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Chapter 87: Ben Wang Is A D-Rank Alien! "1 More"

"Woof~! Come on, after eating this dog food, you will be my little brother from now on."

Gou Aotian took out a piece of dog food from the space ring again, and said.

Zu Hongtian looked at the piece of dog food in front of him, and remained silent for a long time.

He is not a dog!

Eat a piece of chicken feather dog food.

and also..………

Where did the other party's dog food come from?

"Master Dog, do you store your dog food with you with your extraordinary spatial ability?"

After Zu Hongtian glanced at the other party, he also asked aloud.

In his opinion, the other party should have used his extraordinary ability in space to store dog food, and then take it out at any time.

"Wow~! I really don't know much.

"Woof~! Do you see this? This is a space ring refined by the master, which can store a lot of things. Ben Wang puts dog food in it and opens up a space to store items. Ben Wang's current strength is not enough, but The master should be able to do it easily."

After Gou Aotian took out his space ring to show off, he also sighed with emotion.

In its eyes, Zhou Heng is omniscient and omnipotent, and opening up a portable space should be easy.

"Space Ring!!!"

Zu Hongtian's eyes shrank when he noticed the interspatial ring that the other party took out for a show. The interspatial ring that can store a lot of items is very similar to the magic weapon for storage in Xianxia novels.

You must know that in the future, even in the final battle, nothing similar to the space ring has been developed.

After all, in the current era, capable people are doing their best to develop genetic medicines.


He actually saw this kind of thing in the hands of a husky.

"People are not as good as dogs."

Zu Hongtian gritted his teeth bitterly, this is really irritating.

A husky has a better life than him.


Soon, he just leaned over with his face basking.

"Master Dog, this thing is very precious."

Zu Hongtian said.

"Woof~! This should be very precious to you, but it's nothing to me. The master refined a drawer of space rings, and I just took a few.

Gou Aotian said 397 indifferently.

There is a mine at home, so speaking of anger, it is very confident.

"Master Dog, look, I'm going to be your younger brother's person soon anyway, you see, can you give me a space ring, how about being a gift from Master Dog to my younger brother?"

Zu Hongtian also said in a 'shy' manner.


He is really envious of this thing.

In a word, if he had this thing, he would only bring an E-grade nutrient solution with him? Just throw all the 1 he got into the space ring.

Take it out whenever you need it.

Incredibly convenient.

In addition, there are weapons, strange props, or other things. If he has a space ring, it will definitely be much easier for him to do some things.

For the sake of space ring, face and so on, it doesn't matter.

"Wang~! Isn't it just a space ring? To be Wang's younger brother, what kind of risk is a mere space ring?"

Gou Aotian glanced at him, and casually threw out a space ring.

"Grandpa Dog has a great atmosphere."

Zu Hongtian's eyes lit up, and he grabbed the space ring extremely quickly.

"Woof~! Use energy to move the space ring.

Gou Aotian reminded the other party.

This is how to use the space ring.

There are some things that ordinary people can't use if they want to.

Afterwards, Zu Hongtian also tried it, put the several E-grade nutrient solutions he had on his body into it, then took it out, put it in, and took it out again.

Repeatedly, it is a joy to play.

For him, this thing is really interesting, probably, it is the kind of freshness when he gets a new toy.

"I'm a little envious of dogs these days."

Zu Hongtian glanced at Gou Aotian and sighed deeply.

Just this Gou Aotian casually threw a space ring to him, the other party is generous, of course, the more reason is that the space ring has no value at all in the eyes of the other party.

The other party also said earlier that this interspatial ring was made by the 'King in Black'.

Similarly, the reason why the other party is so generous is probably because the 'King in Black' has actually refined the space ring a lot, or in other words, the space ring is just something of little value in the hands of the 'King in Black'. That's why it was sent casually by this dog.

for a moment.

It is undeniable that he is really envious of this dog, he even wants to be a dog for the king in black.


He is a reborn, when he was reborn at the beginning. He thought he had become the protagonist of the novel, but looking at it now, he is a feathered protagonist. If he wants a system, he doesn't have a system, and if he wants cheats, he doesn't have cheats.

Moreover, the memory of his previous life, for him, is at most useful for combat experience, and now he has taken the path of 'magic medicine' [his experience of becoming an 'other' is useless.


He also knows a little more about the future trajectory than normal people, of course, just a little, because now he is not too sure.

With the existence of the 'King in Black', he has no confidence in whether the future will develop as he remembered. After all, the 'Potion of Ice' has already started selling.

Next, it will be his turn to give the 'Blood Potion', and the official news will be released soon, and after that, it will start selling.

One thought here.

He also couldn't help feeling very melancholy.

Anyway, he is also a reborn person, holding a good deck of cards, but the cards he plays are so mediocre, he feels embarrassed.

Dog food is paired with ice, and the magic power is boundless.

Gou Aotian has a generation of dog food in one hand, and a bottle of ice cream in the other. He wears sunglasses and walks swaggeringly. He looks very arrogant.

this time.

Some people in the old housing area have already closed their doors, and the streets are even more desolate. A gust of wind blows, rolls up a piece of used toilet paper, flies high, and flies into the sky.

"Wang~! Little brother, let's go, let you see Ben Wang's handsome heroic appearance."

Gou Aotian walked in front, and behind him was Zu Hongtian who had already put on a mask.


Zu Hongtian said, isn't this husky a little arrogant?

However, it is also quite right to think about it.

If he had the 'King in Black' backing him up, he would definitely be more arrogant than Gou Aotian when he did things.


They came to the gate of Bliss Company.

"Wang~! Little brother, take care, we should do things the way we do.

Gou Aotian looked at the gate, although he could push the door to go in, but sorry, Gou Aotian would not take the usual way, so he put away the dog food and ice Kuoluo in his hand

Then, facing the gate, he swung his dog's paw fiercely, and in an instant, the company's gate was directly cut open.

The cut one-way mirror glass fell heavily to the ground.

"Woof~! Get out of the dog thing inside, you dog master is here! Hurry up and come over and kneel in front of the dog master!"

After 'opening' the door of Bliss Company, Gou Aotian took a deep breath, and shouted loudly into the inside, and the words he said were very arrogant.

After shouting this loudly, it looked back at Zu Hongtian and said, "Wow~! When doing things, you have to make the scene bigger, otherwise, it will lower our compulsion, little brother, learn from it. "

Zu Hongtian:


I'm going to learn a chicken feather like a horse.

If I really imitate you to do things like this, I will have to die on the street tomorrow.

You have the 'King in Black' hood, but I don't.

If something happens to you, the "King in Black" will come out, if something happens to me, who can guarantee that the "King in Black" will really come to save me?

Can't learn.

He really couldn't learn such an arrogant posture.

I was going to go right in.

In the end, you are a good dog, you just broke open the door of the other party's company and shouted arrogantly.

This time.

Isn't the enemy all gathered together.

"Woah! Keep up. 1"

Gou Aotian swaggered in.

Just like the leader came down to inspect, if Gou Aotian was replaced with the appearance of an ordinary person, then this posture is absolutely qualified, but unfortunately, it cannot be replaced.

"I hope those people around don't come to join in the fun."

Zu Hongtian took a step to keep up, and at the same time secretly said in his heart.

The surroundings of Bliss Company are not empty buildings. Since the other party chooses to use the company to disguise themselves, there must be people around. Otherwise, it would be as obvious as a tree planted on ten deserts.

To hide a tree.

Of course, planting this tree in the forest is the best choice.

Therefore, there are quite a few residential buildings nearby, as well as many shop owners and the like.

But at this point in time, they don't come out because there are often fights between aliens in the old housing area. When the sun sets, it is not the forces in the old housing area that should be most worried about the danger.

But ordinary people in the old housing area.

It's okay to hide in the house. After all, few aliens would choose to force their way into the houses. After all, the situation in the old housing estates has made the officials very dissatisfied.

If something big happens.

Supernatural Bureau.

And, it is estimated that the aliens will come to clean up the place where the incident happened like a shark smelling blood.

At that time, the person who caused this incident will definitely be targeted by various forces in the old housing area, and he may be dead on the street the next day.

But no one is stupid. In such a dangerous time, they specially ran out to be close to death.

Just go in.

Zu Hongtian saw the people in Bliss Company.

"Now, please leave immediately, otherwise, we will invite people from the Supernatural Bureau to come over."

A person exuding the aura of a D-level alien also came out, coldly swept the combination of Gou Aotian and Zu Hongtian, one person and one dog, and said calmly.

Obviously, they didn't want to cause any trouble at this time.


"Woof~! Ben Wang just told you to get out of here and kneel in front of Lord Dog. What do you mean? You didn't move at all. Do you bastards look down on Ben Wang?

Gou Aotian barked and said angrily.

"Is this... weird?"

"Walking with Weird, you are a Weird organization? You quickly take your dog and get out of here! Otherwise, don't blame me for calling the people from the Ghost Bureau over, so you can't eat and walk around!"

The captain of this D-level alien looked at Zu Hongtian and Gou Aotian, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and said coldly.

"Woof~! Ben Wang sees that you don't take Mr. Dog seriously at all!"

"Woof~! f**k! Eat Ben Wang's claws!"

Gou Aotian immediately



He's a dog right.

But what the other party said just now clearly regarded him as the dog raised by his younger brother. The horse-riding man obviously belonged to the elder brother, but he was misunderstood like this, and his whole dog's heart

Things are not good.

Space Jump!

Space cut!

The methods of displaying the two kinds of spatial extraordinary abilities were directly displayed by it.

In an instant, the figure of Gou Aotian disappeared from the original place, and came to the body of this D-rank alien. He stretched out his paw, and that paw carried the powerful force of 'space', and swiped down



Its claws directly tore the D-level alien into pieces with ease, so quickly that the surrounding people had no time to react, and the D-level alien directly

Died under the claws of Gou Aotian.

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