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Chapter 62 Projection To The World

In the passage at the main entrance of the laboratory, Caesar was coming with a large army.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

"Monet, look what I brought back!"

"Speaking of which, didn't you say Vergo was coming?"

"Where is he? Let him come and see what treasure I have caught. There are also his dear subordinates here."

"They don't even know what I'm capable of. That guy in the straw hat is still talking nonsense about trying to catch me. What a dream."

"Thank you!"

Caesar laughed and walked around the corner when he suddenly spotted Vergo's face.

"Sa, Virgo, you are here."

"Come and take a look." Caesar smiled and pointed behind him. The biochemical troops behind him were stunned.

The biochemical troops were carrying Luffy, Smoker and Dusky who were stunned by Caesar's gas fruit gas.

"It's such a pity. I originally wanted to catch them all in one fell swoop, but now I'm still missing a few people from the Straw Hats."

"Thank you..."

Smiling, Caesar suddenly realized something was wrong.

He suddenly turned around, and he realized that the Vergo he saw was being held by Loti!

Vergo's entire head had been split into two, half of which was in Luo's hand, and the other side and the body fragments were scattered on the ground.

His secretary Monet also fell to the knife of a man in black.

"I see, Logia's ability users can be hurt by Haki." Itachi had already put away his sword.

"Yes, Mr. Weasel, I didn't expect you to be a very knowledgeable person." Luo smiled and looked at Caesar.

"What's wrong, Caesar, do you miss Vergo?"


Caesar's eyes nearly popped out.

"Your, your..."

"Heart?" Luo opened his coat and pointed to his intact chest.


While Caesar was screaming, Luo had already raised his finger.


He and Itachi changed positions with the unconscious Luffy and Robin at the same time and came behind Caesar.

Just when Caesar wanted to release his power, Itachi, who could already activate the domineering nature of Fenghuolin, slashed Caesar's chest with a knife!


Caesar was so shocked that he was chopped off with a knife before he could even release his power.

"Master Weasel, what did you say just now!?" Luo Yida turned around in surprise after splitting several biochemical troops.

Itachi said calmly: "I learned it just now."


More than ten minutes later, Luffy and others slowly woke up.


Luffy quickly stood up and looked left and right.

"Where's Caesar? Where's that guy Caesar?"

Robin and Franky had also woken up, and Robin discovered that both Smoker and Dusky were tied up with chains.

Then they suddenly heard Luo's voice.

"Ah, here it is."

At Luo's feet, Caesar was already in a helpless state bound by the sea tower stone.

Just when Luffy and the others didn't understand what happened, Luo had already told them what happened just now.

"In short, although the implementation of the plan was a bit strange, thanks to Master Itachi, the plan was completed ahead of schedule."

"That's it." Robin nodded, and Luffy jumped next to Caesar.

Caesar weakly continued to curse: "Damn it, Luo, all my plans are ruined!"

"Do you know how long I have been preparing for my plan? My child, I have been preparing for three years! I..."

Luo directly put the knife in front of Caesar.

"If you want to be cut in half, just say so."

"Ah, uh... have mercy on me!" Caesar cried.

"What kind of ability does this guy have? Why did I suddenly fall into a coma?" Luffy pointed at Caesar and asked in confusion.

"I forgot to tell you, Caesar has a trick that can suck out the air around him. As long as you get close to him, you will become comatose due to lack of oxygen."

"The method to crack it is also very simple. Just stay away from him and take a breather."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier!" Luffy shouted.

"Ah, I forgot." Luo shrugged.

"Speaking of which, where's Itachi?" Robin looked around, but didn't see Itachi.

"Master Itachi and the ship's doctor Chopper are looking for research materials," Luo said.

"Oh, by the way, there is a monster outside that Caesar summoned from the bottom of the lake." Franky said, comparing the iron wall to the longest one.

"That's a super! monster."

"Super monster?" Luo was confused.

"Yo! Looks like a slime." Franky said.

Just as several people were discussing the huge poison summoned by Caesar, Caesar had realized that his plan had completely broken down.

When he could no longer put in the huge candy to give him the huge poisonous 'smile' that he had raised for many years, thus showing his world-shocking experiment, Caesar thought of another extreme method.

"It seems that my fate will either be killed by these nasty pirates or handed over to Marine."

Although Caesar had already escaped from Marine's capture once before, he didn't think Marine, who already knew how to escape, could let him escape a second time.

"Can't you shock the world and become famous in one fell swoop?"

"Then try another method!"

Caesar said and suddenly activated the projection remote control hidden on his body.

His original goal was to switch to the big screens of various traders in the underground black market that were already connected, but now Caesar's goal is everywhere in the world where the signal can be received!

Including Marine, including New World’s Four Emperors!

As Caesar pressed the remote control, all the image phone bugs on the island were turned on, and the nearest phone bug in the research room was also walking towards Caesar.

"Everyone who can receive the signal! Take a look!"

"I am the most talented scientist in the world, Caesar!"

Caesar's sudden roar caused everyone to look at him.

Luo instantly realized something was wrong, he rushed forward and kicked Caesar over.

"Caesar, what are you doing?"

However, Caesar, who had always been greedy for life and fearful of death, was uncharacteristically staring at the image. The phone bug kept shouting.

"Look! It's on this island in the New World, where Aokiji and Akainu fought, Punk Hassad!"

"Genius scientists, vicious new era pirates, Seven Warlords of the Sea, MarineG5 Branch Lieutenant General...all gathered together!"


The influence of the phone bugs is changing back and forth, the main one, the largest phone bug is recording the evil of the giant poisonous 'smile'.

This giant poison is constantly splitting into small smiles, and everything it goes will be corroded.

"The masterpiece that I have devoted my whole life to, the poison that can destroy the world! Super smile!!"

"Once it explodes, the entire New World will be destroyed!"

"When the time comes, everyone will..."

Before Caesar could finish speaking, Luo, who had raised the huge ROOM field, had already jumped to the image control center and cut off the center in one fell swoop!

Caesar had also been kicked by Luffy with a JET seal and got stuck in a crack in the wall, falling into a coma.

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