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Chapter 92 Jack Counters The Rebellion

In a drugstore in the town.

"Aju?" A middle-aged woman called softly.

She is Kinemon's wife Ahe.

The woman named Aju slowly opened her eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Someone just posted a notice on the street saying that a soldier was killed and asked us to provide information."

"Is there such a thing?" She looked a little surprised.

"Well, things haven't been peaceful lately, so be careful if you go out!"

"One more piece of news, I heard from others that Kaido is coming back!"


After Aju heard the name, her body couldn't help but tremble.

"Yes, otherwise why would there be so many soldiers walking around the town recently?" She curled her lips and said.

"Anyway, just stay here with me for now. With your beauty, something could easily happen."

"I see!"

Just then there was a sudden noise outside the house.

Ahe glanced at Aju, telling her to calm down, and then he got up and went out.

She looked around and saw a group of soldiers surrounding the two of them.

It was Kinemon who stayed with Swain.

I felt a little anxious in my heart. After all, it was my husband, so I stayed close to observe.

"Hurry up and hand it over!" one of the soldiers scolded: "I clearly saw you stealing my money."

"We are separated by an aisle, how could I reach out and steal your money?" Swain was speechless.

He accompanied Kinemon to look for his wife, but who knew that this sudden soldier stopped him like a mad dog and insisted on claiming that he had stolen his money.

He did have a few pieces of broken gold in his pocket, which was originally meant to prevent use, but now it has become a hazard.

"I can prove that Lord Swain did not steal your money!" Kinemon proved to Swain on the side.

The soldier pushed him away and said viciously: "You have nothing to do with me here. If you dare to talk back, I will arrest you too."

Swain gave him a wink and told him not to take action. People would come in a steady stream if he took action here.

Then he was captured without hesitation. When the soldier saw that Swain gave up resistance, he took away all the knives and gold from him.

"Take away!" the leader ordered.

Only after seeing Swain being taken away did the onlookers dare to speak.

"These scoundrels are really abominable! Now they dare to rob openly? Will they kill people on the street in a few days?"

"Hmph! It's not like their master is back and is acting more recklessly."

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense, or you will be arrested for mining!"

After hearing this, Kinemon asked doubtfully: "Is the daimyo coming back?"

At this time, the famous name of Jiuli Town was Jack.

"No, it's Kaido, the captain of Jack's name!" His expression changed after hearing this. It couldn't be such a coincidence, right? Kaido came back as soon as he arrived at Kuri!

Just thinking about it makes me feel like something is wrong.

Ahe saw her husband standing thinking about something and quickly pulled him over.

And on the other side.

Swain was handcuffed and taken to a prison.

However, he did not take action immediately.

It was pitch dark in the prison, with only a few rays of light coming from the small window.

"Hey! Why did you send another one?" A person walked out of the darkness.

You can see his appearance clearly through the light. He is dressed in a typical samurai style, and even his accent can be heard to be obviously different.

He directly touched Swain's chest, his expression turning gloomy.

"Still a male?" Swain couldn't help but laugh.

After his voice fell, several people around him who were about the same age stood up.

Everyone was eager to try, but they were all led by the samurai just now. It seemed that he was waiting for him to finish the meat and drank the soup himself.

Swain felt a chill in his heart and said, "I'll have to break the limbs of those soldiers and throw them in later."

"Don't be impulsive, I will kill you all."

"You still threaten people? I don't like it if you don't resist!"

As he spoke, he started to pick Swain's chin with his hand.


His arm was broken directly, revealing white bones with flesh hanging on them and connected by skin.

"Ah! I was wrong!" The warrior suddenly screamed.

At the same time, he didn't forget to beg for mercy. He usually brought in some small sheep, but he didn't expect that this time it was a tiger.

"Stop screaming." Swain said coldly.

The warrior quickly stopped shouting, tightened his mouth, and said "um huh huh".

The soldier on duty outside heard this voice and immediately smiled evilly: "Let me tell you, this kid won't be able to hold it for ten minutes!"

"Hurry up and give money to those who lose the bet!"

Those who lost the bet all said something bad: "I didn't expect this guy to be such a weakling!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw his friends looking behind him in shock.

"What are you..." He said and turned his head to look.

The next moment, his head turned twice and was twisted off.

Swain did not know when he had appeared behind him, and Pu was about to take lives as soon as he made a move.

When other soldiers saw this scene, they did not run away, but went to get their weapons.

Suddenly! Suddenly!

Several black arrows were inserted into their limbs and were nailed to the ground.

The huge pain made them scream, but what made them even more desperate was that the group of boys appeared in front of them.

His eyes were like a wolf looking at a little white rabbit, eager and passionate.

Swain got his Ghost Sword, and then several sword lights lit up, all the shackles in the cage were cut off, and he released all the criminals here.

Although the criminals here are only temporarily stored here, they will be sent to Rabbit Bowl Prison for mining after a while.

After other guards in the prison saw the riot in the prison, they quickly reported it to their superiors using telephone bugs.

Jack, who was sleeping, was awakened by this call. He thought it was from Kaido and quickly received it.

"Sir! We are unable to suppress the prison riot in the ruined town!"

"Asshole! They are rioting at this time. Kill them all!"

Then he ordered: "Go and ask people to protect the wine cellar. I want to see who dares to cause trouble under my command!"

After saying that, he walked out with the weapon in hand.

The riot was far beyond Swain's imagination, and it was getting bigger and bigger like a snowball, until Jack sent someone.

The number of people has increased from a few hundred to a thousand!

This is undoubtedly the result of many people who are hungry and unable to survive and decide to take action.

"What are you bastards doing?!" Jack's voice was very loud, instantly suppressing the noisy voices.

Finally, from the tusks on the shoulders are two straight-blade-shaped weapons on the lower body and sickle-shaped weapons on the upper body.

He is tall and looks down at the crowd, showing no anger or authority!

He suddenly swung out the weapon in his hand, and the bodies of several people who had no power to fight back were cut in half under this blow.

This bloody scene caused the crowd who followed the riot to disperse instantly.

"Hey, it's true..." Swain slowly walked out from the crowd, holding the Ghost Sword in his hand, majestic!

If we want to make a revolutionary comeback in this world, we still can't do it without strong people.

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