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010, Grandfather And Grandson

After confirming that Ye Xu's hidden profession only had one skill...


Hu Weide couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect that the newly appeared hidden profession would be so unbearable...

Finally, some high-level figures came over one after another. The strange phenomenon soared into the sky, and the hidden profession was born. Naturally, they couldn't sit still...

But, after Hu Weide's explanation!

In the end, these high-level figures took a look at Ye Xu and finally gave up on Ye Xu!

Even if Ye Xu awakened a new type of hidden profession...

But, for the first awakening, there was only one skill!

It was still a waste skill, which was not worth wasting resources to cultivate...

For all professions, the main job skills are the king. Ye Xu only had a waste main job skill, which had been sentenced to death by them!

After sending away those high-level figures, Hu Weide walked in front of Ye Xu and finally comforted him:

"My classmate, although your main job skills are a bit weak, your basic attributes are very good. If you get good skills later, you still have a future..."

Speaking of this, Hu Weide himself was a little reluctant to continue...

He knew better than anyone how precious the skill book was!

Even the lowest-level skills start at a million dragon coins, which is not something that ordinary people can afford...

If you don't have a huge background to rely on, it's not easy to get a suitable skill book...

As for exploding in the wild, it's even more impossible. The probability of wild monsters exploding skill books is about the same as winning the lottery jackpot!

That's not something that everyone can explode...

If you don't have powerful skills...

Ye Xu's profession may become an ordinary person in the future...

This makes Hu Weide feel pity, but there is nothing he can do...


Hu Weide left, and the awakening continued in an orderly manner...

Ye Xu awakened, and without the top leaders recruiting him, he left the playground on his own...

Ye Xu didn't care at all!

Although his profession's skills are terrible, the basic attributes of this profession are very strong!

For Ye Xu, this is enough!

With the system in hand, plus the powerful basic attributes of this profession, the growth attributes must be strong. In this case, Ye Xu is not afraid of failure!

Under the ridicule of the crowd, Ye Xu left the playground calmly...


After awakening...

There will be a one-month rest period...

This month is for students who have successfully awakened to adapt to their skills, as well as practice their levels and combat skills, combat methods, etc.

Prepare for the next big test...

Ye Xu was shocked to have awakened!

He also officially welcomed his vacation!

After packing up his things in the dormitory, Ye Xu was ready to go home...

Wait a month and come back for the big test...


After taking several buses, Ye Xu finally returned to his home...

At this moment, Ye Xu, carrying a bag...

Look up at the community [Suburban District] in front of him, which is composed of a large number of tube buildings!

[Suburban District]!

It is a low-rent housing community built by the government. Ye Xu's home is in this community. This is the place where the government relocated them after the earthquake...

As a low-rent housing community, the land utilization efficiency of [Suburban District] is almost close to the limit!

Each residential building looks like a huge square concrete pillar, and the spacing between the residential buildings is designed without considering sunlight exposure...

This is the community where the poor live...

Ye Xu's home is in this old residential building, on the 38th floor of a 40-story residential building...

When he arrived in front of the familiar building, Ye Xu took a deep breath and smiled slightly!

Then he quickly ran up the stairs. Every time Ye Xu took a step, he took three or four steps!

At this moment, even if he was carrying a heavy baggage, it did not affect him at all!

Ye Xu was like a leopard holding prey, swift and fierce. In the blink of an eye, he had reached the second floor.

Then the third floor, the fourth floor...

"Tap! Tap!"

Ye Xu was running, relaxed and flexible, and sometimes made way for residents walking up and down in other corridors.

"Hey, isn't this Xu Xu, is it a holiday?"

"Yes, Uncle Zhang!"

"How was the awakening this time?"

"Not bad!"

Ye Xu answered, and in this time, he went up another floor!

His breath was not disordered at all. For Ye Xu who reached the first level of physical fitness, climbing the stairs at this speed was not much different from taking a walk...

Moreover, he had long been accustomed to this rhythm!


There are twelve households on the 38th floor, and Ye Xu's home is one of them...

All the way to the door of No. 9...


Take out the key and open the door.

"Is Xu Xu back?"

Hearing the sound, an old voice came from the inner room.

Hearing this voice, Ye Xu's heart moved.

No matter what, there were people at home waiting for him to come back...

This made him feel warm in his heart.

In this vast world, he still had a grandfather who loved him, and he was not alone... "Yeah!"

Turning around and closing the door, he glanced at the whole house.

His house had two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom...

He and his grandfather each had a bedroom... "Grandpa!"

Putting down the suitcase, Ye Xu came to his grandfather's room...

At this moment, in his grandfather's room, his grandfather, wearing old gray clothes, sat in an old wheelchair and was wiping these things...

Seeing Ye Xu coming in, his grandfather looked up, put down the things in his hand, showed a kind smile, and said: "Xu Xu is back.

Are you hungry? Go watch TV first.

Wait a minute, grandpa will make you something delicious.

A few days ago, the government distributed meat, but grandpa didn't want to eat it, so he waited for you to come back!" "Grandpa!"

Ye Xu walked over and called.

Grandpa still loved him as always.

He had to wait for him to come back for any good things...

Inadvertently, Ye Xu's eyes swept over his grandfather's legs, and he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart...


Ye Xu walked into the room, squatted down, and looked at the extremely old man. He smiled and said, "Grandpa, I have grown up and am no longer a child. It's my turn to serve you. I learned some skills in Feizi's restaurant a few days ago. Let me do it later. Please give me your comments!"

"Okay, my eldest grandson has grown up and can cook for grandpa." Grandpa laughed happily...

Ye Xu touched his grandfather's broad but obviously thin hand and said, "Grandpa, how do you feel recently..."


Ye Xu's grandfather Ye Yuanshan knew that Ye Xu felt sorry for him. He touched Ye Xu's head and said kindly:

"Xu Xu, don't worry about grandpa. Grandpa's legs and feet are not good. It's only a matter of time before he sits in a wheelchair. Now he is just adapting in advance..."

Ye Xu couldn't help but feel a lump in his throat. He almost cried when he saw his grandfather getting older and older...

Grandpa was already old. In order to support him, he should have retired to enjoy his old age, but he had to run around all day to see doctors...

After all, it was for the sake of raising him up!

Although Ye Xu would go out to find a job to earn money to supplement the family income during holidays since he entered high school...

But, this family has always been supported by grandpa alone...

Now that he has grown up and can be independent, grandpa...

Ye Xu clenched his fists. Grandpa had worked hard all his life and had not had a good life for a few days...

He secretly vowed that he would definitely let grandpa stand up and spend his old age like a normal old man...

Instead of sitting in a wheelchair all day, even having difficulty going downstairs...

Dragon Blood Potion, no matter how difficult it is, Ye Xu must get it!!!

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