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Chapter 76: The King In Black: "Your Vision And Mine Are No Longer In The Same Place!" "2 More"

Eternal City - Feathered Serpent Group - General Manager Office.


"Just by you rats in the trench?"

Achill looked at the person who broke into his territory with disdain, and expressed his disdain for what the other party said just now.

He, Achill, is the general manager of the Feathered Serpent God Group branch, and he manages the territory of Eternal City. He has a high status, and this group of people dare to discuss cooperation with him in front of him?

"General Manager Achill, you can't say that. Although you have your influence, we are not bad at all."

Opposite Achill was a masked person, and the voice under his mask seemed to be smiling, as if he didn't hear the other party's words that belittled them just now.

In other words, he directly ignored the other party's words that belittled their organization.

"What do you want to cooperate with?"

After Achill finished listening, he stared at the other party for two or three seconds and asked.

It's just a C-level alien, he doesn't really care about it, but if he can let a C-level alien come to be a lobbyist, then the power behind the opponent must be stronger, such as a B-level one.

This made him pay attention to it.

"Mr. Achill must have known it too, there is one thing that is very lively today.

The man in the mask and suit also said.

"Understood, conquered, who would believe it."

Achill snorted disdainfully and said.

This kind of news is enough to fool some ordinary people, but in the eyes of these people, if they believe it, they are really fools.

How long did it take for the potion to come out.

If this kind of thing was so easy to overcome, the genetic medicine would have been developed to a super-S level long ago.

"It seems that General Manager Achill shares the same opinion as us. How does General Manager Achill think they managed to obtain the configuration method of the 'Ice Potion'?"

The masked man in the suit walked to a chair unhurriedly and sat down.

"The King in Black."

Achill's eyes also became serious.

How could he not understand.

The so-called conquering, which has at least 99.99% of water, has indeed been conquered, but it is absolutely impossible for them to conquer the 'Ice Potion' in such a short period of time.

The only possibility is - the king in black!

Conquer, in fact, is the 'King in Black' who gave the configuration method of 'Ice Potion' to the person in the supernatural bureau, the most likely is that He Xiangxue, or one of the two women Su Xiaoxiao .

"I heard that General Manager Achill's people are buying Void Sight Stones in the market, as well as in the black market. I think this news should not be fake."

The man in the mask and suit asked again.

"Since you want to cooperate with me, you will be caught in a circle, I don't have the time to listen to you talking nonsense here.

Achill frowned and said coldly.

"Don't be angry, General Manager Achill, I just want to make sure of something."

The masked man in the suit was not annoyed by the other party's attitude, but continued in a calm tone.


Achill narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Then I think we should have a basis for cooperation.

The man in the mask suit spread his hands and said.

"I think the purpose of your massive purchase of void eye stones should be for the 'magic medicine' formula in the hands of the 'King of Black'.

He wants to use the void eye stones to open more advanced space cracks, causing strange waves, and turning the 'black clothes' King' was forced out, right?"

his words.

It also made Achill stare at him deeply.

He knew that the other party still had something to say next, otherwise, he would not easily let go of the person who came here to expose his plan.

"General Manager Achill, I think we can cooperate for a while, you are for the king in black', and our organization has our own purpose, and we will not have any conflicts during the process. Our goal is not 'King in Black' either, so let's work together."

"We already have quite a few Void Sightstones in our hands."

"If you add what General Manager Achill collected, opening an A-level space crack is not a problem."

"General Manager Achill, do you want to cooperate?"

The eyes under the mask of the man in the suit stared at Achill closely, expecting the other party's answer.

"Do you think I will believe you if you say that?"

Achill looked at each other calmly and said.

"Based on our belief that the true God will come and lead us to the eternal heaven."

The eyes of the man in the mask and suit under the mask revealed the fanaticism of faith, and there was a kind of reverence in his tone.

"You are a weird organization!"

After Achill listened to the other party's words, he quickly reacted.



If it was just the word 'true god', he might not think of the weird organization, but the other party added the word 'advent'.

There are no other organizations that believe in the coming of the true God, except for weird organizations.

Then, his complexion became ugly.

Weird organization!

This group of people can be said to be a group of lunatics.

In the organization, all are aliens, but what they believe in is the weirdness at the other end of the space rift. They believe that there is a true god in the weirdness, and sooner or later, the "true god" will come to this world and take them to the world. Eternal Paradise.

It is definitely not a big deal to have a relationship with the weird organization.

At least, for Achill, that is the case.

"Get out!"

Achill said coldly.

"General Manager Achill, don't get excited. Although we are not on the same path, it is a good thing to cooperate when necessary, isn't it?"

"You should know what's going on now.

"The 'Potion of Ice' has been 'conquered', how many potion formulas do you think the 'King in Black' has left?"

"If you don't force him out as soon as possible, you should be very clear about whose hands the potion formula in the other party's hands will eventually fall into."

"So, cooperation? General Manager Archer!"

The man in the mask suit said calmly.

His words made Achill silent.

If the other party was looking for him yesterday, no matter what the other party said, he would definitely let the other party go.

But it's different now.

The news of 'conquering' the 'Ice Potion' has already been spread on the Internet.

Follow this pace.

Who knows when the 'King in Black' will send out the configuration methods of various 'potions' in his hands one by one, and every one he sends out is his loss.

In his eyes, the things in the hands of the 'King in Black' should already be within his plan.

And the other party dared to send out the configuration method of the potion.

This is simply sending his things out, which makes him just watch.

And the words of this 'strange organization' successfully persuaded him.

If it is delayed by one day, there is a possibility that the "King in Black" will send out the potion formula again.

You have to catch the opponent quickly.


The progress he is currently sending out to collect void eye stones is very slow, and what he has collected so far is not enough to directly increase the number of space cracks from F-level to A-level.

However, he already has some can't wait.

"How many void eye stones do you have in your hands?"

After a moment of silence, Achill asked.

"Absolutely beyond the imagination of general manager Achill.

The masked man in the suit didn't directly say the quantity.

"If you don't give me a guarantee, it's hard for me to trust you."

Achill said.

"It's no problem to open the A-level space crack."

The man in the mask suit said.

"It seems that you have really prepared a lot. Not only do you want A-level weirdness to appear, but you are also preparing to lead a wave of weirdness and completely engulf Eternal City?"

Achill immediately understood the opponent's plan.

"Don't worry, General Manager Achill, as long as you cooperate with us, we can ensure that you will be safe and sound under the strange tide.

The man in the mask suit also said confidently.

It seems that they really have some special means.

"Then, it seems that I really want to cooperate with you."

Achill complied.

"But I have one condition, it must be done as soon as possible."

He reminded the man in the mask and suit.

"no problem."

The man in the mask suit readily agreed.

"Happy cooperation."

Achill smiled.

".. Pleasant cooperation."

The man in the mask suit also smiled.

It seems that they all got what they wanted.

The cooperation is settled.

In a short time.

The man in the mask and suit left the building of the Feathered Serpent Group branch directly.

In the general manager's office.

There are only two people left.

"Boss, do you really want to cooperate with the weird organization?"

"What if these lunatics don't keep their word?"

His bodyguard, Vito, also asked Achill after the masked man in the suit left.

"Don't worry, it's just a crack in the A-level space. A-level aliens have been sent from above. We only need to force the 'King in Black' out, take him down, and leave Eternal City quickly.

"As long as we can get what we want, the people in this city have nothing to do with me."

The blond-haired and blue-eyed Achill walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the busy traffic below, and the pedestrians as small as black spots, his eyes were full of disdain.

Vito was silent.

He is just a bodyguard and has no right to interfere with his boss's decision.

the other side.

at home.

"Wang~! Master, look at them, they are really shameless. You should have given them the formula of this 'magic medicine', right, but they actually said that they 'conquered' it."

"Woof~! It's too much, I'm so mad!"

Gou Aotian also saw the news on TV.

The news that the 'Ice Potion' has been conquered is really shocking.

Allowing people to obtain extraordinary abilities without any side effects, this is something that has been impossible to do for hundreds of years, but now, Bingzhi'an medicine has appeared.

It allows ordinary people to gain extraordinary abilities.


It can be declared that this is a chapter of a new era.


But Gou Aotian is very clear that the 'potion' is something he was born with.


After taking the 'space potion' to open up its intelligence, its IQ has risen linearly. It naturally knows how complicated the 'potion' in the hands of its master is, and how can it be overcome in such a short time.

Moreover, last night, he watched his master send out the configuration method of the 'Blood Potion'.

This 'Potion of Ice' must have been given out by the master when he assumed the status of 'King in Black', but now, it has turned out like this,

How can this make it angry.

It now has the idea of ​​wanting to fight the injustice.


A hand pressed over.

Then rubbed it hard on the dog's head.

"Go eat your dog food.

"For this matter, just pretend you didn't see it.

Zhou Heng said indifferently.

When he was chatting with Su Xiaoxiao today, he knew the news.

However, he didn't care about this kind of thing at all.

It's like an adult who is in a good mood and gives a child a candy casually. After getting the candy, the child says that he bought the candy with his own money.

Could it be that he cares about this 'candy' very much, or does he care about his own fame?

to him.

These things are not important at all.

From the very beginning, his vision was not on that little fame, so when he saw the news, his heart didn't fluctuate at all, and he even wanted to laugh a little bit.

"Thanks for the support of the monthly ticket of the pretty boy of 'Bi Hai Guan Herring'!".

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