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Chapter 89: Who Am I? Where Am I? In The End What Happened? "1 More"

Zu Hongtian arrives.

When he arrived, there was a huge safe in front of him.

"Woof~! According to Ben Wang's analysis, there is definitely something good in it."

Gou Aotian said confidently.

"Is this still worth analyzing?"

Zu Hongtian couldn't help but want to put a question mark to express his feelings.

This is so obvious, there is no need to doubt it at all, 99.99% can be sure, there is definitely something good here.

"This thing, if it is forcibly broken open, what should I do if it is automatically destroyed inside?"

Zu Hongtian said.

There are some people who like to put some things in the safe. If they break it open by force, the device inside will be triggered and all the things inside will be destroyed. Even if I can't get it, you can't get it either.


"Woof! What did you say?"

In the effort of speaking at this point, Gou Aotian has carefully cut the safe several times with space cutting, and finally determined where to start, directly ignoring the safe that needs to enter the password, and forcibly broke it. open.

The specially forged safe cannot be easily broken open even by B-level foreign soldiers, but Gou Aotian cut it open like tofu.

"I did not say anything."

Zu Hongtian twitched the corner of his mouth.

He overestimated the cadres of the branch of the Net of Reincarnation.

There is no basic destruction device, and the horse-riding people are completely different from the cautious guys he met in memory.

what is this?

Don't worry about others breaking into your safe by force?

Or do you think that you are very powerful, even if someone else takes the safe from him, do you still have the confidence to take it back? "Seven eight seven" he laughed.


Such a self-righteous idiot is really rare.

Afterwards, he and Gou Aotian also looked into the safe together.

The safe is huge.

But there are not many things inside.

"Woof~! The people here are really poor, it really disappoints Mr. Dog."

Gou Aotian saw that there were not many things here, there were some strange soldiers, and some documents, etc., but there was really nothing to make it fancy, and immediately, it said it with a look of disgust .

"Put weird corpses in the safe? The cadres here are really talented."

The first thing Zu Hongtian noticed in the safe was a strange corpse that was not too big. It was only about forty centimeters long, and it was ten heavy bird-like corpses.

"B-rank weird flame colored bird, but there is only half of it. Do you want to use it yourself?"

Looking at the corpse in the box, Zu Hongtian couldn't help thinking.

The value of the weird corpse is naturally very high.

Full spooky value is higher.

The semi-disabled ones are worse.

However, the value of this strange corpse, no matter what, is at the level of B-level weirdness, at least hundreds of millions.

"Master Dog! Do you need these things?"

Zu Hongtian asked.

"Woof! I don't need these scraps of metal."

Gou Aotian said indifferently.

Weird corpse?

Foreign soldiers?

These things are of no use to it, and they cannot be eaten.

Weapons are not needed at all. Its extraordinary ability in space and the space cutting it displays can not be resisted by any alien soldiers. For it, the alien soldiers are used as weapons, which completely hinder its display of strength.

"Master Dog, I won't be polite to you little brother.

Zu Hongtian's eyes lit up immediately.

Before taking it, he asked the other party just to confirm what the other party wanted. After all, if he really wanted to grab it, he really couldn't grab the other party's, so it was better to ask the other party what he wanted first.

He can take the rest.

But I didn't expect that the other party didn't need it at all.

Now, it's cheaper for him.

This incomplete and weird corpse was thrown into the space ring by him and put away. In an instant, he became a billionaire.

In addition, there are other things in this safe.

Alien soldiers!

The level is not low.

There are also E-level alien soldiers, but the most preserved ones are D-level alien soldiers, and the best one here is the C-level alien soldiers, all of which are collected by him.

And alliance cards.

Stacks of alliance cards, alliance iron cards, alliance bronze cards, alliance silver cards, and alliance gold cards, all entered his space ring.

Zu Hongtian took these things very well.

get rich!

Get rich overnight.

I don't know if that cadre came back and saw that his home was ransacked and all the valuables in the safe were taken away. I don't know if he would cry.

After things are packed.

One person and one dog are ready to leave.

There is no need to stay here any longer.

Before you go, though.

Zu Hongtian picked up a mobile phone found among the cold corpses on the ground, and made a call.

This is the only way to leave.

"Woof~! Brother [Are you from the official department?"

One person and one dog who left the Bliss Company found a place not too far away from the Bliss Company, watched quietly, and Gou Aotian asked suddenly.

"Master Dog, don't be joking, how can I be a member of the official, and it will be very troublesome to have a relationship with the official."

Zu Hongtian said.

"Woof~! It's fine if you don't, otherwise, I will beat you.

Gou Aotian withdrew his unfriendly gaze and said

It has no favor with officials.

Because, the official plagiarized the configuration method of the 'potion' given by its owner.

Although its owner doesn't care.

However, as a dog, how could he swallow that breath so easily.

After all, it's just a dog that hasn't even reached one year old yet.

Young and vigorous.

"What is the conflict between Lord Dog and the official?"

When Zu Hongtian heard it, he immediately asked.

"Woof! It's just that they don't like it."

Seeing this reaction, Zu Hongtian thought of the news about conquering the 'magic medicine' some time ago, and also understood why the other party didn't like the officials.

Whether the 'King in Black' cares or not, he doesn't know now, and he probably won't care about this kind of news. After all, as long as the strength of the 'King in Black' matters, if he cares.

The other party has already gone to the official-fang for trouble.

But it didn't.

But the dog's reaction made him vigilant.

He suddenly remembered that he had taken the 'Blood Potion' to make a deal with the official. During this period of time, the 'Official' has not announced the matter of the 'Blood Potion'.

But sooner or later.

If this dog knows about it, why not give him a paw to cut it?

One thought here.

Suddenly, Zu Hongtian panicked.

When the 'Blood Potion' is revealed, will this dog spare him a little for the sake of being the opponent's younger brother?


He doesn't know either.

Now he understands that when the 'Blood Potion' incident is exposed, it's best not to meet this dog for a while, lest the other party give him a claw space to cut him.


It seems that the time is almost up.

People from the Seventh Team of the Supernatural Bureau also came.

The speed is naturally very fast.

This is after He Xiangxue received the information from Zu Hongtian, he brought his own team and rushed over quickly.

"Someone cleaned up the mess for us, time to go."

Zu Hongtian saw He Xiangxue who brought the seventh team to Bliss Company, and said to Gou Aotian beside him.

"Woof~! Let's go, Mr. Dog is almost done playing, he has to go home, otherwise the master will talk about me, little brother, see you next time." Gou Aotian nodded and said

It's been around for a long time.


There is still the maid Su Xiaoxiao at home.

If I don't go back at night, the other party will definitely notify my master. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if I was arrested by my master again?

Once I came out, I was caught back once.

It Gou Aotian also needs a little face.

this time.

It goes home by itself.

"it is good."

Zu Hongtian nodded and said.

In fact, in his heart, it is naturally impossible to agree with the other party's words.

See you next time.

This is impossible.

He doesn't want to meet with each other next time.

When the news of the 'Blood Potion' is released by the authorities, maybe this dog wants to bite him, so it's better not to see each other for a while.

The two figures parted ways.

Bliss Company here.

The seventh team entered.

He Xiangxue and the others saw the stumped limbs and broken arms all over the ground. Even people who have seen a lot of the world can't help feeling sick when they see this scene, let alone these young people with little experience. I couldn't bear it anymore..

"Is this what he did?"

He Xiangxue frowned. If Zu Hongtian did this, then what was the other party's purpose for doing this? Especially, the other party's brutal behavior "is really too much.

"Investigate first."

He Xiangxue thought about it for a while, and decided to understand everything here first.

Don't jump to conclusions so quickly.

Maybe things are different from what she imagined?

"Everyone check here, and also, check if there is any damage to the surveillance here, and if there is no damage, call out the video.

He Xiangxue calmly gave orders to the members of his seventh team.

These people also acted according to He Xiangxue's words.

The check of the check.

Those who should check the monitoring go check the monitoring.

Everyone is doing their own thing in an orderly manner.

Thirty minutes later.

He Xiangxue held a pile of documents in his hand.

In addition to this, the surveillance video was also called out, and she watched it, and what she saw was naturally the figure of 'Zu Hongtian' whom she had seen twice before, the masked figure The appearance is exactly the same as when she met the other party, there is no other change at all.

"This husky, could it be the pet of the 'King in Black', right? The extraordinary ability in space, it should be the pet of the 'King in Black'.

"He actually got mixed up with the pet of the 'King in Black'."

"The people here are almost all the pets of the 'King in Black'. This is troublesome. It is impossible to deal with the 'King in Black' directly.

"The people here are also very problematic. All of them are aliens. Is this company just a disguise? In essence, is it a guild or some special organization?"

One guess after another emerged from He Xiangxue's mind.

she immediately

I feel like my head is huge.

It's really difficult.

It's just a video, and there's a mess of information, which needs to be investigated. It is estimated that the members of their seventh team should not be able to sleep tonight.

But there is one thing, that is, these dead people. After watching the surveillance video, she can be sure that these people are definitely not members of ordinary companies.

Which company's members are all aliens?

Are you not afraid that when you go to work one day, you will suddenly be polluted? It becomes weird?


There's definitely something tricky about it.

this moment.

She also suddenly remembered what the masked man had said to her on the phone.

"Captain He, I have prepared a gift for you here. The address of the Bliss Company in the old housing area, you'd better act fast, otherwise, the households of these people will be completely cold."

That's the sentence.

Let her rush over with her team.

"Gift? Gift?"

2.5 "It still needs to be fully investigated."

He Xiangxue also thought with a very headache.

These people are aliens is enough to prove that there is definitely something wrong with these people, but it is not so simple to investigate, so she has such a headache.

That masked man is simply a riddleman! Wouldn't it be better to just explain it clearly? If you're on a horse, get rid of the riddleman from Eternal City!

And this thing.

He Xiangxue also reported directly.

Things are not small at all.

From the surveillance video and the inspection of the corpses of these bliss companies, it can be concluded that the level of these aliens is not low at all.

The worst ones are all at the level of E-level aliens, and the number of them is as high as dozens of people, and the number of D-level aliens exceeds the number of palms.

So many aliens gathered together.

It can't be bragging or farting.

This strength is enough to easily destroy any team in the Supernatural Bureau.

Assembling such a group of people, if there is no problem, she would not believe it even if she killed Su Xiaoxiao who went to work as a maid for others.

As for why Su Xiaoxiao?

Of course it's because the other party is not here.



Bliss Company is not far away.

hundreds of meters away.

"Zhuo! Why are people from the Supernatural Bureau here!"

The C-level alien cadre who was disbanded after attending the organization's meeting just arrived, and saw the people from the supernatural bureau coming in and out of his bliss company. Suddenly, his whole body

All stupid.

Who am I? Where am I? What the hell happened?

"Thank you 'Qi Lin' pretty boy for your monthly ticket support!".

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