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Chapter 66: Itachi And Luo Stand Behind, Luffy Roars With Determination

"Kizaru is not dead!"

"He's back on his feet!!"

After hearing Usopp's shout, everyone except Franky looked to the sky above the island.

I saw that yellow flash rising again!

In front of the Wanli Sunshine, there are already seven warships surrounding the entire Sunshine.

Franky is using the Sunshine's laser cannon and heavy weapons to bombard the warship.

"Didn't Amaterasu kill him?" Itachi could already think that this Shining Fruit user should have avoided Amaterasu's damage through reorganization skills.

"Master Itachi, it seems we must implement the plan we just discussed."

Luo looked at Itachi, who nodded decisively.

Just now, Luo had explained his plan to Itachi.

First, when resisting Kizaru, Luo was given space to use up his lifespan and used a super large ROOM field to transfer everyone to the Wanli Sunshine.

Then the troops were divided into two groups. Luo, who had the ability to transfer the ROOM force field belt, + anyone who could resist Kizaru, bought time for the Wanli Sunshine to escape.

At the same time, the Wanli Sunshine, which escaped at the same time, was responsible for crippling the warships that surrounded it along the way, and then buying Luo + those who resisted Kizaru an escape route and time.

After confirming that the Wanli Sunshine has escaped, Luo will find a way to escape using the ROOM force field.

"Why don't you say it? I'll do it!" Luffy took the lead.

"Hey Terra Man, move me to the island, and I'll hold Kizaru back!"

"It's me." Zoro looked at the yellow flash and became angry.

"No, Head Itachi and I have just decided."

Luo looked resolutely at the Straw Hats.

"Master Itachi and I will complete this task, and you will be responsible for clearing out the warships behind us."

"Hey Luo, that's..."

Before Usopp could finish speaking, Itachi had already spoken.

"Don't worry, I won't die."

After saying that, Luo had already raised his force field.

At the same time, Kizaru was already flying towards the Wanli Sunshine.

"Tela Man, absolutely not! Itachi has just boarded the ship!" Luffy stretched out his arms to grab Luo.

But Itachi was already at his side.

This was the first time Luffy saw such waves in Itachi's eyes.

"Luffy, if you want me to live, I'll leave the warship to you."


"I always felt that a person could bear everything to achieve his goals."

"Later I learned that one person cannot bear everything and solve all problems. His power is always limited. Only with his companions can he exert greater power."

Having said that, Weasel had summoned the Black Fire Crow.

"Master Itachi, if I use it again, it will need to cool down for a while."

"Ah, it's okay."

While Luo and Itachi were talking, Luo had been released from the slaughterhouse.

The Wanli Sunshine was instantly transferred to the port exit by Luo and jumped out of the warship encirclement.

Itachi grabbed Luo who was about to fall and climbed onto the Black Fire Crow. He glanced at Kizaru behind him and drove quickly towards the land!

"Trafalgar, you troublesome brat again."

Kizaru immediately aimed the eight-foot magatama originally aimed at the Sunshine at the Black Fire Crow.

"He's going to fire that explosive laser!"

Luo reminded that Itachi's Mangekyō had appeared!

Instead of escaping in the Black Fire Raven, Itachi rushed forward against the flash bomb. He had already activated the Susano skeleton to cover Luo and himself. While blocking the eight-foot magatama, Itachi was already close to Kizaru!


Itachi directly pulled Kizaru into the world of the blood-red moon!

This time, Itachi didn't even pause after using Tsukuyomi. He raised his sword to wrap around Haki and cut down Kizaru with one strike!

He originally wanted to cut off Kizaru from the waist, but for some reason, he only cut down Kizaru with the force of his sword, but did not cut off the body.

Itachi didn't have time to think too much, he directly caught up with the falling Kizaru!

On the lake, the sailors on the warship went crazy when they saw this scene.

"General Porusalino!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Catch the general!"

"Don't let him fall into the sea!"

The warship exploded with maximum horsepower and pushed forward for a while, and then caught Kizaru, who was temporarily unconscious.

Seeing that Itachi didn't care about the warship at all, he quickly pursued downwards. His right eye was already fixed on Kizaru, and he was ready to kill Amaterasu instantly!

Luo looked at Itachi in shock. He never expected that Itachi would have the upper hand against a general!

Itachi's right eye was bleeding.

"Ah well..."

But just when Amaterasu was about to trigger, a laser beam was emitted from Kizaru's palm and penetrated Itachi's body!

"The boss of Itachi!"

While Luo was screaming, Kizaru didn't know when he had used the Yata Mirror to come to the Black Fire Crow.

"You've made me miserable!!!!"

Just when Luo saw Kizaru's extremely angry eyes, Kizaru gave a full flash kick and kicked Itachi and Luo on the Black Fire Crow several hundred meters away. The two of them crashed into the ruins above. , a violent explosion occurred!


At the port exit, Luffy stared blankly for a while, then turned around.

Kinemon was holding Momonosuke who was still unconscious and looking at him, and everyone in the Straw Hats was also looking at him.

"Captain, it's time for you to give the order." Zoro, who had already tied his turban on his head and had a word of peace in his mouth, said.

Sanji had also lit up a cigarette.

"Luffy, no matter what you decide, we will respect your opinion."

"Luffy..." Robin raised his hand, "We can neither abandon our companions, but we must also trust them."

"That's right, Luffy." Nami took out the weather stick and spliced ​​it together. "I agree with what Robin said."

Franky didn't say anything, he pointed his thumb at Luffy.

Kinemon on the side looked at them and burst into tears.

"Is this the friendship between pirates?"

"Although I hate pirates very much, I don't hate you at all!"

"Hey Luffy, if we go back to save Itachi and Law now, it's still not too late!" Usopp no ​​longer had any fear.

"Luffy! We can..."

"Chopper, it goes without saying."

Luffy turned his attention to Chopper, who had already grasped the blue ball.

"Trust Itachi and Terra Man."

The corners of Luffy's mouth raised slightly.

The next second, Luffy looked at the warship approaching them with angry eyes.

"We are responsible for clearing the way for them and killing...all the warships!!!"

"As commanded!!"

Everyone in the Straw Hats shouted in unison.

Chopper lifted Zoro and threw Zoro to a warship outside the port.

"Three Swordsman Style: The Great Thousand Worlds!"

Zoro swung his sword in the air and slashed a warship to pieces.

"Rubber Rubber·Giant Elephant Gun!"

Luffy jumped up and smashed a warship into pieces with one punch.

“Devil’s Phoenix Feet·BBQ SHOOT!”

Sanji stepped on Moonwalk to the warship behind him and launched a series of explosive kicks.

"Giant tree!"

"Great Flame Exploding Star!"

"The ultimate thunderstorm weather!"

"Franky...Super Laser Cannon!"

"Everyone, we have to stick up and fight, don't damage the Sunshine!" said Nami, who released the weather cloud.

Luffy, who had already loaded the second gear, jumped onto the armrest first, stretched his hands, and suddenly launched himself out.

"We must... open a way for them!"

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