperor all the way to the present, the emperor would have to give himself three chances, which is three times more than other Holy Son saints.

Not only that, Yang Hao believes that these three opportunities are certainly not simple.

Emperor Yongsheng is really a good person!

"First chance"

"Well, I will give you this."

Emperor Yongsheng pondered for a moment, but he shot a mysterious and mysterious gray light.

Afterwards, he did not enter Yang Hao's body surface.

"this is.

Yang Hao sensed that the gray divine light had not penetrated into his body, and instantly entered the Wuya Pagoda.

But at the same time, his breath also became dart.

"A little secret."

"Your eighty-one temples are too dazzling."

"The sage has missed some meaning, that's it."

"If you meet the Emperor Zhun, I will definitely catch you and study it."

"This little secret technique, unless the strength is far beyond me, even the emperor can't see through it."

Emperor Eternal Life explained with a chuckle.

Yang Hao heard this and immediately understood.

He did not expect that his reincarnation fetal body was so eye-catching in the eyes of the real emperor.

The opportunity that the Emperor Yongsheng gave him was extremely practical to him.

"The second chance, I will send you that Huangquan Road."

"But with your current strength, you can't take it away."

"When you become a mighty power, urge that remnant soul into the mausoleum and take it away."

Emperor Yongsheng thought for a while and said again.

"Huangquan Road."

Yang Hao was surprised.

Suddenly remembered the road filled with the terrible yellow spring breath when entering the tomb of the great emperor, but did not expect the emperor eternal life to give this thing to him.

Although it needs to be a powerful person to take it away, Yang Hao naturally doesn't care.

Originally, he had fallen from heaven for no reason, and he didn't have much gain or loss.

"The third chance, I will give you that thing."

The Emperor Yongsheng pondered again, and once again shot a colorful glow, which fell into the Wuya Pagoda in Yang Hao's body.

"When I became a king in the past, I made a burst of killing eyes.

"It's a bit interesting, and it fits with you. You can go and find it, and you may not be able to inspire it.

"It should be left on the ancient battlefield."

"You enter by yourself, this nine-link god line will lead you to the formation eye."

The emperor eternally sensed for a while and immediately said: "But you'd better go early. According to my perception, someone has already entered the realm of the emperor's eyes.

"If you go a little later and are snatched away, then I won't blame this emperor."

Hearing the words of Emperor Yongsheng, Yang Hao moved in his heart.

Ancient battlefield.

A killing array once forged by the emperor

"It's really a coincidence.

Yang Hao muttered to himself, counting the time, the one-year period when the saintess of Youlan issued a war letter to him is getting closer and closer.

Saint Youlan must be still on the ancient battlefield at this moment, and the day of return should not be far away.

"This woman has the luck of the heroine, if there is no accident (bcdb)."

"What the Emperor Eternal Life said, it is very likely that she has entered the realm of the Emperor Eternal Life."

"If I honestly abide by the agreement and wait for a year to arrive, will this saintess of Youlan show off the eternal emperor's killing bursts of blindness on my face?"

The more Yang Hao thinks about it, the more he feels that this routine is too familiar and too possible...

"Fortunately, I am not a stickler." Yang Hao muttered inwardly.

He decided!

This time he walked out of the tomb of the emperor, no matter what happened, he would immediately go to the supreme battlefield and suppress the woman.

Otherwise, if she is allowed to grow up, and her fiancee who has been inherited by the sages and was collected as a personal disciple by the living fossil, plus the guy who was dug out by the aunt of the supreme Immortal bone and now knows nothing.

If these people are all-rise

"No, they don't want to rise!"

Yang Hao comforted himself silently in his heart: "Whoever has a head, kill whoever!"

"In this way, the world will be peaceful."

With his current potential and strength, Yang Hao felt that only those evildoers with the protagonist's luck could threaten him.

"Three chances have been given to you, and then it's up to your luck.

At this time, the voice of Emperor Yongsheng came.

He looked at Yang Hao with appreciation in his eyes.

Yang Hao immediately thanked him politely, and took the hand of his hand. He gained a lot from the tomb of the emperor, and he naturally missed the eternal emperor.

"Go ahead.

Emperor Yongsheng smiled and didn't say much to Yang Hao.

Actually, I can't say much.

Yang Hao had seen it a long time ago, although the eternal emperor in front of him seemed the most agile.

But in fact, there is still a bit of sluggishness in his eyes.

Everything seems to be set long ago.

"Emperor Eternal Life, did he really fall, or did he stand up?"

Yang Hao thought for a while, and didn't go any further.

There are many speculations about whether the Emperor Eternal Life has fallen.

Many people tend to believe that the Emperor Yongsheng has been completely in the courtyard, but there are also people who firmly believe that the Emperor cannot die lightly.

However, the original Holy Son of Shaking Light was not very interested in these, and Yang Hao naturally didn't know much about it.

He only knew that in this era, no emperor was born, and it seemed that he had already invited to the stars.

If there is a great emperor, the Eternal Sanctuary has existed for endless years, and one family of five emperors will naturally be born.

As Yang Hao thought, his figure was drawn by the force of the mausoleum, and once again disappeared like a shift.

The scenery in front of him changed suddenly, and Yang Hao appeared among the verdant woodland.

"Lotus grows every step of the way!

"Oh my God! Holy Son, Tianquan, must have a great chance in the tomb of the emperor, and it has attracted the vision of the lotus step by step, and has achieved great power!"

"It seems that this time the Holy Son of Heavenly Power must have gained the most from the Great Emperor's Tomb, which really scares others.

Vaguely the voices of the strong came.

"The lotus grows every step of the way?"

"Heaven's power has become a mighty power?"

Yang Hao listened carefully to these noises and looked up.

In the world, a pink-white lotus fell at this moment. In the center of his sight, a figure dressed in a purple robe was walking forward step by step.

This purple robe figure, every step it takes, the breath becomes stronger, and the pink and white lotus under his feet also blooms with his steps.

Suddenly, the spiritual energy of this world is full of richness to the extreme!

In Yang Hao's eyes, just a short while ago, the aura of this figure suddenly became as powerful as a god Demon!

This purple robe figure is naturally Tianquan Holy Son!

You don't need to think too much to know that this Heavenly Power Holy Son finally got a great opportunity, and even jumped half a step of power, directly showing the vision of stepping lotus, and achieving power!

"The great world is coming, and there will be many evildoers."

Yang Hao looked at this scene, but stood up with a slight smile.

He was watching from the wall, as if he had already achieved great abilities, and he was promoted while overlooking Tianquan Holy Son.

ps: There are seven chapters today and three chapters. I will write 18,000 words at home for a day off tomorrow weekend. I can’t write my head because of lack of oxygen. Please give me a variety of data. I am grateful.

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