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Chapter 17 You Are Responsible!

Su Jue looked at the glass of wine in front of him and drank it without hesitation.

The bitter wine enters the throat and is spicy and pungent.

He had long known that the drinking technology in this world was not developed, and he had drunk some in Jianzong before.

Probably because of his cultivation, the wine in this world is particularly spicy.

It's not something that normal people can bear. It doesn't have the smooth and mellow aroma of those good wines in previous lives.

"Junior brother has a good drinker."

An could see how arrogant Su Jue was and immediately gave him a thumbs up.

She had drunk this wine last time, and it was so spicy that she drank it in just one glass.

"Fortunately, this wine is nothing but harsh to the throat. Why don't you drink it, Senior Sister?"

Su Jue shook his head. It only had a stimulating taste but no substance. It seemed that he would have to brew some good wine in the future.

"I'd better forget it."

Enke was somewhat resistant to this so-called fine wine.

"Well, if a girl can't drink, then don't drink."

Su Jue expressed his understanding. He would find this taste exciting to any man, let alone the weak senior sister.

"Who said I can't drink."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Su Jue finished speaking, An Ke lost face and immediately pouted.

"Um, didn't Senior Sister just say that herself?"

Su Jie innocently spread his hands.

"I...I was being modest. I can drink."

Enke patted the raging mountain peak and hummed.


Su Jue glanced at the untouched wine glass with a smile, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Of course."

An Ke felt that she had been looked down upon by her junior brother just now. As a senior sister, how could she lose face in front of her junior brother?

Although she really resisted this drink, she didn't mind proving herself for the sake of her senior sister's face.

Su Jue shook his head and laughed. Seeing Enke's desire to win, he kindly reminded: "Why don't you drink, senior sister."

"Just drink!"

An Ke looked at the wine in his hand. After hesitating for a moment, he imitated Su Jue and drank it all in one gulp.


The corner of Su Jue's mouth twitched fiercely, is it so cruel?


As the liquor entered his throat, Anke's expression froze, and his beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

The next second.

"Si, ha~"

Feeling the burning sensation in his throat, Anke opened his mouth and fanned wildly with his little hands.

"Eat some fruit quickly."

Su Jie quickly peeled a banana for Enke.

Anke quickly stuffed the banana into his mouth, and his cheeks were so cutely bulging.

"Sister, are you feeling better?"

Su Jue smiled helplessly and asked.

"Ha... I'm a little hungry."

Enke stuck out her little pink tongue and felt much better after eating a banana.

But the voice he spoke in was a bit loud.

My tongue is so numb that I can't speak.

Su Jue shook his head and laughed: "Senior sister, if we can't drink it next time, don't drink it. It's just a glass of wine, it won't prove anything."


Encore opened the wine barrier, and Nuonuo said: "Then if I don't drink, won't you look down on me?"

Su Jue said seriously: "How could it be? Senior sister is already very powerful in junior brother's heart."

"Really? Junior brother."

An Ke pursed her red lips lightly, her eyes rolled, and her face, which was like cream, gradually turned a beautiful crimson color.

It adds a bit of charm to the already stunning encore, which is extremely beautiful.

Yes, the alcohol is on my head. I drank too much.

Su Jue saw Anke's state at a glance, and he regretted letting Anke drink it.

Don't get drunk and crazy for a while, he is at his most helpless with women.

"Junior brother, why don't you speak?"

An Ke's beautiful eyes were hazy and her expression was confused.

She felt a little dizzy, and a primitive impulse was about to take over her brain.

She didn't realize she had had too much to drink.

Su Jue replied truthfully: "Senior sister can reach the middle stage of Jindan at her current age, she is already a leader."

"Putting him among the top talents in the entire Zhongzhou, he is the target for junior brothers to catch up with."

"Hehe, am I that powerful?"

An Ke smiled foolishly, his smile as bright as a flower.

"Sister, you drank too much."

Su Jue said helplessly.

Enke pouted his mouth and hummed: "I didn't drink too much, so this little wine is nothing."


Su Jue rubbed his temples, why not find a hotel to take her back? This dinner didn't look interesting.

"Sister, why don't we leave?"

Su Jue suggested.

"Where to go?"

Anke tilted her little head, her cheeks smiling and rippling with the rays of light,

"Let's find a hotel to rest. There's nothing interesting here." Su Jie said.

An Ke shook her head delicately: "No, I want to see the painting."

"Sister, are you still interested in painting?"

Su Jue asked curiously.

Telling the truth after drinking, and being able to say it in such a state, there must be some kind of story behind it.

"Yeah, I liked painting very much when I was a kid."

"It's just that my family found that I have a good talent for cultivation and didn't let me waste time on painting, so I always kept this hobby buried in my heart."

Anke's pretty, rosy face was a little depressed, and her eyes were misty, as if she was about to cry.

Su Jie quickly comforted him: "It doesn't matter. Isn't this coming out? You can do some things you want to do outside."

"Then you will accompany me, right?"

An Ke came close to Su Jie and blinked his big, smart eyes.

"What reason can I have for refusing?"

Su Jie smiled slightly when he saw An Ke's troubled face.

He was afraid that after he left, some bad people would take advantage of this time to do bad things to his senior sister.


An Ke was beaming with joy, but he didn't even look like he was about to cry.

Su Jie suddenly felt that he had been cheated. Did he really drink too much, senior sister?

Sure enough, no matter what time, women are the best at lying and acting.

Especially beautiful women.

"Junior brother, I think you are so weird."

Anke held her chin up, her hazy beautiful eyes flashing with curiosity.

Enke, who was drunk and timid, and who had always been reserved and shy, suddenly became more talkative.

"Strange? What's wrong with me?"

This was the first time Su Jie heard such adjectives.

"It's just that your reputation in Jianzong is so bad, but when I get along with you, I feel that you are really gentle and attentive."

An Ke suddenly realized that what he said was a bit blunt, and quickly explained: "Junior brother, don't take it to heart, it's actually not that bad."

God, it's not that bad.

Su Jue's mouth twitched, but thinking about all the stupid things he did in those days to cater to the plot, it's not to blame for his poor reputation.

Now he doesn't need to cater to the plot, he is the protagonist in this world, so everything is back to normal.

"Junior brother, why didn't you speak? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Enke lowered his head, pinched the corners of his clothes, and said guiltily.

"You're not angry, senior sister. You don't need to apologize. Junior brother just thought of the wrong things he did."

Su Jue looked at the cute Anke and couldn't help it. He gently pinched her little face. It was smooth and delicate and felt very good.


An Ke's already rosy face became even more rosy, and she looked at Su Jie's hand blankly.

"I'm sorry, senior sister, junior brother saw you were too cute and couldn't hold it back."

Su Jue was stunned. He didn't expect that he could do such an action. It was indeed intrusive to the beauty, and he quickly apologized.

After Enke came back to his senses, he was extremely shy and suddenly became more energetic.

The jade finger pointing at Su Jue trembled slightly, and the crimson color spread to the snow-white goose neck.

"You, you, you are responsible!"

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