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Chapter 86 Kinemon


The two people lying on the bed were affectionate for a while, and then left after arranging the specific matters.

As soon as he got back on the boat, Luo came over to him, which startled the listless Swain.

"My boss, Jack, one of Kaido's three disasters, called last night."

"What are you..." Luo then noticed that Swain's face was not looking good.

Then he realized that he was a doctor after all, so he could still see the symptoms, and said: "I must be very tired from negotiating last night, right?"

Swain touched the bridge of his nose sheepishly.

Then he changed the subject and said, "What did Jack, one of the three disasters, say?"

"You don't have to think about it, you also scolded me."

Doflamingo is an offline agent of the Beasts Pirates, so the fact that he and Caesar killed the artificial fruit naturally went south.

These days, strength is everything. If you interrupt someone else's path to becoming stronger, they will definitely come to you for trouble.

"Almost, he asked you to go to Wano Country to apologize..." Luo said slowly.

The expression on his face was very calm. Ever since he heard that Doflamingo was dead, the hatred in his heart had disappeared.

"Yes, I will go." Swain nodded seriously.

But instead of apologizing, he went to pull Kaido down from the throne of the Four Emperors.

"Have you found the samurai from Wano?" Swain asked.

Luo shook his head and said: "I just have some clues. I have already asked the Kingdom's Minister of the Royal Forest Army. I think there will be results today."

"Okay, we'll leave here once we find this warrior."

In fact, Swain did not need to find Kin'emon to go to Wano Country, but in order to control the country easily in the future, because his best agent Momonosuke had been killed by him, he had to take this step.


Just a few hours later, a man dressed as a general came running over.

This is the newly promoted general of Dressrosa and the loyal minister promoted by King Riku.

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Swain, the person you are looking for has been found!" He said in a respectful tone.

Swain looked behind him and found that there was no one there, so he looked at the general in front of him doubtfully.

After noticing Swain's gaze, he also looked.

"Hey? Where's this guy? He's been following me just now!" He said a little panicked.

If Swain is treated badly, I'm afraid this newly obtained good job will be dismissed by the king.

Just when he was exhausted, he heard Swain's voice.

"Why are you pretending?"

"Ah hahaha! Your Excellency is really discerning!" A man dressed as a civilian said loudly.

He also didn't forget to praise himself.


Apart from Swain and the other three people here, he is the only one dressed like a civilian who stands out so unexpectedly.

Besides Kinemon, who has eaten the power of the fruit, who else could be there?

Then he changed back to his original appearance.

He has a black bun and a goatee. Big and small eyes, the left eye is thinner.

Wearing a light kimono with black and white on the left half and orange on the right half, and two flame-like swords with flame-like patterns on their scabbards, he is almost the same height as Swain.

"Do you know why I came to you?" Swain asked.

The tone of the question here is quite condescending, but in order to deal with the lecherous warrior in front of him, he can only do this. After all, he killed the other party's young master, so it is better to keep a distance.

"My lord, I don't know what business you have with me!" He replied seriously.

If Swain hadn't had a fight with Doflamingo, he really wouldn't have appeared in front of him.

"I'm going to Wano Country to defeat Kaido!" Swain said.

"Huh?!!" Kinemon seemed a little surprised.

"So you also have a grudge against Kaido the Beast!" He became a little angry when he heard the name.

The general of the Royal Forest Army who was standing aside heard the conversation that he shouldn't have heard and walked away knowingly.

"I killed his partner Caesar, and sooner or later there will be a battle!" Swain said.

"Caesar!! His pupils suddenly dilated. Have you ever been to Punk Hassad?"

Swain nodded silently.

"Then have you ever seen such a child?" Kin'emon Momonosuke's appearance was described.

"I've seen it..." Swain said.

Kinemon breathed a sigh of relief. He speculated that Momonosuke was most likely to appear there, as long as he found it.

But Swain's next words were like thunder in his ears.

"But he has been killed by Caesar!"

"Nani!! The young master is dead!"

He stared at Swain in disbelief, as if trying to find some flaw in his expression.

"I saw with my own eyes that Caesar turned him into a pool of blood when he was doing experiments." Swain continued to attack.

Anyway, both of them are dead, so let's give all the credit to Caesar.

Kinemon sat slumped on the ground, and then started to cry loudly.

Howling on the mouth: "I'm sorry for the Kozuki family, I'm sorry for the master's entrustment!"

Swain listened to his mourning for a long time and felt a little irritable.

He said sternly: "If you are a samurai from the Kozuki family, please stand up and join me to defeat Kaido!"

"If it weren't for the deal between Kaido and Caesar, your young master wouldn't have died tragically!"

Luo also looked at this scene with a confused expression.

He also participated in the Punk Hassad operation, but he has never seen this person named Momonosuke.

When we came out, the buildings on the island had turned into a sea of ​​flames.

But according to Caesar's unscrupulous approach, killing a child is a normal thing.

Now even Luo believed Swain's words. After all, everyone who had seen Momonosuke at that time had been moved to various places by Swain.

Even if he knew Momonosuke was the one who killed him, it wouldn't matter, it would just be a waste of effort to kill a few more people!

Perhaps his words had an effect, or perhaps it was because he failed to fulfill his responsibilities. Kinemon stood up again.

He wiped away his tears, then bowed halfway and said, "Thank you, Lord Swain! I still have many companions who are under Kaido's oppression."

"Since we have a common goal, let's temporarily form an alliance." Luo suggested.

"That's great." Kinemon spoke much more steadily.

The death of his young master was too sudden, and he lost his backbone in his heart. Now the burden of restoring the country falls on his shoulders.

"Then you come with us to the country of Wano!" Swain invited.


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