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Chapter 64: Potion Of Fire Sequence 8 Fire Messenger! "1 More"

Seeing this, Zhou Heng also understood what the other party meant.

Take out the equipped Sequence 8 fire potion from the interspatial ring, throw it casually, and throw it in the direction of Nangong fire.

"Fire potion Sequence 8 Fire messenger."

Under Zhou Heng's black hooded robe, he spoke calmly.

Nangong Huo looked at the bottle containing the Fire Potion of Sequence 8 in his hand, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, and then he opened it, and drank it all in one gulp.


After drinking, Nangong also said in his mouth.

Fire Potion of Sequence 8.

This means that after she takes this, she can be promoted from Sequence 9 Fire Apprentice to Sequence 8 Fire Emissary.

Her strength will also increase.

During this period of time, she could feel the effect of this "potion".

The fire potion of Sequence 9 corresponds to F-level weirdness, but it can't reach the minimum standard of E-level weirdness. For example, her physical fitness, after testing, her physical fitness is about 5.9 times that of ordinary people.

And the E-level genetic medicine, and the minimum standard of E-level weirdness, are 6 times the physical fitness of ordinary people.

In this way, she also has a judgment in her mind about the level of 'potion' corresponding to the level of weirdness.


While she was waiting for the medicine to take effect.

one second!

two seconds!

Three seconds!


After she took the fire potion of Sequence 8, she instantly felt a sharp pain appearing all over her body, and her complexion changed drastically.


It really hurts.

The whole body was in severe pain, and the bones were creaking, as if the whole body was undergoing transformation.

"Last, last time, obviously, it didn't hurt like this, it hurts."

Nangong Huo gritted her teeth and persisted, and at the same time, she said these words with difficulty between her teeth. These words seemed to be seeking an answer to the 'King in Black' opposite her.

"Because, when you took the Fire Potion of Sequence 9 last time, you had already injected an F-grade genetic medicine.

At that time, your physical fitness had already tripled, and the effect brought by the Fire Potion , overlaps with the genetic medicine, and if it is repeated, naturally there is no need to repeat it again."

Zhou Heng also gave the other party an explanation.

After hearing this, Nangong Huo, who was enduring the pain, immediately understood.

It's like a homework, you have already done more than half of it, even if there is another homework for you, you only need to finish what you haven't done, and if you finish it, you don't need it In doing it, relatively, it is easier.

However, the words of the "King in Black" also made Nangong Huo secretly complain.

I knew it earlier.

If she had known earlier, she would have injected the E-grade genetic medicine in advance.

At least, after the injection of the genetic drug, it will take effect subtly for a period of time, except for the injection, which needs to be injected with a syringe, which is a little painful, and the injection will feel uncomfortable.

However, the pain of the injection, and the pain caused by her taking the potion now are completely different things.

The two are not at the same level at all.

This kind of pain lasted for a full ten minutes before subsiding.

"Huh! Finally, finally made it through."

Feeling the disappearance of the pain, Nangong Huo let out a long sigh of relief.

"The physical fitness has reached 7.8 times that of ordinary people. It seems that the effect of your previous efforts to digest the potion is quite effective.

Looking at Nangonghuo, Zhou Heng could see at a glance what level the other party's physical fitness had reached, and he spoke out.

Just now, it can be said that he feasted his eyes.

After all, a beautiful woman in front of him is enduring pain, and there are some painful sounds between her teeth, which really makes people have some fantasies. Anyway, he is also a man.

Hearing this, Nangong Huo also felt it himself.

Then she tried her extraordinary ability again, and when she stepped down, her long legs wrapped in flames directly broke a wooden dummy.

"Not only the improvement of physical fitness, but also the casting speed of my extraordinary ability, the temperature of the flame, etc. have all improved a lot.

Such a result made Nangong very happy.

The best feeling in the world is to improve one's own strength. With her current strength, it is impossible for an E-class genetic warrior to be her opponent in front of her.

As for the E-level alien, she felt that even if her strength was compared to the E-level alien, she was still at the top.

"Two Fire Apprentices from Sequence 9? It seems that you have already administered Fire Potion to your family members."

When Zhou Heng came, he sensed more than just a 'sequencer' aura.

Moreover, the two sequencers who had taken the 'magic medicine' had obviously taken it a long time ago, but on their side, they had not received any improvement in the loading progress of the 'God and Demon Panel'.

Just now.

After the fire potion of Nangong Huo's Sequence 8 took effect, the loading progress of his 'God and Demon Panel' jumped again, from 0.0005% to 0.001% loading progress.

In other words, Nangong Huo took the Fire Potion of Sequence 8, which increased his loading progress by 0.0005%.

For Zhou Heng, with this little increase in loading progress, that force kept pouring into his whole body, making his strength even stronger.

At the same time, he also realized something.

This increase in loading progress was as expected, the loading progress of the 'God and Demon Panel' that the potion of Sequence 9 could bring to him was very limited.

It just increased the loading progress by 0.0004%, and stopped here.

In addition to his original loading progress of 0.0001%, that is to say, the potion of Sequence 9 can only make the upper limit of his loading progress reach 0.0005%

Now, he confirmed one more thing.

Let the person who successfully digested the potion of Sequence 9 take the potion of Sequence 8, and after successfully promoting to Sequence 8, one person can bring him 0.0005% of the loading progress

However, the upper limit of the loading progress that can be increased by the Sequence 9 potion made him realize that the improvement of the loading progress brought by each level of Sequence potion is limited.

I also don't know what the upper limit of the loading progress of the 'God and Demon Panel' brought to him by the potion level of this Sequence 8 will be.


After Nangong Huo heard the words of the "King in Black" in front of him, he nodded seriously and said.

"This is the formula and configuration method of the Fire Potion of Sequence 8. How to deal with it is up to you."

"I look forward to the time when you finish digesting the fire potion of Sequence 8."

Zhou Heng threw out another piece of paper and landed it in the opponent's hand, said.

After speaking, he also left directly.

He is not a rich boy, he just gives the other party a little reward.


Nangong Huo grabbed the piece of paper that fell in her hand, and was about to say thank you to the 'King in Black', but before she could say a single word, the figure of the other party disappeared in front of her eyes.

This made her feel a little melancholy.

Isn't she pretty enough?

From the voice of the other party, she could tell that the 'King in Black' was indeed a man's voice, and it was precisely because of this that she sometimes thought of what her cousin said.

The "King in Black" chose her, saying that it was not necessarily because of her beauty.

Now it seems.

That was simply groundless speculation, and the other party's reaction just now was enough to prove that the other party really had no interest in her.


The 'Sequence 8 Fire Potion' in her hand is the most precious thing she has obtained.

With this Sequence 8 fire potion formula, in this way, she can at least guarantee that the members of the family, at least, can be promoted to the level of Sequence 8. These two potions can almost be regarded as family treasures.

"Fire Potion Sequence 8 Fire Messenger, recipe: 1 dried firehorn beetle, 10 grams of flame mummy shroud, 5 small fire crocodile tooth powder, 1 century-old fire ginseng, sun 1 small piece of crystal, 100ml of pure water!"

After Nangong Huo read the recipe of the fire potion of Sequence 8, he couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.

Because, the formula of the Fire Potion of Sequence 9 is not bad, but the formula of the Fire Potion of Sequence 8 instantly made her feel uncomfortable.

She never thought that the recipe would be like this.

Firehorn beetle, although she didn't know what kind of creature this firehorn beetle was, but with the word beetle, it could be seen that this thing was definitely a bug.

Not to mention this, there is actually a mummy's shroud behind it

Now, Nangong Huo has only one kind of fire potion of Sequence 8 that he can drink directly into his stomach and spit it out.


Nangong retched incessantly.

If she had known earlier, she would still have swallowed this potion, but there is indeed a big difference between knowing the formula of this potion before swallowing and after swallowing.

‥ Ask for flowers...

After all, you need to be mentally prepared before swallowing it. If you still drink it after you understand it, you must be willing to make enough psychological preparations.

After swallowing it, he understood that it really made him feel nauseous when he thought about it.

Can't wait to spit out all the bile.

After retching for a while.

The Nangong fire also stopped.

Her complexion was a little pale, but her heart had already begun to accept it slowly.

the other side.

Zhou also returned home again.

After he got home, he saw the dog serving dog food with ice cream. For a short while, he had the urge to give the dog a bite.

After he taught the dog how to use the space ability, the dog learned a lot, and he didn't care about it after that, but now, it seems that he still has some negligence towards the dog disciplined.

No, because of his negligence in discipline, the dog started to be lazy again.

After all, you were the only one who took the 'potion' he prepared, but what happened? The second person who took the potion had already completely digested the potion of fire in Sequence 9.

and you?

He was still holding dog food and Bing Kuo Le while watching TV dramas here.

Are you not self-motivated at all?

Don't fight for it, hurry up and digest the space potion of Sequence 9 in your body?!

This dog really, really disappointed me.

Zhou Heng was angry with him for not fighting.

I can't wait to draw out the seven wolves and kill this dog.


Zu Hongtian's home.

He is now in his room.

And a package was opened by him.

The contents of this package is a piece of flesh and blood, about thirty catties

flesh and blood.

"F-level weird flesh and blood is really expensive, only two hundred thousand can buy such a few."

Zu Hongtian looked at this piece of flesh and blood, and couldn't help complaining.

Impressively, the piece of flesh and blood in front of him is F-rank weird flesh and blood. He spent a lot of savings to buy this piece of flesh and blood.

F-level strange · saber-toothed blood tiger, if it is promoted three more times, after reaching C-level strange, it will turn into a C-level strange · blood lord, the ability is to control blood, although this ability is very

Average, but for me, the best option.

Zu Hongtian looked at this piece of flesh and blood, and secretly analyzed it in his heart.

Although he has the memory of the future, he is also very familiar with most of the weirdness.

However, in the current situation, what he needs is not some special and rare ability to make him better than others at the same level.

What he wants now is a strange extraordinary ability that is more popular but suitable for him.

The ability hidden in the genes of this saber-toothed blood tiger is exactly what he needs.

The extraordinary ability to manipulate blood.

It can almost be said that among the many strange abilities he knows, it is the extraordinary ability that can increase the level the fastest.

What kind of fire, what kind of water, what kind of wind, or what kind of special and rare extraordinary ability.

If you want to improve like that, the difficulty will be much, much higher.

After all, after Wei Yi has determined the attribute of his extraordinary ability, after that, he has to swallow the strange flesh and blood of the same attribute all the time. It is precisely because of this that if he chooses the special

, Rare ability.

Then the first thing he has to consider is whether he has enough money, and where can he still sell this strange supernatural ability? Will it be out of stock? Then how can he improve himself?

own level?

all in all.

For those who want to become aliens, if they choose extraordinary abilities such as special and rare, it means two words, trouble!

It is very strenuous to be promoted.

And that's exactly what happened.

He chose the F-rank weird Saber-Toothed Blood Tiger. The extraordinary ability-blood it brings has not so many restrictions. Even, during this period, it can also swallow other people with

The strange blood of fire, water, earth, wind and other attributes to enhance one's own experience'.

Want to get promoted quickly.

Extraordinary Ability Blood!

This is definitely an ability that best suits him.


Zu Hongtian directly picked up the flesh and blood of this F-rank weird saber-toothed blood tiger, opened his mouth, and began to bite.

The pungent smell of blood made people very uncomfortable.

But for Zu Hongtian.

What is this bloody smell? Everything his Zu Hongtian has experienced is no more uncomfortable than this.

"Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket of the 'Scavenger'! Thank you, pretty boy! Thank you, pretty boy, for your flower support! Three."

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