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Chapter 51 Landing, Punk Hassad

Someone was heard talking on the other end of the phone, crying desperately: "Help me, help us!"

"Did something happen to you over there?" Luffy asked quickly.

"Ah, it's so cold...are you the boss?"

"Boss?" Luffy tilted his head.

"I'm not your boss."

"Hurry up and help me, we have a warrior here who is chasing us, he is, he is... um!!"

Before the person on the phone finished speaking, the phone bug had already imitated the expression of vomiting blood, and the contact was cut off.

Usopp and Chopper, who were already scared, hugged each other tremblingly.

"What a scary New World."

"The samurai are chasing them?" Itachi looked at Zoro.

Zoro also recalled with Brooke the scene when they met Ryoma at the Thriller barque.

The Ryoma who was spliced ​​into Brook's shadow by Moriah was also a warrior.

After some extremely rigorous thinking, Luffy came to the conclusion: "I don't know what the situation is, but I feel that something must have happened."

"I'm going to take a look." Luffy said and ran to the deck.

"It's so dangerous, let's leave quickly!" Usopp and Chopper dissuaded.

But this was impossible to convince Luffy, who was already determined to go.

"How can I let you go alone? If you run around alone, you don't know what trouble you will cause." Nami said.

Zoro crossed his arms and looked into the distance. The ship was getting closer and closer, and even the sea was ignited with flames.

He said: "I'm going with Luffy."

"Samurai, I want to see you too."

"Speaking of," Zoro looked at Itachi again.

"I remember Itachi also called me Samurai."

"Yeah," Itachi pointed to Zoro's shape and three swords.

"The samurai in my impression looks similar to yours."

Nami clapped her hands, "Now that we have Luffy and Zoro, I don't think we need to go all of them."

"Of course, in order to ensure that one of them is an idiot and the other is a fool, we will add two more people."

"How about we draw lots to decide who goes." Nami took out a few small paper lots.

Itachi directly raised his hand, "Luffy and I will go together."

He said to himself, don't let Luffy cause any weird troubles again.

"Okay, let's bring two more people, and the rest will stay with the Sunshine."

Nami said and put the paper sign in front of everyone.

"Does it have to be decided by drawing lots?" Usopp stretched out his hand tremblingly.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me..."

He prayed silently in his heart and drew a lot.

The result is: Go!

"I'm going to die!!" Usopp fainted directly.

Chopper, who didn't get hit, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I'm most afraid of heat."

Robin also raised his hand, "I got it too."

"Okay, let's form a team of five."

Franky said that he was going to dispatch the Mini Merry.

"But there is a fire ahead, how can we get over?" Robin looked at the fire that was still burning in the distance.

"Don't worry, I have a solution." Nami said and took out the weather stick.

But then Itachi waved his hand towards Nami.


As he spoke, he had already formed seals.

"Fire Style·Black Fire Crow!"

"This time, we used the wooden wheel that Usopp fished before as a seat. It may be ignited, so everyone should hurry up."

As soon as Itachi finished speaking, Luffy had already jumped onto the Black Fire Crow.

"It's really great. I thought the Firebird was cool last time I sat on it!"

Zoro followed closely, dragging Usopp who was crying and jumped up.

Itachi stretched out his hand to help Robin up and jumped onto the Black Fire Crow.

Sanji quickly threw a lunch box to Luffy from the citizens of Fish-Man Island.

"Hey Luffy, if it takes a long time to go, save it for the road."

"Ah, thanks Sanji."

Luffy waved and already started eating.

"You!!" Before Sanji could finish his words, the black fire crow was already flying towards the island.

Luffy opened the dining room by himself, and lunch boxes were distributed to everyone.

Itachi said thank you after taking the bento, but did not start eating. He put the bento in the bag he and Chopper had just asked for and hung it on his waist.

"Don't weasels eat it?" Robin was picking up shell meat with chopsticks. The closer to the island, the higher the temperature, and the surroundings were full of fire.

"Leave a spare supply of dry food, I'm not hungry yet."

Itachi is forming a seal to control the Black Fire Crow.

"Try it, the bento from Fishman Island is still very delicious." Robin picked up a piece of scallop meat and handed it to Itachi.

Just when Itachi was about to turn around, Luffy had already eaten the meat in one bite.

"It's so delicious." Luffy was licking his portion of the lunch box.

Itachi looked at Luffy who was laughing and shook his head with a smile.

"What a big eater."

He stood up and could already see a piece of land in front of him and a barbed wire gate.

Itachi wanted to fly over the barbed wire gate and then stop, but the black fire crows had already started to burn the wooden board they were riding on, so Itachi could only stop on the piece of land in front of the gate.

"What a pity, we almost flew over." Luffy was still smiling.

Usopp stepped forward and saw that it read: "No Passage."

He said thankfully: "Fortunately we didn't go there, there is a sign here."


Zoro took a step forward and drew his sword. The entire door had been cut off.

"Yo Xi, the door is open!" Luffy jumped inside.

"Zoro, you are vandalizing public property!" Usopp pointed at Zoro with wide eyes.

Zoro had put away the knife.

"Destroying public property? Are you mistaken? We are pirates."

Robin laughed as she looked at these people. Because the surrounding temperature was too high, she had already taken off her coat and tied it around her waist, leaving only a one-piece underwear on her body.

At the same time, at the extremely cold end of Punk Hassad Island, a Marine warship had eavesdropped on Luffy's conversation with the island.

"Are they really the Straw Hats?" Daschi, wearing glasses and holding the Rain of Time across his waist, was about to report to Smoker behind him, when Smoker stood up with a cigarette in his mouth.

"I already knew it was them."

Smoker looked at the large group of pirates hanging behind him.

When they were near Sabaody Island, they captured a large number of pirates who emerged from the bottom of the sea.

Through interrogating the pirate Smoker, he learned that the reason why no pirates have passed through New World in recent times is because they have all been taken over by Hody of Fish-Man Island and become slaves.

And because someone made a big fuss on Fishman Island, these pirates were liberated and returned to the New World.

Smoker could have already judged that the Straw Hats had gone to Fish-Man Island based on the intelligence that they appeared from the Sabaody Islands, but there was an episode during the interrogation of the pirates.

For some reason, these pirates refused to tell them what happened at the bottom of the sea. Even when they were tortured by the G5 branch of Marine gangsters led by Smoker, they still refused to tell anyone any valid information.

What they unified was to emphasize that there was a God who liberated them.

They will not betray that God.

The more Smoker thought about it, the angrier he felt, and he clenched his ten hands inlaid with sea tower stones.

"Although I don't know how they came to this government-forbidden land."

"I don't know why they are called gods."

"However, I will definitely not let them run away this time!"

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