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Chapter 67: The Second Person Who Took The Potion Of Ice! Zu Hongtian's Torture! "2 More"

"Then Wang Xiaoming is yours."

When He Xiangxue heard this, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows. She just didn't expect that she would ignore the attraction brought by the 'magic medicine' and make the competition in her team so fierce.

Look at Wang Xiaoming.

She could almost guess what the team members would look like when she saw her seventh team tomorrow.

Eighty percent of them will have injuries on their faces, and few of them should be missed.

"This is the first bottle of 'magic medicine' that has been prepared so far, so I'm not sure what effect this bottle of 'magic medicine' will bring, and I'm not sure if this 'potion medicine' has any side effects.

"So you've really decided?"

He Xiangxue asked.

She felt that, as the captain, it was still necessary to remind the other party at the end.

"Captain He, do you need to talk about it? I will be the number one."

"Just looking at it, you can tell that the 'potion' must be very high-level and can acquire extraordinary abilities. If it doesn't catch up with this train, who knows how much I will spend to buy it in the future.

"I was the first to taste it, and it saved a lot of money."

Wang Xiaoming also grinned and said.

In his opinion, the captain also clearly explained the situation to them on the phone.

He didn't think there would be any mistakes in what the 'King in Black' gave. Such a strong man would not do such an act of fooling the weak.

In addition, it is only after the efficacy of the antidote is really confirmed.

Well, that price is definitely not a simple number.

And no one would refuse such a bottle of 'potion' that would allow everyone to obtain extraordinary abilities.

Therefore, for him, grabbing this spot means earning it.

At least, save him millions of alliance coins in the future.

"This is the ice potion of Sequence 9. You can just drink it in one gulp. I have also prepared various levels of nutrient solution here. If there is any problem, I will give you the nutrient solution as soon as possible. Therefore, if something goes wrong The odds are slim.

Yu Yunmeng handed over the 'Ice Potion' and said.

She will not fiddle with human life like a guinea pig. No matter when she was studying B-level genetic medicine or now, she has always maintained a concept.

Do not trample on life!

Therefore, she had already prepared the nutrient solution.

Even if something goes wrong in the experiment, she can make sure to use the nutrient solution to pull the person back as soon as possible.


Wang Xiaoming looked at the ice-blue 'Ice Potion' and took it, raised his head and poured it into his mouth.


His Adam's apple rolled up and down after a bit.

This bottle of 'Ice Potion' entered his stomach, but he didn't taste the taste.

"According to the normal sequence, a few seconds after swallowing the 'potion', you will experience the effect of the 'potion', a sharp pain, but it won't last long.

Yu Yunmeng looked at Wang Xiaoming tightly with her eyes and said.

She is very nervous now, but also very looking forward to it, looking forward to the 'Ice Potion' that she has prepared can bloom the original brilliance.

one second!

two seconds!

Three seconds!

As soon as the time was up, Wang Xiaoming felt a wave of pain sweeping over in an instant.


He gasped.

If it wasn't for the pain, he just wanted to grit his teeth and persevere, otherwise, he would definitely say at this time: The pain caused by this potion is really terrifying!

But the pain came and went quickly.

It lasted only a minute.

Wang Xiaoming felt the pain disappear.

Fortunately, he is a member of the Supernatural Bureau. Although the members of the Seventh Team have not received many tasks in a few months, he is not the kind of person who cuts a little flesh on his finger and yells that he is going to the hospital.

He stood stiffly, enduring the pain.

The pain of the ice potion of Sequence 9 is not particularly painful, and he has also injected F-level genetic medicine, so the duration of the pain is greatly reduced, and it is accompanied by the increase in the swallowed 'potion' , the pain caused by this potion will become even more painful.

But it's all about gaining power.

If they can obtain this powerful power, it is still acceptable for them to endure it.

"How do you feel now?"

"If you're right, there should be more energy in your body now, you can try to mobilize this energy with your own will, and then use your hands to display Bing's extraordinary ability

Yu Yunmeng looked at Wang Xiaoming and said impatiently.

The other party has not shown any other conditions, which is a very good phenomenon. Of course, the most important thing is to see if the other party has acquired extraordinary abilities.

This is the biggest advantage brought by the 'magic medicine'.

If the other party did not obtain Bing's extraordinary ability, then the potion she prepared probably failed to configure.

But apparently not.

"ice skates!"

Although Wang Xiaoming had just acquired the extraordinary ability of this ice, he felt that this extraordinary ability was like an arm. After mobilizing the energy in his body, he raised his hand accordingly.

A skate quickly condensed on his palm.

It is clear.

The formula of the ice potion of Sequence 9 sent by He Xiangxue, as well as the configuration method above, are correct.

"Pretty". "

Yu Yunmeng was also very excited.

Ice Potion!

After taking the 'Ice Potion', the genetic warrior who originally had no extraordinary ability gained the extraordinary ability of ice.

This means that it is not just about allowing capable people to acquire extraordinary abilities.

The most important thing is that the effect brought by the 'magic medicine' is much stronger than the effect of the genetic medicine.

This is for Qinglong Kingdom.

It's simply a good thing that can't be better.

The earliest developers of genetic medicines were from the west, and Qinglong Kingdom also developed genetic medicines based on the other party's foundation. However, the initial cost of the genetic medicines developed by Qinglong Kingdom was very high.

After hundreds of years, it is still the same.

An F-grade genetic drug costs 1 million Union coins, of which the cost price is about 900,000 Union coins.

Their Qinglong Kingdom is indeed lagging behind the West in the research and development of genetic medicines.

It is said that the cost price of the F-grade genetic drug developed by the West is only about 400,000 Union coins. As for the method used in it, they don't know.

But in terms of effect, it is far from the genetic medicine developed by Qinglong Kingdom.

And after this 'potion' was born from her hands.

Everything will change completely.

The price of the genetic medicine is a unified price after the alliance has discussed it, whether it is an official product or a genetic medicine produced by a large group in some countries, it is such a price.

Price increases will not be allowed.

Similarly, large groups that want to make money from genetic medicines will not allow price cuts.

But now the emergence of 'magic medicine' will completely break such a pattern.

The effect of the potion far exceeds that of the F-grade genetic potion. This is the data she tested on Su Xiaoxiao, a person who was only injected with the F-grade genetic potion, but took the 'magic potion' later.

Judging from various statistics, the potion of Sequence 9 can give people twice or even twice as much physical enhancement as the F-grade genetic potion.

In addition, it can also allow people to obtain extraordinary abilities that can be obtained without being "polluted".

Such a comparison.

As long as the government starts to implement the 'magic medicine', the price of genetic medicines will start to be suppressed. Of course, at present, only F-level genetic medicines should be suppressed.

However, for some large groups that only need 400,000 to 500,000 alliance coins for a F-grade genetic drug, what they will face will be a landslide price cut.

Just because the material of the 'Ice Potion' only costs about 700,000 to 800,000 alliance coins.

This is definitely a good thing for ordinary people.

Hundreds of thousands of alliance coins are missing, although it is still very high, but for some people, it is already a genetic medicine that can be used.

"Next, please follow me here to test."

Yu Yunmeng said to Wang Xiaoming.

Afterwards, tests on Wang Xiaoming's various aspects also started.

But it can be seen that this will allow Yu Yunmeng to get a good amount of data, and Wang Xiaoming naturally cooperated very well. After all, in his concept, this bottle of potion, let alone millions of alliance coins price.

He made money this time around, at least a million dollars.

the next day.

Here in the old housing area.

He also came to this place when he just became an F-rank mutant.

"If I remember correctly, before the fall of Eternal City, the Network of Reincarnation organization should have been hiding in the old housing area, and disguised itself as the Guild of Hell.

After Zu Hongtian became an F-level alien, the first thing he did was not to find the official, but to go to the old housing area first, and find the hell guild that the Web of Reincarnation organization used to hide its identity before it was exposed.

It's not that he doesn't want to go to the authorities.

It's just that he was very clear, so he went directly to the official people in a daze, saying that he was a reborn, and then Eternal City was about to fall due to the plan of the anti-human organization "Net of Reincarnation".

If this is said, those people will only think that he is an obsessed fool who read novels.

Therefore, he decided to come here first.

Let's see if we can catch a person from the Network of Reincarnation, torture him for any news about the Eternal City's plan, and then pass the news to the official people of Eternal City.

In this way, at least he took a piece of evidence in the past, at least it can make people a little convincing.

Zu Hongtian was also in the old housing area and searched around.

Only then did they find the members of the Hell Guild.

"Take it down first, and then ask about the location of the Guild of Hell.

He looked at the man wearing the coat with the logo of the Hell Guild, his eyes were cold. At this moment, the other party became his target, and he wanted to get the specific location of the Hell Guild from the other party.

at this point.

He also had to say that the location of the Hell Guild was really hard to find, and he couldn't find it at all.

But this is also very normal.

As long as there are guilds hidden in the area of ​​the old housing area, few hands are clean, so it is very important to hide the location of your guild

Otherwise, hang up a signboard of the ×× Guild, you are just waiting to be noticed, and then the official people will check you.

Stay in an alley.

Turn a corner.


After Zu Hongtian came to the opponent's side silently, he went directly with a knife in his hand, and then the opponent was knocked unconscious by him with a knife in his hand.

This kind of trick still has certain skills.

In his previous life, he was a super S-rank alien.

He naturally knows this technique very well, even

He knows more advanced killing techniques.

It's just that for the members of this hell guild, there is no need to kill each other.

At least, before asking the address from the other party, there is no need for that.

that's it.

After Zu Hongtian knocked out the members of the hell guild with a knife in his hand, he directly picked up the other party, and quietly led them away from the alley

If this method is changed, it will not be possible to sell batch by batch.


Zu Hongtian would not do such a thing.

He took the other party and came to an empty house. In the old housing area, there are many such abandoned houses. Zu Hongtian also found a relatively empty place.

Afterwards, this person was tied up.


A basin of cold water poured down from the top of the opponent's head, directly waking up the members of the Hell Guild who had been knocked unconscious by him.

"Fat, what happened!"

He woke up in a panic.


Zu Hongtian just punched the other party in the past, to make the other party more sober, and at the same time, to make the other party realize what is going on in his current situation.

"You, who are you? How dare you kidnap me!"

"Don't think that you dare to play tricks in front of me just because you wear a mask!"

"I'm a member of the Hell Guild. I advise you to take care of yourself and let me go quickly. Otherwise, our Hell Guild is not easy to mess with. When I get away, I will tear you apart."

"You dare to hit me, I tell you, don't let me investigate your identity, or I will kill your whole family..."


As soon as this person opened his mouth, he lost his temper all the time. However, Zu Hongtian didn't mean to be used to the opponent at all, and directly punched the opponent again. The previous left uppercut was combined with this uppercut , which is directly symmetrical.

"You don't seem to realize your current situation."

Zu Hongtian's face is now wearing a mask, looking at the other party like this, one hand directly grabbed the other party's hair, pulled up the head of the member of the hell guild, and said coldly


Will his ancestor Hongtian be threatened?

In his previous life, after the fall of Eternal City, he became a different person. Later, he did not accept the threat of anyone working for him. The reason is very simple.

Because, after the fall of Eternal City, he was truly alone.

Are you afraid of wearing shoes if you are barefoot?

On the contrary, the threat of these people will only make Zu Hongtian want to trouble these people even more.

", who are you?"

Obviously, Zu Hongtian's two punches made this member of the hell guild suddenly aware of his current situation.

He was tied here by the other party after he was hit by the other party's black stick.

How could the person who tied him to such a place be a good person.

for a while.

The heart of this hell guild member also tightened suddenly.

There was also fear on his face.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is your answer.

Zu Hongtian said coldly.

"What do you want to know?"

This member of the hell guild also looked at Zu Hongtian with some fear, even if the other party's unintentional actions brought him a sense of crisis from life and death.

This made him instinctively afraid of the other party.

"The address of the Guild of Hell."

Zu Hongtian said.

"This, this, this... I don't know either."

When the member of the hell guild heard this, sweat oozed from his forehead, and he stammered.

"have no idea?"

Zu Hongtian looked at this man, the other party couldn't see the expression under his mask, but he didn't intend to be polite to the other party, he grabbed the other party's head directly, just smashed it towards the wall, slammed several times.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound is very loud, and every time it hits, it brings a very painful feeling.

In Zu Hongtian's eyes, this person is not a good person.

He had searched for a long time in the old housing area before finding the member of this hell guild. Before he laid hands on the other party, he could clearly see what the other party was doing.

Arrogant, domineering, relying on one's own strength to bully some ordinary people, and even threatening some people to give him money, and so on.

Especially after the other party was woken up by his basin of cold water, the words that he opened his mouth, according to what he saw this person's actions, the other party really dared to do it.

In Eternal City.

This area of ​​the old housing area can be said to be a very chaotic place.

The Spirit Bureau wanted to investigate this place, and that was no ordinary trouble.

For example: Wan Yuxian was imprisoned by the Demon Guild for several years. In addition, (Nuo Zhaohao) Luo Peng secretly created strange behaviors artificially in the old housing area.

That time was not short at all.

However, no one found out.

The fundamental reason for this is mainly because the area of ​​the old housing area is too chaotic.

The Supernatural Bureau wanted to investigate.

But I don't have the ability to check.

After all, in the old housing area, the number of aliens is the largest. Among them, there are many D-level aliens, and there are even a lot of C-level aliens.

Supernatural investigation?

I don't even look at the strength of the Supernatural Bureau.

It's really hard to check, otherwise, I wouldn't let this place go for such a long time.


Even if the Guild of Hell is just a guild established to disguise the organization of the reincarnation network, some members may even just join the Guild of Hell.

Rather than the organization of the reincarnation network.

But it cannot be denied.

Almost none of the guilds in the old housing area was clean, and the members of these guilds were not necessarily good people.

For shooting a scumbag, Zu Hongtian said that he didn't feel any guilt at all.

All he needed was to get the position of the 'Hell Guild' from the other party. As for what method he used in the process of asking.

It doesn't matter at all.

"Now, do you know?"

Zu Hongtian grabbed the opponent's head and asked.

This member of the hell guild also had his forehead cut open and blood flowed out from his few blows.

"I, I don't know."

The man gritted his teeth and said.

Although the other party has brought him pain, he has seen the fate of those who betrayed the Hell Guild, and he does not want to be the next one.

"Very well, let's continue."

Zu Hongtian also smiled cruelly.


Yes, he also has time to spend with each other.

I hope that the other party's mouth is hard and swollen.

Thirty minutes later.

Zu Hongtian walked out wearing the coat of a member of the 'Hell Guild'. The other party was indeed quite stubborn, but his methods were more ruthless. The other party did not persist and told him the address of the Hell Guild.

The opponent's mouth is still not hard enough!

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