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Chapter 36: f**k! Attacking The Heart Again! Did You Mean To Destroy My Potion Ingredients On Purpose? "4 More"

"You guy is really..."

Deputy Bureau Su also looked at Yang Fu speechlessly. After going out to perform the mission, if he was seriously injured, he could apply for free nutrient solution from the bureau afterwards, and the cost of it was contracted by the Supernatural Bureau.

Therefore, this Yang Fu wanted to prostitute the nutrient solution of the supernatural bureau for nothing.

It's all in his calculations.


It is impossible for someone who can be the captain of the first team to be an idiot.

If you are an idiot, let alone other members of the first team, you will definitely not accept it.

At this time.

The other members of the first team who had reached the E level also rushed forward quickly after Yang Fu and Deputy Director Su, and then launched a round of fierce attack, which did not give the opponent a chance to breathe.

"Don't let his left hand get the scepter of fire."

"Come on! His other arm was completely cut off."

"This dead pig, dare to pretend in front of us? See if we don't kill you!"


The E-level members of the first team also made moves one after another.

They are a team.

After so many years, there is already a tacit understanding between them.

Some people stood up to block the opponent's attack, while others seized the opportunity.

Directly chopped off the opponent's arm which had already been cut in half.

After cutting it off, he threw the opponent's right arm far away. He Xiangxue also caught it, and then took his ice gun from above.

Although it was bloody, it was nothing to her.

She wasn't going to scream at the sight of blood.

The Flame Wild Boar King's combat power, which lost one hand, has also been greatly reduced. Although he is still using supernatural abilities, the power of the supernatural abilities displayed by the opponent now is completely different from before.

It was like a person who dealt 100 points of damage with one punch could only deal 60 points of damage the next moment.

Such a situation.

The E-rank members of the first team were also able to block the opponent's attack.

"Step aside."

At this time, He Xiangxue stood up immediately, raised the ice gun in his hand and rushed over. Yang Fu and Deputy Director Su, who were about to make a move, saw her ferocious appearance. It was also at this time that they chose Act as a helper.





At this moment, the Flame Boar King, who was blind in one eye and had a broken arm, could only desperately use his extraordinary ability to attack these damned 'blood eaters'.

"Bastard, are you just using this trick? It's really nothing new."

Deputy Director Su also grinned when he saw the attack, raised the big knife in his hand, and directly split the fireball that blocked He Xiangxue's progress.

"A mere D-level monster is also worthy of running wild in our Eternal City, so are you?"

Yang Fu also waved his hand, and the big saw blade in his hand chopped off two fireballs, and said disdainfully.

His actions were also supporting He Xiangxue's charge and attack.

And with her help.

There was almost no obstacle in front of He Xiangxue.

Holding a spear in her hand, she rushed to the Flame Wild Boar King as quickly as a bullet.


The ice spear pierced out, aiming at the Flame Wild Boar King's heart with astonishing power, ready to kill him with one blow.

But on the roof.

Zhou Heng saw this scene clearly, especially when He Xiangxue was about to choose to attack Weird Heart again, his face almost turned green.

What if it ruins you?

The D-level potion ingredients were finally delivered to him, and you ruined them just like that, so he won't have to spend a lot of effort to find them in the future.


Therefore, Zhou Heng had no choice but to make a move at this time.

He snapped his fingers.


The Flaming Wild Boar King seemed to have tripped over something suddenly, and his entire huge body tilted towards He Xiangxue and fell down.

This directly changed He Xiangxue's attack position.

As for the opponent's tilt, He Xiangxue was originally aiming at the opponent's heart, but now, she kept tilting to other positions, but at this time, it was impossible for her to stop.

It's just a blow directly.

Puff Chi~!

Her shot, from where it was supposed to pierce the opponent's heart, turned into the opponent's throat.

This almost exhausted shot directly penetrated the opponent's neck, and the Flame Wild Boar King also widened his pig's eyes. He couldn't believe that he was going to die here.

It has clearly succeeded.

As long as the master comes, these humans will become their blood food.

At that time, it will also be promoted from D-level weirdness to C-level weirdness, and become the fire pig emperor.

But why is it different from what they planned.

And at this time.

He Xiangxue also grabbed the barrel of the gun and yanked it fiercely, directly pulling out the ice gun, and a lot of blood sprayed out from the pierced throat of the Flame Wild Boar King.

"You... will definitely... die in the hands of... the master."

The Flaming Wild Boar King exhausted his last strength, looked at these people, and said his last words.

Finally, he fell to the ground with a crash.


It proudly thinks that human beings are their weird blood food.

But now, it died in the hands of human beings, how ridiculous.

"f**k! Team He is awesome!"

"Kneel, kneel! Give the knee to Team He!"

"I will deduct 666 directly!"


The people in the seventh team howled after seeing that their captain gave the last blow to the D-level monster.

Seeing this, the members of the first team didn't say anything.

The opponent's move just now was completed with the help of their first team, but no matter what, the opponent sneaked around behind the Flaming Wild Boar King, shot the opponent, and pierced through the Flame Wild Boar King's body.

Only the arm holding the scepter of fire created an opportunity for them to attack.

So what if Team Seven is happy.

They are the first team, and they have killed a lot of D-level weirdos, so they don't care about this end at all.

In addition, there are not many girls in the supernatural bureau.

Only about one-tenth of the members of the Supernatural Bureau are girls.

Therefore, a beautiful woman with a good figure like He Xiangxue, especially if she doesn't have a boyfriend yet, so everyone has a feeling that they have a chance.

In this case, they will not be idle and have nothing to do to leave a bad impression on each other.

They also applauded.



Yang Fu and Deputy Director Su stood side by side.

"This time, are you satisfied?"

Yang Fu glanced at He Xiangxue, and said to Deputy Director Su beside him.

"I don't understand what you are not satisfied with."

Deputy Director Su pretended to be confused, pretending that he did not understand what the other party meant.

"Don't joke with me, the seventh team was formed under your suggestion, but after it was formed, I didn't expect to meet the guy with the 'hood'. As a result, the seventh team didn't get it for several months. What achievements come out."

"Now that we have killed the D-rank Strange Flame Boar King with one shot, the other teams have nothing to say."

"Aren't you satisfied with this?"

Yang Fu said slowly.

"It's still you who can see everything clearly. I'll tell you why you are just a support in the end. According to the past, no matter who you shoot, you will directly grab the head."

Deputy Director Su was also surprised.

"I'm not so stupid that I can't even see this. What's more, the formation of the seventh team is also good for Eternal City. It can make my work a lot easier and reduce some work. I can go home to accompany my daughter anyway. Otherwise, I My daughter doesn't kiss me anymore."

Yang Fu said.

He has been the captain for so many years, so he can clearly see the things in the game.

"Don't be too happy too early. That space crack is about ten minutes away from being promoted to C-level. When the C-level is weird, it will be really difficult."

Deputy Director Su also set his eyes on the still expanding space crack and said.

"I also want to ask, what happened to you here?"

"Why did we open such a space crack at the gate of the Spirit Bureau!"

"C-level, the weirdness on the other side is the rhythm that wants to overturn all our supernatural bureaus!"

When Yang Fu heard this, he also said angrily.

What's the matter, go out for a while, get a call back, and then rush back, and face a D-level weirdness directly, and now you tell me, the space crack is still expanding, and it is going to expand to C-level.

Are you sure it wasn't the weirdness in the world over there that united and prepared to capture their supernatural situation?


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The upper limit is 50,000 words. 』

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