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069. Does The System Include Upgrades?

When the last battle was over...

In the gymnasium, the bell for the end of the competition finally rang!

Ye Xu, who was still sitting on the stage, looked back at the big screen...


The first place in the freshman competition was him, with a score of 670 points!

Although Ye Xu won the first place...

But, this does not mean that Ye Xu must be the strongest among the freshmen!

This does not rule out that some freshmen have hidden their strength. After all, the freshman competition is just an appetizer...

The next freshman trial is the real test for all freshmen, and it is the test that determines which class they are assigned to...

After all, not everyone is like Ye Xu. Xu, must take first place!

Many novices hide their strength, wanting to win a place in the freshman trial...

Shenlong Academy has three teaching halls...

They are the True Transmission Hall, the Elite Hall, and the Ordinary Hall!

The resources and teachings obtained by each teaching hall are different...

The students in the True Transmission Hall are the most talented students, and they will get the best resources!

They are also the objects of the academy's full cultivation...


They are the pillars of future humans!

When powerful monsters wage war against humans, when human technology is no longer useful, they are the ones to rely on...

The Elite Hall is slightly inferior, but it is also the object of the academy's vigorous cultivation...

As for the Ordinary Hall, the resources and training obtained may not be that great!

"Hey, five-star golden eggs..."

Ye Xu also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With the first place in hand, the system reward was also obtained. He was also enjoying it at the moment!

If there were not so many people, he would have lost the game directly!

He couldn't wait for the reward of the five-star golden egg!

Equipment, props, potions, skills, pet eggs...

No matter what the reward is, the five-star golden egg should be good!!

At this point, the freshman competition has officially ended!

After the competition, the gentle teacher appeared again...


"Now, all students, line up according to your competition results...

The teacher walked onto the stage, looked at the freshmen, and spoke. Although his voice was not loud, the unquestionable authority in it made everyone feel a chill in their hearts. Although this teacher looked gentle, he was definitely a master.

All students, look at me, I look at you...

Everyone's ranking is on the big screen, so there is nothing to say, everyone can find their own position!

Finally, everyone's eyes turned to Ye Xu!

After all, Ye Xu is the first in this freshman competition………………

Seeing everyone looking at him, Ye Xu smiled lightly, without any fear, and walked directly to the first place!

Although many people looked at Ye Xu with unfriendly eyes………………

But, since he dared to take the first place, he was not afraid of others' hostility!

As Ye Xu walked to the first place!

The second place in the competition was the blood-dominant warrior named Li Changfeng, who followed closely and stood behind Ye Xu!

Li Changfeng was not tall, only a little over 1.7 meters, and his appearance was not outstanding, very ordinary...

He was the kind of person who could not be found in the crowd...

But, this person had a special temperament!

He just stood there, like an ancient beast, giving people a dangerous aura, making people who approached him beat faster!

Everyone, including Ye Ye Xu would not underestimate this plain-looking man. The Overlord Warrior has too strong individual combat capability………………

You should know that the Overlord Warrior profession has produced a Martial Emperor…

It is a true Martial Emperor!

He stood behind Ye Xu, saying nothing, with a serious expression, showing no emotion………………

Then, the second and third ranked students lined up one by one!

After everyone lined up……………

The gentle teacher looked at everyone and continued:

"I have said before that the ranking of this freshman competition will determine your resource allocation!"

"Now, I will tell you in detail..."

"As the first place in the freshman competition, Ye Xu will receive 1,000 credits every month and five opportunities to freely challenge secret realms below C level! As the first place in this competition, the student will also be awarded an additional silver item as an encouragement!"

When the teacher finished speaking, everyone looked at Ye Xu……………………

1000 points can buy a lot of things in the academy!

The secret realm challenge is even more difficult. You know, the secret realm resources are limited!

The secret realm is the best way to grow.

There are not only various opportunities, but also a lot of experience points to gain.

The most important thing is that compared to the wild, the secret realm is much safer, especially the secret realm planned by the academy.

There is generally no danger when entering the corresponding secret realm at the corresponding level...

But, the secret realm is a limited resource after all. Once the challenge limit is reached, the secret realm will be scrapped...

Even students of Shenlong Academy cannot fight in secret realms without limit!

As for silver weapons, let alone, they are good things that directly improve strength...

Although this freshman competition is just an appetizer, it can also be regarded as a freshman exchange conference...

But such rewards are actually It's already very good!

Some people secretly clenched their fists, thinking that they had miscalculated and should have fought hard...

"As for the second place Li Changfeng, he will receive 800 credits every month, three opportunities to freely challenge secret realms below C level, and a bronze weapon as a reward!"

"The third place Yuan Chengfeng will receive 500 credits every month (cebc) and three opportunities to freely challenge secret realms below C level!"

"Four to ten students will receive 300 credits every month and two opportunities to freely challenge secret realms below C level!"

"The rest will receive 200 credits every month and one opportunity to freely challenge secret realms!"

After listening to the teacher's words, all the students were silent. They didn't expect the gap to be so big!

If I had known earlier, I would have fought with all my strength!

It's time to start. They didn't think that this ranking would have such a big impact!

At this time, everyone looked at Ye Xu's eyes were unkind and fiery.......

Ye Xu felt the fiery eyes of the crowd, as if he was on edge, and he was a little helpless............


"Congratulations to the host, the system task has been completed: win the first place in the freshman competition!"

"Task reward: reward a five-star golden egg, a chance to refresh the golden egg, and a chance to smash all the golden eggs!"

"The reward has been issued, please check it out!"

"It's finally here!"

Ye Xu was delighted. The system reward was the good thing he was looking forward to. He had worked so hard until now, isn't it for this!

Now, even if he is hostile to all freshmen, Ye Xu feels it's worth it!

"Five-star golden egg, a chance to refresh the golden egg!"

"By the way, I remember that refreshing the golden egg will increase the star level by 100%. Can I refresh this five-star golden egg and make it six stars?"

Ye Xu suddenly thought of this problem. If this works, it will definitely make a lot of money!

The six-star golden egg, the reward is probably far greater than the five-star golden egg, right?

The more he thought about it, the more excited Ye Hui was! He almost couldn't help but give it a try...

Even Ye Xu didn't hear the teacher's speech on the stage...

Now, he just wanted to try to upgrade this golden egg...


"The host is whimsical.

The system prompts: You can't do this.

The star level of the golden egg directly rewarded by the system is fixed and cannot be refreshed.

Even if the host refreshes it forcibly, the star level of the golden egg will not change, and the host will waste an opportunity to refresh the golden egg.

So, please don't do this!"

"What the hell!"

"The dog system really doesn't work!"

Ye Xu secretly raised his middle finger to the system. There is actually such a rule. The star level of the golden egg directly rewarded is fixed!

You can only refresh ordinary golden eggs...

"Ding, it is detected that the host has completed the task and has met the requirements. The system can be upgraded to version 2.0!"

Just as Ye When Xu was indignant, the system sounded a prompt again...


"Damn!" Ye Xu was shocked: "Can my system be upgraded?"

"Version 2.0, then my original system is version 1.0?"

"What are the benefits after the upgrade?" Ye Xu asked in his heart, this is the question he cares about most.

"Reply to the host: After the system upgrade, new functions will be opened. After the upgrade, the host can explore the specific functions by himself, …………..." the system replied.

"Then why didn't you tell me before?" Ye Xu thought secretly.

"Reply to the host: Telling you before is useless. Telling you that you can't upgrade is just a waste of time!"

"So, you are still thinking about me?" Ye Xu was shocked!

"Yes!" The system replied.

"Dog system!"

Ye Xu was speechless...

However, the system can be upgraded, which is an absolute good thing...

After the upgrade, there will be new functions. 1.0 is to smash the golden egg, what is 2.0? Ye Xu is looking forward to it! "Okay, classmates, I have said what I should say.

I hope you will go back and think about it carefully.

The freshman competition is over now!!" "Dismissed!"

With the announcement of this teacher, all the students left the gymnasium...

Ye Xu was also a little impatient to go back.

Next, there are still many things waiting for him to do in his system...

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