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096. Auction!

When Ye Xu and the other seven people hurriedly took a taxi to the [Baoxian Pavilion] auction venue...

The auction had already begun.......

Originally, once the auction started, the venue would be closed and no one could enter...

But, when they learned that Ye Xu and the other seven people were all from Shenlong Academy...

[Baoxian Pavilion] actually gave them privileges and let them in...

This also made them sigh that it felt great to have a backer!

With Shenlong Academy behind them, who wouldn't give them some face outside...

After entering the venue, the seven of them found a seat in the back row of the auction venue!

At this moment, a very rare ancient calligraphy and painting was being auctioned, which seemed to be from the hands of a famous artist...

At this time, the bid had reached 20 million dragon coins!

Ye Xu and the others were obviously not interested in the items, and were whispering about something in the back row........

"067" Next, after the auction of several antiques and paintings was over, it was finally the turn of the professional equipment............

On the auction table, a woman came out with a plate, on which was a pair of shiny black shoes............

"Dear guests who have awakened combat professionals, I think you will definitely be interested in the next item!"

"A silver item!!!"


"Finally I've waited for it!"

"Stop talking nonsense and show the attributes!"

As the auctioneer finished speaking, the crowd in the audience began to get agitated.

"Okay, since everyone is paying attention to this item, I won't keep you in suspense!"

"Enough of words, please look at the big screen!"

The handsome young auctioneer in a formal suit held the microphone and pointed at the big screen above his head...


In the air in the venue, a huge screen that was ten meters long opened...

The dark big screen flashed with light, and a piece of data appeared:

[Swift Boots (Mid-grade Silver)]

[Strength: +15]

[Agility: +30]

[Spirit: +5]

[Additional: Swiftness: No consumption, after opening, increase movement speed by 10%, lasting for ten minutes, cool down for thirty minutes. 】

【Required profession: Available for all professions】

【Required level: 5】

"Three plus attributes! And it also comes with a skill [Swiftness]. I think the professionals present here know the value of this pair of shoes better than I do.

"This pair of shoes, the starting price is 10 million dragon coins, and each bid must not be less than 500,000!"

"Now, the auction begins!!"

As the auctioneer's voice fell...

"11 million!" Someone immediately bid in the venue.



" 150075!"

"This distinguished guest bid 15 million, is there a higher bid? 15 million for the first time!"

"Humph, such a good pair of shoes, you want to get it for 15 million, I'll bid 1600 square!"

"That's right, such a good pair of shoes, how can it be so cheap, I bid 20 million!" A young man who looked rich said, and directly raised the price to 20 million!

This pair of pretty good silver shoes was soon called up to more than 20 million...

Ye Xu was also shocked to see this, it's just a silver item, but the price has reached this point!

It seems that the equipment is really valuable...

"If I exchange the equipment in the system mall, I will make a fortune!!"

Seeing that the offer is getting higher and higher...

Thinking of the equipment in his own mall, Ye Xu began to have evil ideas in his mind...

Finally, the pair of shoes was bought by a teenager at a high price of 38 million...

"Damn, more than 30 million, damn, it's killing me!" Wu Xuebing beside Ye Xu smacked his lips and said.

During the period, he also made a bid, but was quickly suppressed...

After exceeding 20 million, he did not bid again!

But Gu Xi said "30 million!", which made others look at her with new eyes. This girl seemed to have a very important background...

However, Gu Xi is an assassin!

For an assassin, this pair of shoes is really good!

It adds a full 30 points of agility, which is exactly the attribute that assassins need most...

And there is also a skill that actively increases movement speed...

However, it is a pity that she failed to bid for this pair of shoes...

"Congratulations to this handsome boy for bidding for this pair of shoes!"

Under the envy of everyone, the pair of shoes was wrapped and sent to the boy who bid for this pair of shoes.

He was a tall, thin, and proud boy...

He took the shoes from the auctioneer, paid for them, and put them directly into his personal storage space, then glanced at everyone...

He wanted his tail to rise to the sky...

Soon, another waiter appeared with a plate...

This waiter walked onto the stage with a plate and lifted the red cloth covering the plate...

Inside was a folded piece of clothing, a blue piece of clothing...

The auctioneer waved his hand and continued:

"Don't be discouraged, professionals. We [Baoxian Pavilion] have prepared more than one piece of excellent equipment for you this time!"

"The next one is a rare fine product with absolutely powerful properties. Please take a look at it, professionals. "Look up!"

The auctioneer waved his hand: "Everyone, please look at the big screen!"


On the big screen, a flash of light appeared, and the attributes of this dress appeared:

[Dark Blue Top (Top Silver)]

[Strength: +20]

[Agility: +20]

[Spirit: +10]

[Required Level: 5]

[Additional: Body Protection: No consumption, after opening, reduce 10% of the damage taken, lasts for ten minutes and cools down for ten minutes...]

[Required Occupation: Available for all occupations]

[Required Level: 5]

"It's actually a top silver!"

"This is rare..."

"The attributes are quite good!"

"I can't wait, make an offer quickly!"

When everyone saw the attributes of this dress clearly, they couldn't sit still!

Looking at the 3.3 attributes of this dress, Ye Xu smacked his lips and said, "Oh my god, this, isn't this the same equipment as my pants? The Blue Series?"

While Ye Xu was stunned, the auctioneer had already made an offer...

"Starting price, 20 million! Each bid must not be less than 2 million! Bidding, start!!!"

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking...

"I'll bid 25 million!"

"I'll bid 27 million!"

"30 million!"

Everyone went crazy again...

"Tsk tsk, it seems that there are still many rich people!" Listening to the bidding sounds one after another, Ye Xu couldn't help but think in his heart...

Although this equipment is from the same series as his pants, Ye Xu is not interested at all...

His clothing equipment [Ultra-dark vestments] is a gold item, much stronger than this clothing...

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