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Chapter 68: Zu Hongtian's Operation! Extreme Edition Space Radar! "1 More"

Hell Guild.

For the guilds in the old housing area, hiding places must be very important.

Especially for the reincarnation network of the Hell Guild, which is an anti-human organization, they need to hide the place of the Hell Guild more concealed.

However, the address of the Guild of Hell is only to hide the main location of the Network of Reincarnation organization.

Forming a guild on the surface can be said to be the first layer.

The concealment of hiding the guild is the second layer.

That hides the organization behind the guild, which is the third floor.

Playing with your mind, it's one set after another, just like an old sow wearing a bra.

"It's really hidden."

Wearing a coat of 'Hell Guild', Zu Hongtian stood in front of an old building, this is an old community, "The City Hell Guild is hidden in this place.

This moment made him think, the big hermit hides in the city, and the little hermit hides in the wild.

Hidden in the community of the old housing area.

This is indeed something that people will subconsciously ignore.

For guilds, generally the best guild address is an old house or the like. It is best to hide in a group of dilapidated old houses, not in a high-rise community.

After all, if there is a big movement in what the guild is going to do, it is very likely that the guild will be exposed.

Zu Hongtian is also very relaxed because he entered this community. In this old community, the houses are almost ten stories high. Very small.

There are also a large number of residents living here, and this community has its proper configuration.

It's just that the conditions are slightly worse.

Zu Hongtian glanced over.

He saw a lot of people wearing coats with the logo of the 'Hell Guild'. Of course, these people were not wearing uniforms. Their coats were of various colors and colorful. Wearing uniforms.

However, the costumes of these people all have uniform characteristics.


A very small sign.

Moyo recognized the 'Hell Guild' logo the size of a thumbnail. This logo was somewhere on the coats they were wearing.

In terms of location, the logos on the coats of these people are also not uniform.

This gives people the impression that this logo is just the 080 brand logo of a certain merchant, and it will not attract anyone's attention at all.

Similarly, this is also the cleverness of the Hell Guild's hidden methods.

Who would have thought that the Guild of Hell would use this method to identify the identities of its members.

Zu Hongtian also had to sigh with emotion, if he hadn't read the file of "The Fall of Eternal City" back then, he knew how the net of reincarnation was hidden in Eternal City.

He probably broke his head and never thought that the other party was wearing a hell guild vest to hide himself.

After all, he has formed his own organization, but he has never been a village of think tanks in the organization. What he symbolizes is the absolute strength in the organization.

And how did he know the logo of the Hell Guild?

It was also because he had seen it on the case.

After observing these people wearing coats with the 'Hell Guild' logo, he was also somewhat surprised.

"The weakest ones are all F-level aliens, and there are some E-level aliens. For me now, if these people work together, it will be difficult for me to escape.

Zu Hongtian secretly analyzed in his heart.

He's a reborn, yes.

But what was reborn only allowed him to have a memory of the future that ordinary people did not have, and a strong spirit tempered.


He didn't bring it back at all.

If he had the power he had before rebirth, would he still need to be so obsessed? Just kill indiscriminately!

Eternal City fall plan?

Grade A weird?


See if I, Zu Hongtian, beat you to death and you're done.

It's a pity that Zu Hongtian can only think about this kind of thing. The current him still has to face the reality, that is, the current him is just an F-level alien.

Currently for him.

The best way, of course, is not to act rashly.

mixed in?

Think too much.

He didn't know these people at all.

Of course, what he was referring to was that he didn't know what the positions of these people were.

In the composition of a guild, some people may be thugs, but some people may be in the position of recruiting members, some are small leaders, and some even have vice presidents.

Without knowing this 'Hell Guild', I tried to sneak in.

The chance of exposure is quite high.

His Zu Hongtian is not stupid enough to do such a thing.

For now, the best way is.

bide your time.

He was indeed grabbing a person from the Network of Reincarnation organization alive, then prying open the other party's mouth, and finally prying the person out, and handing over the words to the official people by some means.

Let the authorities be vigilant.

In this way, under the vigilance of the officials, it can be said that it is almost impossible to implement the plan of the net of reincarnation.

But now it seems.

It seems that things are still not as simple as he imagined.

However, it is also normal.

The imagination is full, but the reality is very skinny. This is the normal state in life.

But to confirm the position of the net of reincarnation of the Hell Guild, which is used to hide his vest, for Zu Hongtian, it can be regarded as a steady step forward.

In this way, he wore a coat with the logo of the "Hell Guild" and walked around this old community. It can be said that after observing it, he left the small area naturally.

This process was as smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.


This is only because the members of the hell guild he pretended to have not approached thousands of people, just like passing by like an ordinary passerby, naturally no one from the hell guild will pay special attention to him.

Even if he noticed it, he only took a few glances at most. After seeing the logo of the 'Hell Guild' on the coat he was wearing, he would probably withdraw his gaze.

My own.

Although there are some unfamiliar ones, they should probably be newcomers, so there is no need to care about them.

"It's time to change."

After walking out of this old community, Zu Hongtian also quickly walked into a hidden alley, then took off the coat and put it away.

At present, it seems that it is definitely not the best time to do it.

Especially since his strength is still so weak.

If he did it, he would definitely suffer a lot.

"It seems that we still have to rely on the power of the government."

Zu Hongtian took out his mobile phone and looked at it. After thinking for a while, he finally put his mobile phone back into his pocket. Of course, it doesn't mean that he gave up such an idea.

Just using a mobile phone to send a message to the official person, this kind of behavior is obviously very stupid.

If he really did this, the other party would be able to find him by checking his number.

Then he would be exposed directly.

After thinking for a long time.

He resumed his disguised attire and walked into a stationery store.

He took out the money he found from the member of the 'Hell Guild' who was caught by him, and he was still wearing a pair of black gloves. He bought some paper and pens in this stationery store, and an envelope.

As for the member of the 'Hell Guild' who was captured by him.

The other party has shut his mouth forever.

Zu Hongtian will not leave traces for himself.

Time also ticked by.

After Zu Hongtian used paper and a pen, he wrote something on it and sealed it in an envelope. He had already made all the preparations.


He just has to wait for the time to come.

the other side.

Leave for a few days.

The Vulcan mercenary (bbai) regiment formed by Nangong Huo also camped in place, rested, and then continued to set off, continue to camp, rest, or continue to set off, continue to camp, and rest.

The past few days have been spent in this way repeatedly.

Not that they want to.

It's just that they are limited by the problems on the equipment, otherwise, they wouldn't have repeated it over and over again in the past few days.

"Patriarch, do you think this broken machine will be broken? It's been a few days, and there is no movement at all. Didn't you say that as long as there is a crack in space within a radius of ten kilometers, you can detect it?"

A member of the Vulcan mercenary group also held a space radar in his hand, and said depressedly.

The so-called space radar.

In fact, it is something similar to the 'Heavenly System'.

The space radar has only one function, and that is to detect the appearance of space cracks, and a prompt like a light spot will appear on the radar.

Their stuff, after many groups have obtained the technology to detect space cracks, they are manufactured and sold.

This thing is not only useful for hunting weird people that appear in the cracks of space like the mercenary group, some businessmen, or people who need to go out of the city like this thing very much.

After all, no one likes to put themselves in danger.

For things like space cracks that are enough to threaten the lives of most people, everyone naturally chooses to stay away.

There is space radar.

That means that when a space crack appears, they can immediately notice that ordinary people without abilities will naturally quickly move away from the space crack.

Flee to safety.

In this way, life is saved.

If there is no space radar, it is estimated that the space cracks will open until the strangeness comes out, and it will be really late to discover when the strangeness is in front of it.

The space radar is mainly convenient to carry around.

Therefore, the detection range is limited.

The space radar sold is also divided into three levels, namely: standard version, deluxe version, and supreme version.

It is not sold according to the division of low-level, intermediate, and high-level routines at all.

Change your name.

It feels instantly different.

The standard version of space radar can detect space cracks within a radius of one kilometer, while the deluxe version of space radar can detect space cracks within a radius of five kilometers, and the supreme version of space radar , it can detect space cracks that appear within a radius of ten kilometers.

Obviously, what the Vulcan mercenary group is using at this moment is naturally the most advanced supreme version of the space radar.

It can detect space cracks that appear within a radius of ten kilometers.

However, I don't know whether to say that they were unlucky, or that they stepped on dog shit when they went out.

Been out for a few days.

Holding this supreme version of the space radar, there is no sign of the slightest space crack detected.

This is simply... playing with their mentality.

"This thing is not so easy to break, it can only be said that we are unlucky and have not encountered it yet.

Nangong Wentian stood up and said.

Currently, he is the deputy head of the Vulcan Mercenary Corps.

When everyone was waiting impatiently, he felt that it was necessary for him to stand up and say something.

However, just when he took a deep breath and was about to express his speech level, so that everyone could get rid of their boredom.


Very suddenly, the supreme version of the space radar suddenly made a very sobering sound, which can be described as deafening, and none of the Vulcan mercenaries present were

Almost deaf from the shock.


The members of the Nangong family who held the Vulcan mercenary group just wanted to throw out the supreme version of the space radar in their hands in an instant.

But when he thought of the price of this thing, he directly endured it.

If it is really thrown out, it is broken.

that price.

But it's worth an E-grade genetic medicine.

He can't afford it.

And Nangong Yutang in the team also reacted quickly, came directly to this person's side, and quickly stretched out his hand, which is a button on the supreme version of the space radar

Pressed down.


The world is quiet.

Without the sound of "woo woo woo ~", everyone just felt as if their ears had been saved, it was really not easy.

"A space crack has appeared, hurry up, everyone quickly packed up their things and prepared to go."

As the head of the clan, Nangong Huo's eyes lit up immediately after her ears were purified, and the sound was a reminder to them.

To remind them, the appearance of space cracks has been detected on the supreme version of the space radar.

"Hurry up! I've been waiting for several days, wait a minute, I must cut these weird knives more!"

"Old Li, the movement is so slow, I haven't eaten, so I just stuffed it in randomly, if we go late, if the weirdness that appears in the space crack escapes, our flesh will fly.

"You're still talking nonsense, I'm ready."

Everyone hurriedly packed some things into their backpacks, and in less than a minute, the lowest among them was an F-level genetic fighter.

The speed is naturally extremely fast, and things are packed quickly at once.

Then, head towards the direction of the upcoming 'space crack' displayed on the Supreme Edition's space radar.

"Everyone, let's go!"

Under the command of Nangong Huo, everyone rushed to the 'target'.

"Thank you for the monthly ticket support from 'Jun'! Thanks to 'Deep Shadow Abyss' for your support! The number of subscribers plummeted to 467 yesterday, less than 500!

The ones are split! Similarly, I would also like to thank all the beauties, even though I don’t know who voted for it, I directly sent as many as 110,000 flowers, the author is flattered!".

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