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004. I Am Just Standing Up For The Injustice


"System task released: Defeat Huang Qiang!"

"Task reward: Get a chance to smash a golden egg..."

At this moment, a voice came from Ye Xu's mind...

The system actually released a task at this time...

Ye Xu was stunned: Defeat Huang Qiang?

Then, the corners of his mouth rose. This was not difficult at all. It might be a bit troublesome for him to defeat Huang Qiang before...

But now, he has drunk the [Super Power Enhancement Potion], and his ability has improved by more than a little bit. It's not easy to defeat Huang Qiang!

"f**k!" Huang Qiang struggled to stand up and looked at Ye Xu with a ferocious expression...

There are so many people watching. As a physical fitness special student, how can he make a fool of himself in a hand-to-hand fight?

As for physical fitness, Huang Qiang is actually very confident!

It's not like he hasn't seen Ye Xu before. They used to fight in the martial arts hall...

Ye Xu is even slightly inferior to him...

Now, he was knocked down by a punch...

No matter what, Huang Qiang was very unconvinced!

"I just don't believe it!"

Huang Qiangqiang endured the severe pain, he stood up suddenly, rushed towards Ye Xu again, and punched him again. "Bang!"

His fierce punch was steadily caught by Ye Xu, and then Ye Xu smiled coldly, exerted force suddenly, and squeezed hard. "Ahhhhh!"

After being squeezed by Ye Xu, he felt that his fist was like being clamped by a vise, and he screamed in pain, and even his face was distorted... "Do you accept it?"

Ye Xu pinched his fist with one hand and looked at him. "Your mother is submissive?"

Huang Qiang was furious. He endured the severe pain and clenched his other hand into a fist, smashing it towards Ye Xu's forehead...


Ye Xu raised his hand and easily knocked Huang Qiang's fist away...

Then, Ye Xu grabbed Huang Qiang's fist, pulled it hard, raised his leg and kicked him in the abdomen. Taking advantage of the moment when he bent over, he punched him backhand and knocked him to the ground...

Then, Ye Xu violently pressed him to the ground and sat on him.

Then, he raised his fist as big as a casserole...


Focus on his face, punched him on the left: "Submit or not?"


Punched him on the right: "Submit or not?"


"I'm not confused..." Huang Qiang's words were a little slurred, but he did not give in and wanted to turn over...

But, Ye Xu was so powerful now that he couldn't break free at all!

Ye Xu won't tolerate him...

"You don't accept it, right?"


One punch...

Huang Qiang opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with a tooth...

"Do you accept it?" Ye Xu looked at him...



"Do you accept it?!"

At this moment, Huang Qiang's face had swollen like a pig's head, his eyes rolled back, and his body began to twitch...

This scene scared the group of lackeys brought by Zhang Muhao so much that they retreated again and again, their faces pale...

Isn't Ye Xu too cruel?

Level 1 physiques had almost no power to fight back in front of him. They asked themselves, if they went up, they would be killed...

Even Zhang Muhao himself was so scared that his face turned pale and his legs trembled. If he was beaten like this, he would have been beaten to death long ago...


"Damn, you don't accept it, right?"

Ye Xu was furious and ignored Zhang Muhao and his group. He got up from Huang Qiang, looked around, and untied his belt directly...

"You, what are you going to do?"

At this moment, Huang Qiang seemed to be afraid. He pulled his pants tightly and said, "No, this is not allowed. I tell you, don't mess around in broad daylight..."

Ye Xu glanced at him and said, "You think too much..."

After that, he raised his belt...


He hit Huang Qiang hard with a belt...

"Ah... Ye Xu, f**k your mother..."

Huang Qiang rolled over in pain!


Ye Xu smiled coldly: "Today, I want to see whether you are tough or my belt is tough!"

Ye Xu raised his hand and pretended to hit again...

"I surrender, I surrender..."

Huang Qiang raised his hand to stop Ye Xu: "Don't hit me, don't hit me, I surrender, I surrender to you, Ye Xu, isn't it okay..."

It's not that he is not strong, it's just that Ye Xu's belt is too strong, he can't bear this belt fried meat...



"Congratulations to the host, complete the task [Defeat Huang Qiang] and get the reward: one chance to smash the golden egg!"

At this moment, a voice came from Ye Xu's mind...

If Huang Qiang knew this, he would definitely curse...

"It would be better if you did this earlier!" Ye Xu smiled and tied the belt again...

Then, Ye Xu looked at Zhang Muhao and his group...

"Well, I don't know him..."

Someone immediately moved away from Zhang Muhao...

"Uh, yes, my mom called me home for dinner, bye!"

"Well, my cousin is in confinement today, I'm leaving first..."

"Uh, I forgot to collect the quilt!"


A group of people found excuses to run away...

Damn, even Huang Qiang was beaten so badly, and it was obvious that Ye Xu hadn't used his full strength, so they wouldn't go up to get beaten...

"You guys!"

Zhang Muhao looked at these guys and gritted his teeth. This bunch of damn friends who only care about food and drink are really unreliable...

Ye Xu looked at Zhang Muhao coldly and said, "I heard that you wanted to force Lin Ran?"

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding..."

Zhang Muhao changed his face. A good man doesn't suffer a loss in front of him, and he doesn't want to be beaten either...

He looked at Ye Xu and smiled apologetically, "I'm just a little impatient..."

Ye Xu looked at him and said, "I won't waste my words with you. Just slap yourself ten times and get out of here!"


Zhang Muhao, who looked like a pig, looked at Ye Xu and his face changed. He was asking him to slap himself in public. What a joke...

Is he shameless?

"You don't want to?" Ye Xu stepped forward, grabbed his collar, and lifted him up...

"Pa!" He slapped him: "Since you don't want to, I'll help you!"

"f**k your mother, you dare to hit me..."


"I will definitely let you..."


"Stop it, stop it..."

After only three slaps, Zhang Muhao's face swelled up, and he was finally scared...

"What are you doing?!"

At this moment, an angry shout came from a distance, and a middle-aged man with a dozen armed security guards rushed over with batons...

This is the school's armed security guards, who specialize in dealing with disputes between students...

Ye Xu knew that he couldn't continue to fight, so he threw Zhang Muhao out...

"Ye Xu, it's you again!"

A bald middle-aged man came over and took a look at Zhang Muhao, whose face was swollen like a pig's head...

Then, he looked at Ye Xu, sternly said, "You feel itchy if you don't fight for a day, right? Even if you study well, I can't let you go this time.

Come on, follow me to the Academic Affairs Office!" "Director Wang, don't blame me this time.

They bullied Lin Ran.

I just stood up for justice..."

Ye Xu spread his hands and said... "Lin Ran..."

Director Wang was stunned and looked at the beautiful girl not far away...

Lin Ran looked at him, showing a meaningful smile, then walked over and said: "That's right, Director Wang, you can't wrongly accuse people.

It was Zhang Muhao and others who bullied me.

Ye Xu just helped me.

You can't wrongly accuse people." "Uncle Wang, no, it's not like that..."

Zhang Muhao quickly got up and walked to the bald man and said.

The bald man's face changed and shouted: "Shut up, how many times have I said that in school, call me Director!"

Zhang Muhao shrank his neck and said: "Yes, Director Wang!"

Director Wang looked at everyone and waved his hand for the last time: "Follow me to the Academic Affairs Office!"

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