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008. Reading The Net Name, Eating Snake Meat, It Will Not Be Poisonous

[? ? ? , wait, what are you thanking for? 】

[I seem to have heard something terrible. 】

【You don't want to think about what you said when you got excited? 】

[Yes, now the screen name can drive. 】

[It's so beautiful, I'll take it too! 】

Wait until sister Zhou comes back to her senses.

She watched the barrage and realized what she said.

Sister Zhou covered her face with one hand.

The whole person shrinks up.

But what about Lin Ye?

He has put away the lighter.

Then he reached out and fiddled with the grilled snake on the stand.

Sprinkle with spices from bag.

Finally, he turned the grilled snake over with his bare hands.

"Come on, they're all tongue-in-cheek monsters."

Sister Zhou opened her fingers and saw that Lin Ye's reaction was not a problem, so her embarrassment naturally disappeared a lot.

"That's right, they're all tongue-in-cheek monsters!"

And in the live broadcast room, they all exclaimed when they saw Lin Ye playing with the grilled snake with his bare hands.

[f**k, ruthless iron hand! 】

【What are you doing? Do you want to eat snakes! ? 】

[Really, eat snakes? Is it tasty? 】

[This is not a question of whether it tastes good or not, but can snakes eat it? 】

Because Sister Zhou is sitting next to Lin Ye.

With Lin Ye's current eagle-eyed vision, he could see the barrage on the device in no time.

"Of course you can eat it, but you have to handle it well."

Sister Zhou's eyes widened.

"Can you really eat it?"

There were also questions in the live broadcast room.

【How to deal with it? 】

[Will it be dirty? 】

[Are there advantages or disadvantages? 】

Sister Zhou now has more than 100,000 people in the live broadcast room.

Even if only one out of a hundred people asks a question.

There are too many barrages to die for.

So Lin Ye waved his hand and said.

"Take your time and talk while you eat."

Say it.

After seeing the skin of the snake on the rack charred a bit.

Lin Ye put the grilled snake on the lid of the water pot and brought it out.

At the same time, the water in the kettle boiled.

Lin Ye lifted the water pot to a clean place and put it away.

After seeing the pitch-black grilled snake.

Of course, sister Zhou refused in her heart.

"Is this really edible?"

Lin Ye is not talking nonsense.

He drew the dagger from his leg.

Then start to treat the scorched skin on the snake body.

"To eat snakes, the most important thing is to cook them thoroughly."

"Because the inside of the snake's body is not clean, there may be parasites."

"People in some special areas still like to swallow snake galls raw, which is obviously wrong."

"Although snake gallbladder can be eaten, it must be disposed of, otherwise it will lead to acute gastroenteritis and parasitic diseases."

"If you want to eat snakes, you must remember that it must be hygienic! It must be cleaned!"

"Of course, protect animals from eating them."

"Don't eat it. Protecting animals was caught in the small black room and said I taught it."

When Lin Ye peeled off the black skin of the snake.

The white and tender snake meat appeared immediately.

It seems to emit soft light under the illumination of the campfire at night.

At the same time, a smell of meat wafted away.


Sister Zhou couldn't help taking a breath.

Saliva gushed out of the tongue immediately.


At the same time, he swallowed.

[Wow, it smells so good! I want to eat! 】

【Did you hear the sound of Sister Zhou swallowing, it seems really delicious! 】

[Stop talking, I'm already hungry. 】

[Looking at such delicious meat, I hurriedly showed off two mouthfuls of the bucket noodles I just bought for 8 yuan. 】

[Only eight yuan? I sold it for as low as 10 yuan, woo woo woo. 】

in reality.

After cleaning the dark snake skin.

A piece of clean snake meat that has been cut into sections is displayed in the lid of the pot.

Seeing sister Zhou staring at the snake meat tightly.


Lin Ye allowed her to take the first bite.

After hearing Lin Ye's dinner.

Sister Zhou quickly took out her chopsticks, ready to pick up a piece of snake meat.

But the chopsticks reached the meat.

Sister Zhou hesitated to speak and stopped.

After all, it is snake meat.

It is normal for people who are afraid of snakes to feel a little bit resistant.

Lin Ye also took out his chopsticks and prepared to eat.

Seeing sister Zhou's expression, he smiled.

"You can treat it as a large rice field eel."

"If I don't eat anymore, I will eat it myself."

Sister Zhou was taken aback: "Large rice field eel meat?"

She looked down at the snake again.

Eviscerated, skinned, grilled, and segmented.

the last meat

It really looks like rice field eel!

Thinking about it this way, sister Zhou can accept it immediately.

I saw that Lin Ye had already clipped a piece.

Sister Zhou immediately picked up a piece and stuffed it into her mouth.


The snake meat has been eaten.

Sister Zhou immediately made a comfortable nasal sound.

It's not really driving.

It's the snake meat that is so fragrant!

[What kind of taste, what kind of taste, what kind of taste! ? 】

[Stop yelling, say it quickly! 】

[Let's have a taste! Don't tell us you haven't written it! 】

Sister Zhou ate snake meat.

No, it is half-eating and half-sucking snake meat.

Wait until the snake meat is finished.

Sister Zhou sighed.

"Tender! Slippery! Fragrant!"

"There is silkiness in the strength!"

"It's as smooth as your blind monk Q, touching eyes in the air, R flashing roundabout kick!"

[Gulu~, make a hungry sound manually. 】

[Woooooo sister Zhou, we can't eat snake meat, can we bring back the snake bones for the brothers to shudder? 】

[You are tender and fragrant, and I have never tasted it, so I have no idea, but you said that I am blind and kicked in the air, and I immediately understood! It does look delicious! 】

[Wake up upstairs, I think you are not far enough to touch your eyes and flash, and you will be punished to stand up and send him back and then you will be seconds. 】

No matter how hot the discussion in the live broadcast room is.

Sister Zhou also just looked down and didn't look at the rice.

Sister Zhou: "It's delicious~!"

Lin Ye finished the snake meat in his mouth.

Sister Zhou, whose face was flushed after looking at the food, reminded.

"Snake meat is good, but girls shouldn't be greedy."

Sister Zhou was taken aback when she heard that, she forgot to suck the snake meat in her mouth, and suddenly raised her head to look at Lin Ye.

"It won't be poisonous!?"

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................

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