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Chapter 20 Get On The Bus And Search Along The Way

At the same time, below the Dragon Palace City.

Hody, who had just escaped, was still in shock. He first traveled to the sea outside the palace below Dragon Palace City and hid in a coral reef.

After confirming that the fiery red skeleton giant had not chased him out, Hody's heartbeat, which was beating extremely due to fear, slowly calmed down.

"Just now, what on earth was that?"

"And that person..." Hody suddenly remembered the man in black in the skeleton. Just when the black flames were about to ignite him, he suddenly looked directly at a pair of eyes with blood-colored patterns.

"I've never heard of such a scary guy in the Straw Hats. Is this some kind of killer weapon?"

Hody suddenly realized something.

He said to himself that the Straw Hats were just a rookie group. Although there were two supernovas on board with a bounty of over 100 million, the commotion in the Grand Line was simply beyond the capabilities of the supernovas.

"Is it possible that it's because there is such an expert here?"

After thinking about it, Hody slapped himself in the face.

"Baga! What are you thinking about!"

"Even the Four Emperors who are now collecting protection fees from Fish-Man Island, BigMOM is here. As the new king who is about to rule Fish-Man Island, I will crush those guys."

"I have a dangerous medicine!"

If one pill is not enough, take ten pills! If ten pills are not enough, take a hundred pills!

Thinking of it, Hody raised his head and looked fiercely at the sky.

"I want to become..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

Just because at this moment he discovered that the Straw Hats who were in the palace just now were at the entrance of Ryugu City!

Among those people was Itachi, who was dressed in black.

Hody quickly hid himself in the coral reef again.

At this moment, the murlocs who were riding a giraffe sea beast outside and waiting for help suddenly saw Hodi squatting in the coral bush.

"Look, is that Boss Hodi!"

"Hey, Boss Hody!"

The murlocs waved to Hodi excitedly, and one murloc even tried his best to break the bubble with a knife and shouted inside: "Boss Hody, what's going on? Have you caught Neptune?"

But before he could get too excited, Hodi turned his face and stared at the fish-man with a murderous face.

"Please... keep your voice down!"

Hodi's pitch was extremely sharp, but his volume was extremely low.


Outside Ryugu City, Robin discovered that there was also a stop sign to take the sea bus, and the bus's end point was the Sea Forest.

"Why do I feel that Nami went to the Forest of the Sea?"

"Should we also go to the Sea Forest?"

"Forest, Nami, what are you doing in the forest when you have nothing to do?" Usopp said.

"I don't know, we can go there and look for it." Robin laughed, "That's right, I've always wanted to go to the Sea Forest."

"It turns out it was Robin who wanted to go!" Usopp exclaimed in surprise.

"Why is there Nami there?"

At this moment Itachi suddenly said: "We can go and take a look."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes turned to Itachi.

Itachi was still looking at the bottom of Ryugu Castle. He said: "The stop sign here says that the destination of the Sea Bus is the Sea Forest, and there are many stops ahead."

"Then this means that we can reach many stops on Fish-Man Island on the way to the Sea Forest by taking the sea bus."

"We can then search around the site until we find Nami and the others."

After Itachi finished expressing his thoughts, several people agreed.

Usopp laughed and said: "It must be Brother Itachi, his mind is so clear."

Zoro also chuckled, "That's indeed a good idea."

Robin had already arrived at the entrance of the passage, and a bus happened to be passing by, so she waved the bus to stop.

When the bus stopped in front of a few people, Robin was very surprised, "I didn't expect it to be a big fish!"

I saw that the bus was a big fish with several seats on its back. There was also a big bubble on the seat to ensure the breathing of the passengers.

Robin waved to everyone: "Come here quickly, we are about to set off."

"The design is really user-friendly." Brooke was about to jump into the bus and sit next to Robin, but unexpectedly Robin stretched out his hand directly towards Itachi.

"Itachi, please sit next to me. The view from the front is better."

Itachi nodded, he just wanted to check the status of each site.

"Robin-chan..." Brooke secretly felt sad. "I still want to sit with you."

Usopp directly picked up Brook. "What time is it? Don't whine blindly. Hurry up and get going! Get out!"

When Zoro also got on the boat, Robin said to the big fish: "We are seated, please go."

Unexpectedly, the big fish really seemed to understand the human words, and started to surge forward in the pipe with enough energy!

Itachi was very surprised when he saw this scene. He had never seen a bus before, let alone a bus in the water.

But it was only after a moment of surprise that Itachi discovered something abnormal below.

"Look at the town below."

As soon as Itachi finished saying this, several people stood up one after another.

I saw that under the bus passage, in the town closest to Dragon Palace City, fishmen had begun to destroy houses and gather the residents together.

As they walked forward, Usopp saw the third shark prince who initially wanted to 'arrest' them on the beach.

At this moment, Shark Star was fighting a big guy in the town that was much bigger than other fishmen.

"It seems that not only Ryugu City, but also various levels of riots have begun to occur on Fishman Island." Usopp sighed as he looked at the towns below.

Thinking of Dragon Palace City, he turned around suddenly.

"Speaking of which, is it really okay if we leave the King alone in Dragon Palace City?"

"Otherwise we can't bring him along as a bus." Zoro held his sword and looked at the town below with deep thoughts.

He added: "Don't worry, I don't think those soldiers will abandon their king."

"Besides, that guy Hody has been injured and escaped. He may not be able to go back."

Zoro accurately hit Hody with a knife style. Although he didn't know what happened later, the guy stood up again.

But Zoro knew the depth of his blade's impact.

But this time Zoro guessed wrong. After seeing them leaving Dragon Palace City, that guy Hodi really returned to Dragon Palace City.

A few people took the sea bus and passed several town stops along the way. They found that the entire Fish-Man Island was in chaos, but Nami and the others were never seen.

Not only Nami, but also Usopp didn't see Sanji and Chopper when passing over the fish-man cafe.

Logically speaking, if such a big turmoil occurred, the two of them would know something about it.

At this time, Robin suddenly said: "Could it be that Nami and the others encountered those vicious fishmen after they escaped, and they must have been killed by now."

"Robin-chan, it's so scary!" Brooke covered her empty cheek.

"Don't say such horrible things, Robin!" Usopp also agreed.

"I didn't see them along the way, maybe there was only one last stop left." Itachi had already put away the Sharingan.

"Sea Forest."

Itachi closed his eyes, he wanted to conserve his strength.

Seeing so many riots along the way, Itachi could already feel that there would be a big battle soon.

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