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Chapter 4 Sea Monster, Kraken

"This... is so spectacular!"

Luffy's face was pressed against Bubbles to see the waterfall.

Frankie controlled the rudder and took off his sunglasses.

“Nature is truly magical.”

"It's so deep down there!" Usopp's eyes almost popped out of his head when he looked down there.

"If we fell at the speed of a waterfall, wouldn't we be shattered to pieces?"

"Franky, is it really okay for us to ride on this current?" Nami asked.

"You can absolutely rest assured," Franky said confidently, "The Sunny is made from the precious tree Adam, there is absolutely no problem!"

"Yo Xi...move forward!!"

Luffy cheered.

At this moment, Caribu, who had been hit by Itachi's Genjutsu as soon as he got on the boat, was lying on the ground unable to move and struggled to wake up.

He suffered so much from Genjutsu on the gray cross that it seemed like a century had passed, but in reality it was only a short quarter of an hour.

Itachi noticed that his Genjutsu had dissipated, and he reminded the Straw Hats: "The person who launched the enemy attack just now has woken up."

Everyone turned around, and Caribu stood up tremblingly.

"Just now...what happened."

Caribu touched his body in panic and found that there were no huge iron nails and no blood flowing out.

Even without these, he felt that his body was extremely weak.

Itachi was also slightly surprised. If he were an ordinary person, he would have to lie in bed for at least several months to recover after being hit by his shackles technique.

This man's physical fitness is quite strong.

Before Caribu could fully recover, Franky had already tied him up tightly.

"I feel relieved now!" he said as he kicked Caribu's waist and tied the rope.

"Ah, this, this, this..."

Caribu trembled with fright when he saw the Straw Hats, and when he saw Itachi, his whole body became weak.

Before being locked by the cross, he just glanced at Itachi.

"Could it be this man's ability?" Caribu thought fearfully.

But he had never heard of such a person on the Straw Hat crew's ship!

Just when Caribu was trembling with fear, he suddenly saw a pair of huge eyes in front of the Wanli Sunshine in the sea currents and waterfalls.

"This! Could it be..."

Caribu struggled to the side of the boat and looked at the waterfall.

"I've never heard of a guy like that living here!"

"Hey, that bastard, who made you move!" Sanji raised his legs when he saw the situation.

But Caribu suddenly shouted: "Turn around! Straw Hats, turn around quickly!"

"What are you talking about? I didn't even expect you to be alive." Zoro crossed his arms and walked forward.

"It's because I don't want to die, so I asked you to turn around quickly, hurry up! There is a monster, a huge monster!"

Caribu was terrified.

"Monster!!" Chopper was so frightened that he panicked.

"Stop talking nonsense, how can there be any monsters." Usopp was looking at the waterfall, and Luffy was also very puzzled.

While Caribu was shouting in panic, Itachi also noticed something unusual.

He stood on the bow of the boat and suddenly found a huge shadow in the waterfall.

Itachi rolled his eyes, Sharingan appeared, and his vision became clearer.

"They are all legends. They are all made up by people."

Usopp spread his hands, looking indifferent.

But at this moment, everyone in the Straw Hats saw a huge tentacle slowly sliding past the bubble. Just as the tentacle slid past, a drowned corpse emerged from the suction cup.

"There really is a monster." Chopper and Brooke huddled together, almost crying with fear.

"Don't always scare people, I'm no longer a cowardly trio!" Usopp pointed to his nose with his thumb.

But he suddenly felt a big shadow sliding behind him.

"You... behind you." Nami raised his hand tremblingly.

Usopp slowly turned his head and found a huge sucking tentacle right in front of the bubble.

"There is a monster!!!"

Usopp jumped three feet away.

"It's a giant octopus!"

Itachi pointed to the center of the waterfall. He had already seen the monster in full view.

This octopus is larger than the Eight Tails Gyūki that resides in Killer Bee's body, and it looks like a legendary sea monster.

"Octopus! Kraken, the sea monster!"

Usopp was so frightened that he huddled together with Chopper.

Luffy, Zoro and others stood up one after another, and saw that as the Wanli Sunshine got closer to the waterfall, the face of the sea monster became clearer and clearer.

Really a giant octopus!

"This is the legendary sea monster Kraken!!!"

Usopp screamed repeatedly.

"It has crushed several ships!" Franky shouted, pointing at Kraken's tentacles.

I saw several broken ships in the tentacles of this big guy.

"Please, I don't want to die yet, turn around quickly, Straw Hats!" Caribu staggered to the bow of the ship.

At this moment, the crew of Caribu's Caribou finally convinced Manatee Moo to turn around and fight back to save Caribu.

On the Reindeer, Caribu's younger brother Cribb was standing on the bow of the ship shouting: "Little boys, we must rescue our eldest brother!"

"Run it for me!"

The kids all responded, and the manatee pulled the boat toward the Wanli Sunshine.

But just when they were about to arrive in front of the Sunshine, Kraken stretched out a tentacle, grabbed the Reindeer and squeezed it gently, crushing the Reindeer to pieces.

"You guys!!"

Carib Cryb watched as his brother Cribb and crew floated upward.

"Your crew is like jellyfish." Zoro sighed.

"Shut up, Roronoa!"

Karibu yelled.

While he was yelling, Chopper was also crying: "Kraken is coming!!"

Zoro was about to draw his sword immediately, and Luffy was about to use third gear at the same time, but Usopp stopped him.

"Stop! If you fight like this, you will burst the bubble!"

"The opponent is too big to fight!"

While crying, Kraken was already rushing towards the Wanli Sunshine.

Franky jumped on the rudder and was about to start the Spiral Lion, causing the lion's head to spin and retreat. Before he could turn the button, Weasel had already rushed out of the bubble.

"Tear Trough Man! What is he going to do?"

Luffy was shocked as he was pushed down by Usopp.

"He must have devil fruit powers, how dare he enter the sea water." Zoro was also shocked. He clearly remembered that when he slashed Itachi with his sword, Itachi transformed into a crow.

"Sure enough, as long as it is not squeezed by a large and strong force, the bubble will not burst."

Itachi had already come to this conclusion by observing how the bubbles of the two ships merged into one when Caribu's Reindeer collided with the Thousand Miles of Sunshine, and how the bubbles exploded when Kraken crushed the Reindeer.

He stood in the sea, letting Chakra condense on the soles of his feet to maintain stability, and quickly formed seals in his hands.

Water Style·Water Dragon Bullet!

Weasel sprayed out a water dragon, and with the blessing of the surrounding sea water, a huge water dragon rushed towards Kraken, and rushed Kraken into the wall of the waterfall in one fell swoop.

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