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Chapter 74: Present The Formula Of 'Blood Potion'! "2 More"

"There are a lot of traces of time flowing on your body!"

The words of the King in Black.

It made Zu Hongtian's heart stop beating for an instant, like a thunderbolt falling directly on his body.

A lot of traces of the flow of time!

Could it be that the King in Black saw that he was a reborn?

In an instant, Zu Hongtian's Adam's apple rolled, and his whole body immediately became tense.

"I see."

Suddenly, it seemed that the voice of the King in Black was talking to himself, but these words made his heart tighten suddenly, and at the same time he was on guard against the 'King in Black'.

Now, he is very afraid that the other party will attack him.

Because he can't see through the other party, and likewise, he doesn't know the depth of the other party's strength.

But one thing is certain is that the other party can beat him in seconds.

But the ants still have the heart to survive.

Even if he knew that if the other party made a move, it would definitely be a dead end, but he still wanted to give it a go when the other party made a move.

"Relax, I am not your enemy."

Looking at the other party's actions, Zhou Heng naturally understood the other party's thoughts, and said in a gentle tone.

When he glanced over just now, he had already seen through the other party.

There are so many traces of time flowing around the opponent's body, those who don't play 'time' will not notice it, but in the eyes of those who control 'time', the opponent is like a huge torch in the night, extremely conspicuous .

It doesn't matter whether you want to notice the other party or not.


He also used the extraordinary ability of 'fate' to observe the other party.

Under the watchful eye of fate.

Everything about the other party, under his eyes, is simply not even a fig leaf.


This "073" is called Zu Hongtian's identity, which really surprised him.

It's like the protagonist of a novel. If there is no existence of him, it is estimated that the other party is likely to be the protagonist of this world.

After all, apart from a lot of traces of 'time', the other party also has a 'world luck' directly covering the other party's body. If this luck is not the child of the world, no ghost will believe it.

Luck is such a mysterious thing.

simply put.

This guy is the real son of this world. Relying on his good luck, if the other party can't become the strongest in this world, he will directly gouge out his eyes and use them as a bully.

"Woof~! Master, you don't know, this guy just came out for a while, and this guy ran out to bully me. If it wasn't for Ben Wang's wit, Ben Wang would never see his master.

"Wang~! I beg the master to avenge this Wang!"

The moment Gou Aotian saw Zhou Heng appear, he felt sweat dripping from the dog's head.

So, it exerted 12% of its skill, and directly hugged Zhou Heng's leg, barking~! It barked, the dog burst into tears, as if it had been greatly wronged

He still didn't forget to complain to Zhou Heng.

"Let your dog... fart!"

Lu Chi, who had lost both hands and one leg, immediately widened his eyes and glared angrily when he heard the husky's words.

bully you?

Who is bullying whom!

He, Lu Chi, has never been wronged as much as he is today.

And you, the perpetrator, no, it should be the perpetrator dog who still has the face to complain at this time, and dare to sue and step on the horse, this husky really doesn't want to be embarrassed at all.


Zu Hongtian also looked at Gou Aotian who was displaying world-class acting skills with a strange expression, his expression was somewhat complicated.

This dead dog is shameless several times.

Moreover, just now he looked like a cheap dog, but now he instantly turned into a dog-licking look.

The acting skills are really superb.

His ancestor Hongtian is ashamed of himself.

And before.

When he saw this dead dog beating Lu Chi, he had indeed heard the other party say 'Master', but he didn't expect that the 'Master' this dead dog said was actually the 'King in Black'.

In an instant, he also understood that the dead dog was obviously just a husky, but it had the extraordinary ability of space, and it didn't have a weird aura on it, so it wasn't weird.

Needless to say.

This was definitely done by the 'King in Black'.

The biggest possibility is that this dead dog is the extraordinary ability of space obtained by swallowing the potion.

this moment.

He was envious.

He is a reborn person, but he is not as good as a dog. His face as a reborn person is gone.


Zhou Heng snapped his fingers.

The next moment, Lu Chi's head fell off his neck and rolled around on the spot.

A snap of the fingers.

The opponent died in his hands.


When Zu Hongtian saw this scene, he couldn't help but uttered a foul language.

Seeing Lu Chi's death, he was in a bad mood.

His goal this time, in his plan, was to capture Lu Chi, a member of the Network of Reincarnation, and then torture him to find out the exact location of the Network of Reincarnation organization.

But now...


His lungs exploded.

But he didn't dare to be too angry in front of the 'King in Black'.

"Okay, good kill."

Under Zu Hongtian's mask, he also showed a smile, and clapped his hands together, applauding again and again.

In front of such a mysterious strong man, he also had to bow his head obediently.

Show anger and hostility?

Do not be silly.

It takes a strong iron-headed boy to do this.

The strong cannot be humiliated!

This is the constant rule of this world.


Not many people dare to be a strong keyboard player on it.

The reason is of course because if you accidentally sprayed on a powerful alien and offended the other party, they would spend money in the black market in minutes to find out your exact location.

Just go straight to the door.

In this case, there is no reason to talk about death.

In this world, this kind of situation happens a lot.

And after the death of those 'keyboard experts', 'keyboard kings', and 'key immortals', a large part of them have not found the murderer so far.

Because, after these aliens killed people, they immediately left the city.

When he was discovered, the ghost knew which wilderness the other party had gone to. The world is so big, and the degree of danger in the world outside the city is not ordinary.

It takes a lot of resources to find someone, and it is said that someone has been caught.

can only say.

It's just bad luck for you to die.

Who told you to be a 'keyboard powerhouse', 'keyboard emperor', 'key fairy'?!

"Woof~! Kid, have you seen this guy's fate? Hurry up and kowtow to Lord Dog and recognize Ben Wang as your big brother. From then on, you will be Ben Wang's younger brother, the master's younger brother, with this background , you kid can walk sideways in the future.”

After seeing Lu Chi being killed by Zhou Heng with one move, Gou Aotian stood up again, and said to Zu Hongtian with a proud face.

"This bitch, I really want to beat him to death."

The smile under Zu Hongtian's mask was forced out.

This husky is too cheap, especially now, it is full of cheap, after people see it, they have an urge to rush up and directly grab this dead dog and beat it.

But he held back.

He was just giving face to the king in black behind this dead dog.


Zhou Heng also looked at the dog helplessly, stretched out his hand, and picked up the dog directly.

"This, it's a meeting gift for you."

"What you want is the Bliss Company on Jiangle Street. That company is all people from the Net of Reincarnation."

"Looking forward to our next meeting, Zutian.

Zhou Heng just grabbed the dog and disappeared from the other party's sight.

And a piece of paper floated over slowly.

He subconsciously reached out and caught it.


The other party's words made him stay in place.

"He knows who I am!!!"

After the 'King in Black' shouted his name, Zu Hongtian's heart was also cold. He can be sure that he has never seen this 'King in Black' in a certain period of time.

However, how did the other party know his identity.

He frowned, and there were too many questions in his mind that he couldn't answer.

"Is his word credible?"

Zu Hongtian glanced at the corpse on the ground, and couldn't help but think of the news the other party told him just now, and his complexion became complicated.

How did the other party know that he wanted to find the net of reincarnation?

And how to determine the location of the net of reincarnation?

And how did you know his exact identity?

These questions one by one made him, a reborn person, full of question marks.

after a long time.

Zu Hongtian also let out a long sigh of relief.

"Although I don't know how the other party knows so much, a person with such strength should not deceive me.

Afterwards, he also looked towards the paper he was holding in his hand.

When he saw it, he suddenly widened his eyes.

"It turned out to be a potion!"

Zu Hongtian's hand holding this piece of paper was a little bit harder, but the next moment he realized the preciousness of the content recorded on this piece of paper, he quickly became cautious.

He never expected that the other party would actually give him the formula of the potion.

Moreover, the name of this potion is the potion of blood. The name of this potion instantly reminded him of his extraordinary ability, the extraordinary ability of blood!

The other party gave him the formula of this 'Blood Potion', was it intentional or unintentional?

After thinking for a while, he gave up and continued to think about this question.

It is meaningless to guess what the other party thinks.

It just makes me think a lot of useless things.

But regardless of whether the 'King in Black' was intentional or unintentional, the value of the formula of this 'Blood Potion' is absolutely priceless.

Afterwards, he carefully folded the A4 paper with the formula of the 'Blood Potion' and put it in the pocket of his coat, keeping it close to his body.

After preparing everything, he also glanced at Lu Chi's corpse, and then left directly.

This place couldn't stay any longer.

Stay longer.

People from the Supernatural Bureau will find it.

the other side.

In Room 601, Building 6, Jiangta Community.

Under the siege of Yang Fu and He Xiangxue, Lu Lecheng had no chance to escape.

And at this moment.

His body was directly nailed to the wall by He Xiangxue's ice gun.

The Supernatural Bureau has regulations. When carrying out missions and arresting criminals, they should be captured alive as much as possible. If it is really impossible to capture them alive, they should be killed on the spot.

This is why in the beginning, when the Ghost Bureau took action, it first used a non-lethal weapon like a stun gun.

can now.

Lu Lecheng was crucified here.

The reason is naturally because Yang Fu and He

After Xiang Xue and the two met each other, they were not so sure that they would capture each other alive. Otherwise, if they were absolutely sure that they would succeed in capturing alive, they would still choose to capture alive.


Lu Lecheng is too confident.

He felt that he was just surrounded by a D-level genetic warrior and an 'E-level alien'. If he wanted to escape, wouldn't it be easy?

But confident people are often the easiest to overturn.


After Lu Chi escaped.

Now only Lu Lecheng, the president of the hell guild, was present, if the other party was allowed to run away.

Yang Fu and He Xiangxue's mission this time was an unsuccessful operation.

He Xiangxue exploded suddenly within a short period of time.

In this very short period of time, the combat power of a D-rank alien erupted.

5.3 Then, He Xiangxue caught a flaw and nailed the opponent to death with one shot.

"Team Yang, the vice president of the Hell Guild ran away, leaving only one captain. Our operation this time can only be considered a success."

He Xiangxue also walked to the balcony, and looked down at the hole in the balcony fence net that was smashed open by the 'Mace'. Now it is 10 minutes before the other party escapes.

It's been a long time.

Now catch up, at night, the other party will find a place to hide, and they will never find it.

Door-to-door inspections?

Neither can this.

In the old housing area, there are mixed fish and fish, including ghosts, ghosts and snakes.

Before they had made a plan of action, if they accidentally checked into the heads of some 'guilds', if the other party made a move, it would cause a large commotion.

"You girl, this operation is not bad, even if the vice president of the hell guild runs away, it doesn't matter. If you want to reorganize a guild, the time and money it will take will be overwhelming."

Not the average length, the average length. "

"At least, he won't have the time to make trouble in this year or two."

Yang Fu also took out a cigarette and lit it. After taking a puff, he said with a smile.

And at this moment.

A member of the Supernatural Bureau came in and reported to the two captains, Yang Fu and He Xiangxue.

"Report to Team Yang, Team He, we were chasing the escaped member of the Hell Guild, and found that the other party was killed in an alley..."

"Thank you for the reminder ticket support from 'Not only to how to write'! Thanks to '136.4176.9762' Liangzi for the reminder ticket support! Thanks to the light of 'Blood Dawn'

"Liangzi's monthly ticket support! Thanks to 'Bai Ya' Liangzi's monthly ticket support!".

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